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Everything posted by keelerman8042

  1. I'm going to say it depends on if backhaul is in place and if there isnt anything else they need to do. If everything complete then it should be inspected soon and accepted if everything is good to Samsung and Ericsson then it should be live give it a week or so I'd say. we know work is going on, but they may wait til more towers are completed. if anyone else can chime in please do.
  2. about time those slackers got back to work lol....you thinking that more sites will be starting then, seems like this is good news for us Also went by the water tower just a few mins ago..nothing new I can see yet
  3. Yes it was the tower on opportunity drive that ryan had found the electrical or wire boxes that go to the base cabinets I sent the pic to the in progress thread and Rickie marked it. You have to zoom in order to see it
  4. Yeah the Evo sucks at picking up the signal. Idk where in Toledo you live but Ryan found some work going on around opportunity drive tower. we also found some more towers in Michigan with the panels and rrus over the border on us 23 prob not in your area but it's close enough to atleast test it out.
  5. Good find Ryan I went up there took some pics, not the best but that is a sprint only site. I also checked the one on whiteford center road looks like there are panels up there to. I could get a pic of it cus there was an old man in is front yard and it's right behind there. https://www.dropbox.com/sc/egtxn38wjnpdnvi/9f-F10npP5 https://www.dropbox.com/sc/79y5n1c2ksrkpq8/CnlHyn2rXS
  6. you won't be able to get an LTE signal unless its on CDMA/LTE mode, you will only get 3G. For being live they will send a message when they are about to launch a market but will not inform you of when every tower is accepted and complete.The best place to look is the NV completed list here.. s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/517-nv-sites-complete/
  7. well guess its back to waiting game again...or sit off the road on telegraph and enjoy it in my car til the cops come
  8. Has anyone seen any work being done at all trucks cranes anything at all?? That one ryan found has not been touched for two weeks now cabnets are in but other then that nothing....kinda of tease if you ask me, but hopefully somthing starts poping again in the next month or two...or sooner
  9. Yeah i try to go by there as well as much as i can. I have a feeling that your right i think they may out toward the west or even maybe south of here like BG or somthing. I Wish i could see that tower that i thought was maybe the one in Metamora where i used to live but its in the junk jard next to some ones house. I know my Friends aunt lives there but idk how close they are or what the case may be. I May have to ask him tonight or when i see him this weekend about it.
  10. Thanks, yeah its deff that site that i said before. Have you been by the Sylvania ave site at all latley?
  11. That tower up between dixie highway and telegraph just up past Sterns road in Michigain was active a few days ago so that is most likley is coming from that and another one just north of that on Ottercreek road is also active. I went up ther a few days ago and mapped on it on sensolry but idk if its up yet. Our time will come very soon, if i were to guess on it id say end of May early june we will see accpeted sites coming along.
  12. ahhhh yeah there's a tower there to than Ya that's prob the one. Well find out soon it's do dang close to us. I'm just glad somthing is going on in the area. Went by the site that Ryan found today they look like they were installing equitment into the cabnets had a big u hual truck there. Just wish we knew where the other 6 crews are at.
  13. I went up there it looks like it's the site up in Erie Luna Pier area over the line mapped some on sensorly as well
  14. What is this I spy...looks like a tower maybe live in Michigan or Toledo about to go investagate now...likely up north of Toledo
  15. Ill drive by there and take pics later after im out of class tonight unless you are able to. I really hope this is the start!
  16. Thanks for the update, I have made a map of permits that have been pulled for our market. You must be a sponsor tho, but any donation that you make will help support the site. Work should be starting soon tho in our market. I'm currently in class so I don't have time to give you the sponsor info sorry but if you look around should be able to find it. Also welcome to s4gru.
  17. That list is not a complete list of all markets eather as it says in small print above all the markets. Also Sprint will not always state that they are going to start a market. Prime example is Detroit, they are in active deployment, but they have not announced it. It's all just a marketing scheme. If I where you I'd be happy they have started there as some markets have not been heard of at all yet.Patience is virtue.
  18. Because there is not enough coverage to cover the whole city and Sprint has just started work in the market so each week more and more sites will be coming online. If Sprint where to say Pittsburgh had LTE now people would complain that theres not enough coverage, so Sprint, once accepted will leave the site on for people to use it instead of waiting a couple of months to launch the whole market.
  19. There was a map somewhere on one of the topics that had the border zones...if I remember right we are in the zone where we will not get it til they come up with an agreement with Canada...tho maybe western city's may be able to get it..ill let AJ explain more if there's something I missed but that's my understanding
  20. sorry about that I fixed the link in my post should work now
  21. One of our members are tracking permits for the Cleveland market in the sponsor section here's the link to the permit map http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3186-cleveland-permits-for-network-vision. You must be a sponsor in order to view it heres information on becoming a sponsor: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/
  22. Happy birthday Rob! Hope it's a great one and thanks for everything you do for us.
  23. i wouldn't trust those people, tho the summer part sounds about right with at least LTE somewhere in our market, I also have a map of permits in the sponsor section as well of our market.
  24. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3186-cleveland-permits-for-network-vision Heres the link that one of our members are tracking the permits in the Cleveland area. You must be a sponsor in order to view it heres information on becoming a member. http://s4gru.com/ind...come-a-sponsor/
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