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Everything posted by payturr

  1. Is it possible they could be just using this frequency for Richmond county?
  2. Sprint site! I posted a walk through video of my cell site awhile back with 8T8R panels. I'm a block over so my signal is top notch. I'll put the link at the end of this reply. Appears that CA isn't on yet. Speed tests only show 45Mbps top, and I live in the suburbs so no one should be draining it. Will do further tests later. The site:
  3. second carrier is live! Spotted in Staten Island, NY. UARFCN 41276. I posted a screenshot confirming in the carrier logging thread.
  4. Second B41 carrier officially live in NYC. UARFCN 41276 opposed to the original 39991 carrier.
  5. Band 41 and band 25 is both bad in the Flatiron area, band 25 being practically unusable for me, 41 good enough for everything that isn't video. Brooklyn is very good though.
  6. Well, since tonight was wasted by some non profits who thought they were doing the right thing for 300K people out of an entire network of 50M+, it's back to waiting for the long rumored second band 25 carrier. Hopefully they can light that up in 2 weeks here!
  7. Have you used single carrier band 41 in Manhattan? It's not usable AJ, I'm sorry. This shutdown was a huge deal for NYC residents.
  8. I sympathize with pissed off Sprint subs expecting a better network here in NYC, this is bull.
  9. The question is - does Sprint shut down the network everywhere else except areas affected by the injunction, or does the whole network continue to stand? Regardless, this sucks, it's aggravating, and I wanna know what the nature of NYC's second carrier is. B41 is way overcap and it's making me sad.
  10. Tonight's the night it finally happens. Wish I bought a WiMAX device so I can sit out at a site and watch the whole thing happen!
  11. Despite the fact I'm way younger than you AJ, I personally love phone calls with my girlfriend and friends. Way more intimate, faster, clearer... Plus I get to save battery! It's a jackpot for me.
  12. Yeah cause realistically by 2021, with data consumption how it is, all carriers are gonna have to boast heavy duty LTE networks. Look at AT&T w/ 40MHz live in NYC - totally collapsed. VZW has 80MHz live and is in a much better shape. With increasing amount of content creation (YouTube, Twitch), cable cutting & viewing on the go (Netflix), and newer ways of sharing (Periscope, Facebook), video is just more and more relevant to everyone and that is ultimately gonna require more spectrum. CDMA can't help in the way UMTS can, so VZW and Sprint needs to drop it ASAP to make the best of what they own.
  13. 10x10 nationwide would require shutting down a large chunk of the CDMA network, which Sprint isn't ready to do. Sprint currently cannot do CA with B25+B26 because that CA must be officially certified first.
  14. Pretty sure my LTE experience following this new bundle took a dive. Dropped a lot of LTE today compared to yesterday. Not happy about it at all.
  15. Lack of SVD. I love the voice quality but damn it I would love to be able to answer a regular iMessage as an iMessage.
  16. They already started refarming in many markets, most notably recently including San Diego. With densification to be mostly complete in 2 years (given no problems with equipment), mass refarming can kick off in 2 years. Rumor has it NYC is about to see a 2nd B25 carrier. 600MHz comes with added costs of new hardware and installation, and means some towers get it some don't. Second carriers, on the other hand, are a remote software switch.
  17. I mean Sprint built their nationwide network on PCS. Most markets they should have at least 20MHz which means a second carrier once they densify in that given area to justify cutting chunks out of CDMA.
  18. We have PCS to refarm - if Sprint can densify enough they can justify a 10x10 second B25 carrier in markets like NYC and flip VoLTE with that
  19. They can densify and two and flip the switch on VoLTE. Let's not forget NGN is a thing.
  20. Update at Baruch College: B41 is officially congested. Still better than B2 on AT&T, which is currently trapped at 2Mbps tops, but slower than T-Mobile. The site is Sprint but Clear was formerly on the same roof, not sure if 8T8R or if they upgraded the backhaul. Hoping November will whip this site back into shape. Still very usable though!
  21. Let Denver be a note to everyone: this isn't even their strongest market. Wait for Chicago, Indianapolis.. Sprint is coming. THEY'RE SPRINTING.
  22. That's because they're aggregating B2, 4, 5, 13 all together and possibly with AWS 3 holdings. Sprint was able to hit the same note with all their B41 holdings, I'm not shocked.
  23. Verizon has much better capacity; 20x20 B4 + 10x10 B13, while AT&T is 10x10 B2, 10x10 B17. Also, VZW has 10x10 B2 incoming soooo... I don't like going with Verizon because they're evil, but if I had to pick between the two always Verizon. AT&T's spectrum holdings are all over the place, and deployment is sloppy. They're kinda disgraceful despite where they stand.
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