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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. IMHO Most of the battery issues I have are app related. I could get a full day but the apps I run don't do a acceptable job managing battery drain. I just spent about $30 on ebay for a spare battery and 2 docks that can charge the phone and a 2nd battery in the back. I think I may get a 2nd spare battery too. One dock and battery at home and the another set at work. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  2. Rolling out 800 CDMA is part of NV 1.0, 2500 wasn't I think. That still has a long way to go but just adding 800 LTE to a CDMA 800 site should be pretty easy I think. I also thought after getting the RRUs up near work that LTE or 3G would be running on the new gear a month later. That didn't happen.
  3. Thanks maybe the one near where I work will fire up in a month or so then.
  4. Wow! I knew they were talking about 600Mhz someday but 25 AWESOME... <please forgive my childish attempt at humor>
  5. Time for the off topic stormtroopers to restore order. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  6. LTE takes a bit stronger signal than 1x and EVDO to be useable but the signal levels should be close to each other. A fringe signal may still be useable for 1x and EVDO and not quite make it for LTE. That being said more common right now is not all sites are done and its very likely you could be connecting to LTE from a site further away than a tower that doesn't have it yet. I use https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blueline.signalchecklite it puts a real decimal read out on the menu bar and can show both the LTE and CDMA signal levels if you set it up. (actually I use the pro version has a couple more features) Sensorly https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sensorly.viewer is handy to have on your phone too. Its crowd sourced maps app that shows coverage for various carriers including Sprint. You can see where its reasonable to expect coverage. Not everywhere that has LTE has been mapped yet but it fills in pretty quick and I find it fun to run the app and let it help fill in Sprint data.
  7. I would go somewhere that gets dark purple on Sensorly and check it out. Earth City may be good or closer to the north side of Cottleville. MidRivers is long haul from the cell in Cottleville. If you still don't get it take back again. I have a Note2 and MidRivers is iffy getting LTE there. Some days its ok but never very consistent.
  8. -100 to -108 most of the time. I work in a RF shielded room fixing pagers, when I have to close the door nothing gets in or out. I just bought a 2nd battery on ebay for $10. I playback Coast Coast AM for 4 hours in the morning. I use TuneIn Radio Pro to record it while on my home WiFi.
  9. Hmmm "bought an additional 0.73 percent of Sprint Corp's common stock" Yup looks like they are going all in S L O W L Y.
  10. Well ok. I thought I read somewhere that just getting a 4 band LTE was a first not long ago. I guess I was wrong.
  11. as Robert said " approximately 5,500 Clearwire sites colocated with Sprint. Or, 40% OF 14,000." so about 8,500 are not colocated. The numbers still seem a bit odd.To get to 50,000 if we have 38,000 now you would have to add all 8,500 non colocated sites and 3,500 more.
  12. I found this interesting http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/analyst-sprints-nationwide-25-ghz-lte-network-could-be-boon-tower-companies/2013-08-01 This part in particular: " New Street Research analyst Jonathan Chaplin wrote in a research note that he expects Sprint's total cell site count to increase to somewhere between 50,000 and 60,000 sites" Robert will never get caught up on sleep from all those long rollout update all nighters. If this is not the right thread for this feel free to move it just PM me where it went.
  13. I don't expect Sprint to do much with 600 Mhz. Triband service is tough enough to work out.
  14. My Note 2 is dead about the time I get back to work from lunch.
  15. I just hope that it is still removable. The battery I mean. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  16. Note 2 and GS4 thst much better receiving LTE? Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  17. 94 motherhead/wolfrum same site Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  18. Hopes to be crushed again. True North back at Wolfrum/94. I think he just hangs around until he sees me go back to work from lunch, laughs maniacally and drives off chuckling to himself. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  19. Makes you wish you had bolt cutters and a trailer hitch doesn't it.
  20. The tech guy on KTRS AM said Samsung announced the Note 3 today. Looking for info. Bahh he had details etc but I don't they he got it all right. From http://www.ubergizmo.com : Earlier today when we reported that Samsung had officially announced that it will be conducting a press event on September 4th in Berlin, where it is likely to launch Galaxy Note 3
  21. I didn't check the id but I got LTEfor a bit at 70/94. Earth City I am sure.
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