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Everything posted by gusherb

  1. My 5X arrived today, much to my surprise because it only shipped last night! Turns out it came from a distribution center in Chicago and FedEx is delivering on Mondays right now. First impressions of this phone are great. I just got it setup and am loving it already. No noticeable lag to speak of yet. I noticed HDR+ photos take awhile to process which I believe was one of the complaints. So far I actually think this phone is flying. Downloading all my apps went pretty quick. And an FYI since this is little documented, advanced calling aka VoLTE comes up when I put a Verizon SIM in, and to my surprise VoLTE is already working on T-Mobile with this phone too (the interwebs said they didn't have it working with T-Mo as of release). No VoLTE from at&t of course. I have my at&t SIM in and it right away connected to band 4 from 3 miles away, switched off to B17 and is now happily parked on -112 dbm band 2 from a tower three miles away where my iPhone 6 would only camp on it when it was sitting down. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  2. I may believe it's possible in already highly populous areas, but in my corner of suburbia the theory of BingeOn bringing the network to its knees (or just slowing it down) is absolute bunk. I took a phone with a T-Mo SIM out with me today and witnessed no less than 20 Mbps and peaked at 81 Mbps, with an average around 30-50 Mbps. Even if "everyone" is suddenly watching crap all the time, the network can handle it here... I'll have to test in the city when I go there next. What ought to be more worrisome is everyone being upgraded to unlimited for three months. Word gets to the masses about that and look out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I've been hearing reports of the 5X having alot of lag sometimes. Have any of you guys had that problem? Starting to wonder if I should hold off on the 5X too...
  4. I hope the performance is great using it on the GSM side too. My N5 was good on Sprint and AWFUL on T-Mo/AT&T.
  5. If BingeOn ends up being a huge mistake you can bet it will quietly vanish or get heavily revised at the next "UnCarrier" I should've taken my iPad with its T-Mo SIM with me when I entered the "war zone" today. Only network I had on me was AT&T and it was holding up just fine against the ravenous network clogging data hungry shoppers, about 15-20 Mbps. I'm sure Sprint wasn't even seeing a dent given their site over in the shopping area has 2xB41 live. The UnCarrier was probably crawling along at only the finest DSL speeds of 2001.
  6. Wow, I thought the last one with sub 1 Mbps down and 20 up was extreme, this one is even more so. Geez.
  7. Roberts misfortune prompted me to check my credit card benefits fine print and I have the 90 day price protection and the product coverage too. I ordered the 5X tonight as well, figured I may as well try it while it's $80 off in case I like it and decide to keep it. Was put off by the 6P given Roberts experience with support, and them seeming to have some QC issues. Plus it wasn't on sale hahaha.
  8. Yes that is true, now it's mostly a perception problem. Now sprint just has to execute better in the marketing department, which from what I can tell should be happening anytime now...
  9. Same here. I specifically wanted postpaid so I could have roaming and VoLTE. With my discount and 20 gig $100 plan from retentions I think it's worth it.
  10. I have honestly been thinking this for awhile now. And thinking that it's the entire reason why Sprint "works so hard but just can't seem to pull anything off right". Perhaps this is just my cynicism, but when you suck for so long, or just fail to execute properly to put it nicely, at some point you gotta start wondering if it's all intentional. Honestly, at this point I think the answer is obvious... In theory Sprint should've taken off as soon as SB got them, kinda like T-Mo did when Legere stepped in. Obviously we know why that wasn't the case. Two wildly opposite approaches both designed to come to the same conclusion in the end.
  11. Yeah I was just gonna say, with full bars he's obviously next to a site and if 18 is all he's getting then that site is pretty well loaded. And peak hours are more like 4-9 PM. T-Mobile is only running 30 MHz on LTE in Chicago, Verizon and AT&T are running 60 MHz worth, and sprint is running anywhere between 70-80 MHz worth. T-Mobile also doesn't have much more spectrum they can refarm. The best they could do is shut down GSM, and refarm one of the DC-HSPA carriers and that would get them another 10x10 on band 2. There is not a doubt in my mind that T-Mobile is the weakest carrier in Chicago.
  12. Hmm. I don't frequent those places so I can't compare. May have been a thing that was going on when you were here, when was that? I'm near the Loop all the time but rarely in it.
  13. Where and when did you have dropped calls? I never experience them, not even 4 years ago. Dropped calls were somewhat common on VoLTE over the summer but since about August it has been very reliable. Roughly the same as UMTS for me.I've experienced more dropped calls from Verizon customers in the area in the last 4 years than I have with Sprint or AT&T.
