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Posts posted by RedSpark

  1. If you were ever curious about how many Sprint shares John Saw owned: https://rocklandregister.com/2019/05/30/john-saw-sells-22866-shares-of-sprint-corp-s-stock.html

    It may be restating the obvious, but there’s a strong financial incentive for this merger to go through for a number of folks.

    Aside from being against the merger because it will permanently reduce competition in the market, part of me wants the merger to fail and Masa to be stuck holding the bag on Sprint, not just out of spite, but because I don’t want him to have an easy exit due to his mismanagement of Sprint.

  2. 16 hours ago, belusnecropolis said:

    I took 3 months but I was able to get my free year line cancelled. Unfortunately I still have the magic box. The chat agent said keep it a couple months ago, but that is how mystery collections letters show up. I will just harvest it for parts and return it, but who do I get in touch with to complete the return process? I have no label or shipping box. 




    How do I return my Magic Box?

    To return your Magic Box, please call Sprint Customer Care at 1-844-463-3194 to get a pre-paid Return Kit sent from Sprint free of charge. There is no cost to the customer for return shipping.



    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Tengen31 said:

    No clue. It did pop up one time on my phone n lasting like 2 mins then never again. I'm not buying a new phone just to get it either. I know I have the unlocked model but that shouldn't matter. Sprint models don't have it either


    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk




    I’ve gotten so used to VoLTE on my iPhone XS that I can’t imagine not having it.

    I’m just stunned at the delays.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Tengen31 said:

    Still no VOLTE on the S9 or note 9

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

    That’s crazy it’s taking so long for VoLTE to launch on the S9/Note 9.

    So if the S9 was the Test device (and I think it had to be based on the test cycle) it was running on CDMA for voice.

  5. 25 minutes ago, grapkoski said:

    Ditto, but there was a period where VoLTE kept having issues in the DC area. Missed calls, etc. I wonder if they happened to be testing during that period.

    True. I’m curious what Test devices were used.

    Does the S9 support VoLTE at this point? (I know the S8 and S10 do.)

    If an S9 was used, it speaks to the state of Sprint’s CDMA Network during testing.

    Otherwise if an S10 (or iPhone XS/Max) was used with VoLTE enabled, you’re spot on about VoLTE being launched. Otherwise, it was pulling the same CDMA.

  6. On 5/19/2019 at 10:39 PM, dkyeager said:

    My prediction has been that rootmetrics will adjust the upload/download ration used for the ranks to the typical user needs (like PCmag.com)  once 5G becomes more available with other carriers.

    Is Sprint planning to use 5G for both download and upload?

    I seem to recall reading somewhere that Verizon is using 5G for download but LTE for upload.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Tengen31 said:

    They did do that however they have said both parties will likely approve or disapprove still the first week of June

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

    If the merger isn’t consummated by the 7/29/2019 deadline, would T-Mobile be on the hook for the $600 Million Breakup Fee?: https://www.axios.com/t-mobile-could-owe-sprint-600-million-if-it-walks-away-647826e9-afc9-41e4-86bb-7d8dd8fafb5f.html

  8. 6 hours ago, Paynefanbro said:

    I honestly have no idea. It's not the norm in my experience. Has the drop in call performance been noticeable for you or do you think it was a fluke?

    I’m on VoLTE and it’s been fine overall. A couple of call drops and one failed call which said “Call Failure”.

    I think Sprint stayed where it was and the other carriers improved respectively.

  9. 1 hour ago, Paynefanbro said:

    It's not the lowband, it's their upload speeds that will always kill them in independent testing like this. The exception is PCMag who weighs upload speeds way less than download speeds.

    Ok. That’s true.

    But what explains the substantial drop off in Call Performance?

  10. 21 hours ago, Brad The Beast said:

    Yeah. 5x5 band 26 isn't enough. It's like the dumpster fire that is T-Mobile band 12 most places. It's also 5x5.

    I’m really curious what the voice performance drop off was from, because that’s ridiculous. What test device did they use? Was VoLTE enabled on it?

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