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Everything posted by RedSpark

  1. I’m against the merger because Masa clearly has the resources to revive and sustain Sprint, as he stated in his own words that he could pay off/down Sprint’s debt. https://www.bloombergquint.com/onweb/sprint-can-survive-without-t-mobile-ex-ceo-claure-testifies From that article: ”While T-Mobile and Sprint have cited the debt as a major reason why Sprint can’t survive on its own, the states presented email evidence demonstrating that that Sprint’s controlling owner, SoftBank Group Corp., was prepared to pay off Sprint’s debt if necessary. “If we need to pay back most or all of bonds, I’m willing to pay back all of those,” Masayoshi Son, the Tokyo-based technology conglomerate’s founder and and CEO, said in a Dec. 11, 2017 email to Claure.“ Masa’s inexplicable unwillingness to do so should not be absolved with a Merger that will have an anti-competitive effect on consumers.
  2. Sprint can retrench if it wants to. A merger shouldn’t be granted to keep that from happening, especially given that Masa has always had the means to bail Sprint out on his own. If Masa wants to let Sprint retrench, I’m fine with that. I may have to take my business of 8 lines elsewhere, but so it goes. If Masa had adequately supported Sprint by offsetting or completely negating its debt, it could have without a doubt been competitive with Verizon/AT&T, even with the comparatively low revenue flow it has versus the big two. Look what it’s been able to accomplish on “fuel vapors”.
  3. This strikes me as deliberate FUD by Claure. None of this would be necessary if Masa properly funded and adequately capitalized Sprint from the outset. But even more so, we know now that that this merger is a total farce, and it should fail because it’s clearly not necessary based on the disclosed communications that Masa was willing to pay off its debt. Masa: Time to reach for that checkbook.
  4. It’s defies explanation why Masa let Sprint wither on the vine for so long. Masa effectively devalued his own investment in Sprint to the point where Sprint couldn’t even be the majority partner in the merger he wanted. Finally the truth comes out: He always had the money to do it. For a while, it was claimed that SoftBank's covenants with Japanese banks prevented it from infusing more money into to Sprint: https://www.wsj.com/articles/doubts-grow-about-whether-softbank-can-save-sprint-1439346616 This latest news on Masa’s apparent willingness to pay off Sprint’s debt in whole or in part blows up that narrative completely.
  5. I honestly have no idea. It’s bizarre how he just let Sprint limp along.
  6. https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/judge-asks-legere-why-sprint-can-t-do-a-turnaround-like-t-mobile Great question.
  7. Wow. So now it’s out that Masa is willing to come up with the money. This merger is such a sham.
  8. https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/t-mobile-feeling-very-good-after-first-day-trial Guess T-Mobile feels good about things? I’m glad that the judge is hustling this along.
  9. That explains a lot actually. I’ve wondered why I’d have excellent signal and not reach higher peak speeds. Pings would be ok. No evidence of congestion. It’s the limited backhaul. Of course, there are a number of areas in DC/MD/VA where the network performance reflects severely limited Capex beyond insufficient backhaul.
  10. Is Sprint really teetering that badly that this would happen that quickly?
  11. Then they can sink with the ship as far as I’m concerned. I refuse to have a merger bail them out.
  12. I don’t want to bail out Masa and Marcelo. Sprint’s bankruptcy fears are planted and overstated by PR teams to promote the merger. People have been saying that for years and it hasn’t happened yet. I believe it will take a shareholder uprising to set things back on course.
  13. I agree. Personally, I want this merger to fail because as a Sprint Shareholder I was lied to by Marcelo/Masa for years about Sprint. Aside from the loss of competition that I believe will happen with a Merger, since Marcelo/Masa want the merger, I don’t. I want to see Masa open that checkbook of his and be forced to put some real capex into Sprint. This is SoftBank we’re talking about here and they own nearly 85% of Sprint. That seems easily forgotten when Sprint is referred to as the #4 Carrier.
  14. The spin cycle is warming up. There’s more where that came from. I guarantee it. Put stuff like this in a phone call. Not a text/email.
  15. https://www.seattletimes.com/business/sprint-executive-saw-future-price-hike-from-t-mobile-deal/
  16. https://wmata.com/about/news/Wireless-service-now-available-in-all-Green-line-tunnels.cfm#main-content Progress!
  17. Thanks. Flip of a switch or a software push to increase it? Hopefully new lines don’t have to be run.
  18. That is certainly fast. However, it’s not heavily loaded yet. When Verizon is showing speeds of 1-2 Gbps, and once they place more mmwave sites which they have the money to do, Sprint will have to turn things up speedwise. Backhaul limitations is a reflection of budget limitations. Perhaps Sprint doesn’t want to have really high peak speeds lest it impact the merger?
  19. Backhaul limitations or allocated spectrum limitations?
  20. https://www.fiercewireless.com/operators/sprint-counters-altice-small-cells-long-island-do-improve-speeds Good pushback by Sprint here.
  21. That’s true. Sprint is in a good position with its 2.5 GHz for 5G. I only wish they had some more low band to complement it. It would apply to T-Mobile mmwave though right?
  22. https://bethesdamagazine.com/bethesda-beat/government/revised-5g-antenna-bill-reignites-debate-in-montgomery-county/ About the meeting.
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