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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. That's the biggest change part to me. I never would have expected them to do LTE over voice.
  2. Is it possible when they activate a G2 the active bands may change as part of that process? < nothing to see here, move along > :-P
  3. I've been spoiled by the LTE progress the last few weeks. Seems so quite now.
  4. Thanks. I asked what LG usually shows for the site IDs I figured it wouldn't change. Sorry about asking the same thing again.
  5. 2 questions do LG phones report 3 digit style site id's or HEX global id's? 2nd question so as long as the government is shut down there is no chance of it the G2 showing up on Sprint? I have just seen a ton of comercials during the Cards gave for it on Verizon. :-P
  6. This channel shift confuses me. I though they only had enough spectrum for 1 voice and 1 lte carrier that wouldn't leave anywhere to move to. Forced to pay $2.99 for Tapatalk :'(
  7. Most phones show the 1x signal strength not the LTE strength. Its common right now to connect to one for EVDO and 1x on one tower and LTE from another.
  8. What worries me is how many times I hear Sprint sucks. I hear it on the broadcast radio in off hand comments on the talk radio station I listen too. I hear it from other people when if I bring up Sprint for any reason. I even over hear other peoples conversations out and about and they say it. They have a lot of bad feelings to reverse.
  9. Wouldn't let me load anything anymore, just annoyed me a few few days the would only take me to play store. Forced to pay $2.99 for Tapatalk :'(
  10. Yup it is. Got a screenshot with map /3 digit cell id Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  11. Pretty sure he is on vacation and unable to do anything for the next week or so. There is a post back a few where he gave a heads up. Found it http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3060-signalcheck-android-app-to-monitor-your-2g3g4g-lte-signal-strengths/page-48&do=findComment&comment=210512 "... on vacation and without Internet access from Saturday 9/27 until Tuesday 10/8..."
  12. Good info. Like I said I really don't follow this much anymore as the 3 is off my wishlist because of the lack of 800 and 2600 LTE.
  13. They need one of those in building setups but I think someone said Verizon or AT&T had that blocked. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  14. After I found out its not tridand I stopped following this so forgive me if its been covered. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Problems: European And American Models Are Region Locked http://www.ibtimes.com/samsung-galaxy-note-3-problems-european-american-models-are-region-locked-1411342
  15. The ones left in St Chuck are were I hang out... (sigh) Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  16. Its the new fuzzy math they teach in school now. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Can you imagine keeping track of every site, moving, and starting a new job? Mind numbing.
  17. I think I read somewhere at one time the offset helped 911 dispatcher as it was closer to the center of the coverage area of the cell/sector and was where the would send people to to start looking for the caller if the didn't have a gps location. Obsolete now I think. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  18. Maybe but he put up another after that 11/9 one too.! Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  19. More acceptance update crack... 13/9 if I remember right! Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  20. I think that was from down in Chesterfield near Olive and Ladue, that sound possible?
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