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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. Awesome idea the split screen totally forgot about that feature. Googled how to get split screen working.
  2. At 70 and 370 I got a serving cell of 62 until the signal hit -96 (up from -110) then it disappeared I drove the full length of 370 and only got LTE to maybe a mile from 70, nothing the rest of the way. I thought I got a screenshot but I didn't save it, I used the Spen to do it and forgot to hit the save. If it would help any I can go back there and get the snap shot, its only about a mile from here. I can't find 62 on the spreadsheet but lately I been missing stuff right in front of me... How that semi get there...
  3. I didn't mean all the time just a snap shot of the current data with time and gps location. When you push the button it saves one data set, but the more I think about it nevermind.
  4. Kinda near N St chuck what do you need. 70/Truman Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  5. A site you can't connect to if you're near it. We think that it's being tested and won't allow new connections but it you hand off from a live lte connection from another site. On Sensory there often is hole in coverage right at the site. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  6. Sorry for a cross post from the Missouri thread but I think I will have more luck finding a signal check pro user here near a "donut" site. That's one that you can't connect to unless you hand off firm a accepted site. ... Can anyone verify on one of those donut hole sites that signal check pro will show lte strength while the site is not accepting connections if you turn the show hidden signals option on? Does it show in the menu bar or just when you pull up the screen with the 4 signal strength bar graphs?
  7. Can anyone verify on one of those donut hole sites that signal check pro will show lte strength while the site is not accepting connections if you turn the show hidden signals option on? Does it show in the menu bar or just when you pull up the screen with the 4 signal strength bar graphs? Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  8. Nothing "Softbank's 21.6 billion dollar takeover of Sprint includes $5 billion of capital to bolster the U.S. firm's balance sheet. Sprint is supposed to pay for network investments out of its own earnings, requiring no additional funding from Softbank. Read more: http://www.nasdaq.com/article/softbank-set-to-invest-16-billion-at-sprint-20130707-00017
  9. I saw an article on fierce wireless that made me rethink how well Sprint will compete. The article appeared to show Verizon and AT&T will each be spending more than twice as much as Sprint for the next few years. $20 billion level numbers were talked about compared to 8 for Sprint. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  10. Samsung markets can have 1 per panel. Anyway it's no biggie. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  11. Hmmm.... The how to spot Sprint sites Ericsson definitely says 3 or 4 and single RRUs are AT&T.
  12. I stand corrected. All I have seen have 3. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  13. A zoomed in picture would help. What I can see looks like panels with one RRU each which isn't normal for Sprint in the Missouri market. There is usually 3 or 4 if its a high capacity site.
  14. Robert spoke a bit on that a while back here http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4083-sprint-td-lte-25002600mhz-discussion/page-10&do=findComment&comment=172369 Original only the Clearwire sites and a some heavy use hot spots where going to get TDD-LTE. I think a few thousand if I remember right Clearwire sites are already fitted with TDD-LTE or will be by years end. There has been a lack of any device to use it till the Wifi hotspot routers started shipping a bit ago right before Roberts trip to Colorado. He had TDD-LTE basically everywhere he checked there.
  15. If you can run Senorly from the Play store LTE will show up on their map that helps let everyone know where LTE is live. Also if you can follow the link LilG has in his signature and learn how to get to the LTE engineering screen so you could pass on the sector ID's for any new LTE sites you find live that would be great. I don't know if you've seen it yet or not but Robert posts updates every few days with how many sites Sprint has accepted and for which markets since his last update in a thread here. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3913-network-vision-site-acceptance-report-updates/page-3&do=findComment&comment=190676 Much more detail with maps and such are available if you decided to become a sponsor. There is no real set dollar amount to become a sponsor. If you decide to, I'm NOT pushing you too, the link is near the top right here http://s4gru.com/index.php?/index I'm passing that on mainly because its not on the main page I land on when I come here.
  16. Depends on how you define done. The RRU's are up but Sprint has not accepted it yet and I don't see any signs of LTE from it on sensorly. It could be live for 3G and phone calls. The tower work is done but clearly its not a finished 800/1900/2600 site yet. A site near where I work had the RRUs up 2 months ago and no LTE yet, another site in the metro area only took about a week so its anyones guess when it will be accepted and usable on your daily drive. Lilg beat to it me with a better answer.
  17. It least we will always have US Cellular to fall back on when Sprint is down here in St Louis... No wait... rats...
  18. Hopefully it is down to hook up LTE Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  19. Stuck on roaming at work... (Motherhead) Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  20. Not real creepy unless you yell 'work it baby" or something.
  21. I just wish once you were off contact (eligible for a new phone) your rate would drop like you had BYOD. As it stands now June I will get a new phone because the monthly fee will be the same either way. I know I will have to pay maybe $200-300 out of pocket for a Note 3 or something. If my bill was say $20 a month cheaper I would wait a few months for something better to show up in September 2014. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  22. Everytime I see True North at the Motherhead site I think today's the day LTE will go live. The were there again on the way home, got there sometime after lunch. Its never going live. I think they got Larry Darryl and his other brother Darryl working on it.
  23. It was really booming in at Beckman /94. Thanks can't really look them up at work. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
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