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Everything posted by keelerman8042

  1. darn..maybe if some of the detroit people start moving south we would be closer to that 50, thanks tho
  2. Rickie, jw if you had anything about Toledo my guess itd be verizon or at&t kinda interested scince i seen this post lol thanks
  3. im going to say thats bull and that link goes to the recent work in progress in the coming months and the only sprint employee that has said anything closely accurate was the guys down in toledo they actually said itd be 6 months to a year before we got lte, idk unless rob has some info im going to say thats not accurate has its been stated that they are about 3 months behind anyway
  4. I wish the same but in eastern michigain or maybe even magically have a site atleast pop up as in progress in northwest Ohio
  5. Hmmm

    1. derce927


      instead of discussing or replying back you remove my comment and picture screenshot i uploaded? really wow.


  6. Well I'll take my comment back lol but you can view Toledo online I haven't tried anywhere else tho probably get a big "no results found"
  7. Of all city's Sylvania would be the last city to let people see crap so that's a big surprise
  8. one of our members had seen a tower with network visions upgrades to it possibly and took a picture as well between port Huron and detroit on 94 I believe, so I would assume that they are working now but maybe there's an equipment shortage, maybe a lack of inspections it could be many reason, but my opinion is that they will come in clusters the whole state of michgain is pretty large so we really don't know what towers or city's that they are starting In just keep hoping it'll be soon
  9. I agree with that i honestly think that there's work being done, or maybe like you said they have sites completed but maybe they haven't had inspectors check anything out yet, then again it could be a shortage 2 idk if that's true but it's an idea. Michgain is going to be to closest thing to me getting lte til they hit Toledo so anything accepted will be awesome!
  10. Sad panda no accepted sites in eastern or western michgain...I have a feeling it won't be til next year till sites show up
  11. That is true sorry guess I may have gotten a little to excited and just realized you had a pic of one up and it wasn't the one zboston put up... Long day
  12. I just checked the maps Ryan it is a sprint tower.. Glad to hear that they are finally starting work up there good catch
  13. so what your saying is that is the 4g core is in Lansing? Sorry just trying to understand, If so then that makes perfect sence then why we see eHRPD in Toledo scince they are starting in michgain I know that doesnt mean that we will see lte anytime soon as we will be one of the last markets to start as I see it, but I could be wrong
  14. lol i think every where pretty much has ehrpds now, but your right its not a sign that lte will start, but cedar point is in the Cleveland market and there's a tower right on the island.... Guess ill be going there alot this summer that'll put sprints lte and backhual to work hopefull I can brag to my Verizon buddies ha
  15. Theres one by the michgain/ohio border that i always go by when going and leaving work that I try to look at, but its hard to get close because its in the middle of a farm on someones property....ill have to take a trip up 23 and see if anything is up that way this weekend then
  16. Rants will not be accepted here, nor telling other members that they are trolls sprint.com is the best way to go if you must express the way you feel about sprint as this is not sprint and will not get you no where.
  17. It does in a way, but theres markets that have not started yet as far as we know and some have been delayed like the michagain market,Minnesota thats now having sites accepted, some seconed round markets havent even started yet or alteast haven't had sites accepted from sprint. I think that sprint had that number a little high, but if all the markets would have started on time i could see it being around that number
  18. its not going to happen and that is why as said in this thread that they are a quarter behind which is about 3 months I bealve
  19. work should have started by now, no one has reported anything going on, but it shouldn't be long before you start seeing LTE signals maybe in the next 30-60 days, also you guys have protection sites like we do in toledo( tho we only have one) that is based off clearwires WiMAX 4g and yes you will get LTE as they are deploying every single tower with it from ground up should see better 3g speeds as well... And welcome to S4GRU
  20. I think its time to read the rulez..... http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1197-s4gru-posting-guidelines-aka-the-rulez/.... Like Scott said if you can offload to WiFi I want to keep my unlimted plan as many others do 2
  21. The 4g core is where all the data is sent if that's not up then there's no point in turning on any of the towers or testing til it's up , that's could be the reason as rob said that there's no signals but work is still being done my guess is they will come on in a big group to meet that December time frame
  22. that sucks that's why I was wondering if maybe it was coming from a site down there in south bend somewere, but maybe well see somthing in this week's update hopefully
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