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Posts posted by RedSpark

  1. Just now, newyork4me said:

    Oh, boy.  Sprint has almost $10 billion liquid right now.  And, most of the time, debt is not retired.  It's reissued. 

    Look at Page 20 of the Investor Update which shows its liquidity vs current maturities: https://s21.q4cdn.com/487940486/files/doc_financials/quarterly/2018/Q4/Fiscal-4Q18-Sprint-Quarterly-Investor-Update-FINAL.pdf

    Then take a look at its debt schedule here: https://investors.sprint.com/financials/default.aspx

    Does that change your opinion?

  2. 11 hours ago, Brad The Beast said:

    I might be confused. Sprint received 2 billion or had to pay 2 billion? 

    The Transcript isn’t live yet on Sprint’s Investor’s Page... but Seeking Alpha has it:

    Sprint Corporation (S) CEO Michel Combes on Q4 2018 Results - Earnings Call Transcript $S

    “For the fourth quarter, operating loss of $1.9 billion included several non-recurring items, with the most material item being the preliminary $2 billion non-cash impairment charge that I’ve just mentioned, as well as $304 million related to a loss on asset dispositions and $130 million related to merger costs.”

    “Regarding the impairment, it was part of our annual evaluation of long-lived and indefinite-lived assets under U.S. GAAP. While we delivered solid financials again in fiscal 2018, our hurdle rate has increased as the book value of our equity has grown by about $9 billion in the last six quarters, due primarily to non-cash items, including tax reform and the adoption of the new revenue standard. This non-cash accounting charge is not expected to impact liquidity, cash flows compliant to the debt covenants or any future operations.”

    Something clearly lost its value... Any ideas what it is?

  3. 8 hours ago, lilotimz said:

    As I've stated elsewhere, Sprint as an independent entity has no real way foward.


    Sprint will be relegated to the history books but it's network may survive to tell the tale depending on who purchases it be it T-mobile ripping it out root and stem or a cable carrier wanting to vertically integrate and get off Verizon's MVNO deal.


    Softbank will not just let Sprint flounder and die. They will sell one way or another.


    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk





    Besides the merger, is there anything that SoftBank can do at this point to right the ship?

    I agree that they won’t let Sprint die, but they do seem to be letting it flounder.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Brad The Beast said:

    I might be confused. Sprint received 2 billion or had to pay 2 billion? 

    Sprint had to take a noncash goodwill impairment charge (against itself) in the amount of $2 billion.


    Now that I think about it, I might have an idea what this is... Could it be the “free lines” that were potentially misrepresented as additions?



  5. Just now, NYC126 said:

    The Nextel merger killed this company. The net result was a 5x5 slice of 800mhz LTE and several years headaches, and billions of dollars net losses.

    Even with that catastrophic merger, Sprint still had a fighting chance.

    I believe Sprint’s non-participation in the 600 MHz Auction and the failure of its monopole build plan to come to fruition was either on par or greater in terms of being a strategic blunder. This decision was ultimately Masa’s I’m thinking.

    Sprint had a second bite at the apple for low band and it decided to risk everything on the monopole build plan instead. This is after going through all the motions and advocacy steps to ensure a spectrum reserve (asked for 40 MHz and it wound up being 30 MHz). Instead, T-Mobile got a huge chunk of it... and Sprint is where it is now, with none of it.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, derrph said:

    They’re painting a honest picture now to get that merger approved.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I think the reason for the shareholder lawsuits is that these reports weren’t completely honest.... and because its FCC Filings painted an honest assessment of Sprint’s situation.

    These investor reports do not contain the apocalyptic data/language that Sprint used in its FCC filings to support its case for a merger.

    2 hours ago, tyroned3222 said:

    Ya, at this point there’s absolutely no justification for any further network growth as there is absolutely no return in investment.. if no merger, I think it’s a given sprint lowers capex immediately. Not trying to be super negative, but these numbers with debt that’s coming due. No way sprint as a stand alone keeps up spending on capex

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    See the Sprint’s current liquidity status on page 20: https://investors.sprint.com/files/doc_financials/quarterly/2018/Q4/Fiscal-4Q18-Sprint-Quarterly-Investor-Update-FINAL.pdf

    It seems it’s starting to get thin...

  7. 5 minutes ago, tyroned3222 said:


    Numbers aren’t great .. 169 thousand in gains most of this is coming from prepaid migrations without this they only do 40K +. At a loss of 189K.. tough times at sprint.. and another loss of 539m free cash flow



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Yeah. That’s true.

    They’ve got 2.5 GHz on about 80% of their Macro Sites, 30,000 small cells (including mini macros and strand mounts), and about 1,500 Massive MIMO units.

    This could have been much worse. However, at a certain point, Sprint will run out of road on its cost cutting initiatives.

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  8. 4 hours ago, twospirits said:

    Good question.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

    According to this: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/04/050604.asp



    The timing varies a little. The old standard required companies to file earnings reports no later than 45 days after the end of their first three quarters, and both quarterly and annual reports no more than 90 days after their fiscal year ends.

    In 2002, the SEC decided to make information available to the public in a more timely manner. The new rules tightened these 45- and 90-day requirements to 35 and 60 days, respectively.


    According to the Sprint Investor Relations Page, the Fiscal 4Q2018 ended on 3/31/2019...

  9. 12 minutes ago, Flompholph said:

    M-mimo deployment are skipping sites in places like pittsburgh and columbus. This may cause spotty areas if they turn 5g on.

    Sprint has only announced 5G for nine cities so far, so I imagine Massive MIMO will be coming to additional cities in due time. Perhaps stealth work is already underway in other markets? Isn't Sprint only deploying 5G on split mode Massive MIMO gear making the gear a prerequisite for the deployment?

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