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Everything posted by Oedipus

  1. I'm not going to point out tower locations outside of the sponsor forums. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4024-lower-central-valley-network-vision-permit-map/page-3 Considering that 1.) I was point blank on these two upgraded towers and had no LTE, and 2.) there's multiple towers between the two in question and the areas you said you had LTE and especially so at Shaw and Villa, where there's a non-NV tower within sight of that intersection, yeah, I think it does.
  2. Not strange. Sprint appears to favor outlying areas first, regardless of market.
  3. Found two NV-upgraded sites in Clovis today. They're not in the city, but they do have Clovis addresses.
  4. I went by the tower that serves the Shaw/Villa area tonight just for kicks, and it has not been updated. If there's any where else you see it, run a speed test to verify and definitely let us know where you're seeing it.
  5. The tower that serves that area has not been issued the required permit(s) yet, so you are probably mistaken.
  6. Solid work. I tested several of those against known Sprint locations, and they check out with the exception of #15. There's one on a nearby cross street, but it's not on Peach. Do you have a description of the work to be done or status for the permits (applied for, issued, etc.)? Here's what a description of work looks like for a Sprint site in Clovis:
  7. I drove by a Fresno water tower site today that was being worked on by two lift trucks. Once I got closer to it, camera in hand, I saw that they were painting the tower. Oh the swearing.
  8. I've been out that way once, but I don't plan on doing that trip ever again. I don't like the complete dearth of yellow, purple, and green markers in the LCV.
  9. It looks like the panels on the site that I'm thinking of in Fresno were just installed, so they don't appear to be active. Not sure how you think DP is "further along" than Fresno is, considering both have one site confirmed in progress. Edit - Actually, Thomas, were you able to confirm that the work you posted pics of is NV activity?
  10. Well... 1. Fresno does have Wimax, it's just that it's a protection site and it's in the ghetto. 2. There is at least one site in Fresno that has new NV panels installed, so by that metric Dos Palos is no further along than we are.
  11. The second pic looks like one of the in-progress sites I reported; high capacity. It would be nice to have a closer look, of course.
  12. For the sites that have 800 RRUs, they will (once turned on) broadcast 1x RTT and later on will broadcast LTE on the 800mhz frequency. I'm not sure what type of modifications need to be made to the site config in order for 800 LTE to be enabled, but it's kind of a moot point right now because of the lack of devices supporting 800 LTE. As for the 2.5ghz portion, that will not be covered in the current NV deployment. The whole Clearwire/Sprint relationship is a bit of a mystery to me, but I know that existing NV and Clearwire hardware (outside of testing, anyway) is not set up for 2.5 LTE.
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