  14. I've been living under a rock since the Note 5 release. It actually performs well in real life despite the poor RF ratings on paper?
  15. I don't have any trouble with FedEx, USPS, or UPS delivery carriers in my neighborhood, which is a blessing. Ever since the postal service made changes at the beginning of the year, things mailed to me First Class have taken forever to get here going on convoluted routes. Just a few weeks ago I had something shipped to me from Joliet, which is just 40 miles away and should get here next day but instead took a week, sitting in a sorting facility somewhere in the area for days and then got routed through Indianapolis before getting to me. And shortly after, another package did the same, sat around forever, then got tossed around like a hot potato to every neighboring post office until finally reaching mine. Priority Mail hasn't had this issue though. Worst I've had from UPS is 1-2 day delays. FedEx hasn't really been of much trouble at all. All depends on where you are. At my Chicago location, getting packages is always hit or miss. The postal service is horrible there, they just do whatever they please and cram the mail wherever they want. At one point all the mail for the block was getting delivered to us and the carrier after being confronted just said "So deliver it to your neighbors!". That was years ago, now the big problem is the carrier literally jamming packages through the mail slot and so far has torn the slot off twice in doing so. My cousin works for that post office and has given us the low down on why we have so many issues and she said it's because we don't have a regular carrier on our route, just a bunch of temps. I believe she said they won't assign a regular to the route because the old regular carrier is on some kind of disability or something and has been for a long time, leaving the route in some kind of limbo.
  16. I'm not exactly surprised they didn't win, and I'm not saying that in a bad way either. They have stiff competition there. For instance AT&T has always had some of the best coverage and data service I've experienced anywhere in the country in Indy for as long as I can remember (as long as I've had a smartphone).
  17. That's a shame Verizon didn't work out for you. They're running what looks essentially like a contract and device payment buyout right now. http://tinyurl.com/q8zmmm3
  18. I would guess the current antennas are for PoCo communications. Most of the substations around here have some kind of antenna on them.
  19. I agree. Everyone I personally know that was gonna switch to T-Mobile has done it already. The Sprint users I know still with Sprint aren't going anywhere. (I think I only know two or three now). Once upon a time Sprint used to be the second most subscribed to carrier in my market right behind AT&T (from a source that was on here a few years ago) and I wouldn't be surprised if Sprint re-takes that place in a couple of years.
  20. We have 2xB41 and 20-30 MHz worth of band 25 live. I would say that is no longer a valid claim.
  21. We've been down this road before with every excuse in the book. They just haven't done it yet, plain and simple.
  22. I still haven't seen B26 tuned for coverage in my market either. Others have claimed they have in certain suburbs though.
  23. Yep I sure am. You also should know that I live in an area where almost nobody from any tech forums posts from, and hardly anyone frequents here. The only poster on here that has visited here, and mentioned his experiences here was Vince, and his if I recall correctly were good, but he also didn't venture too far into the area and he happened to be in areas that were covered very well. You head out my way a little and things start to show a different story. This is no small area (the county is half a million), it is technically a suburban area of Chicago but Illinoisans as a general rule don't come here unless they're visiting someone (they usually are lost in my subdivision asking for directions), or they're from the south suburbs coming over the border to escape the high taxes of Cook county. The good news is that our image of being "simple folk way out in Indiana" has been changing as more Illinoisians are fleeing the state and coming here for cheaper taxes and less corruption.
  24. 280+ posts and 2 hours of reading later here I am... I completely forgot about this announcement (even though I remembered last night right before going to bed) and am glad I did! I believe this went wrong on many levels. Definitely overhyped, for what it was. My first impression while reading through these 280+ posts is "are you F-ing kidding me! all this hype over something they've had for a year now!!!!". Then I learned that they did change it around a little. I have to say, the promo itself is not bad, it seems decently put together (not as well as It should be IMO, but it's better then the previous version which seemed half baked). Will it get me back? No. I want "best" or "near best" service, and Sprint doesn't provide that to me. I was just testing again, and found my phone dropping off LTE like it always has (at 33rd and Halsted in Chicago, indoors), it's crucial that I have good service in that area, and Sprint still doesn't quite cut the mustard. I also spoke to 3 friends while catching up on this thread, who are quite a bit less techie than me. Mentioned the promo to them, and none were interested because they either thought the network sucked still, or the network actually still sucks where they are. What I don't quite get is how screw ups like this are still happening with a new parent company, and a new CEO whom is supposedly cleaning house. (I'm talking about all the hype they built, albeit not widely publicized, it's still hype). The proper way to have gone about this particular announcement would've been to have just quietly announced it "out of the blue" and then started marketing like crazy after that announcement.
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