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Posts posted by kyle_4thousand

  1. So these pesky legacy sites around here need to go. I've seen ATT and T-Mobile upgrade their equipment that is co-located with a particular Sprint legacy site in the middle of UCF. I can't figure out any rhyme or reason why Sprint hasn't even touched it yet. Same for the sites by Universal. I know Sprint doesn't technically have "priority" sites on their upgrade schedules, but I think they should be greasing some hands to get work started on critical sites like these. Even some COWs would help!


    But in places where sites ARE upgraded, life is good. But most of those areas don't frequent tens of thousands of people day in and day out.

    • Like 1
  2. So I just bought a G2 on amazon, going to see if I like it better than the Nexus 5. I really am looking forward to better battery life, and spark capability... But not too excited about decreased RF performance. Anyone have experience with both phones and have any opinions?

  3. How exciting! I hope there are more acceptances in the NW burbs. We have a small cluster accepted near East Dundee/Algonquin, but aside from that I haven't heard of any more areas in that vicinity being accepted for B26. I hope we get fully deployed by the end of the month, that would be amazing!

  4. Thanks :). I am just happy to have internet working at usable speeds today. Not sure what is in store for later though. That's normally when the ping shoots up and the download bogs down. Maybe they finally fixed my "area" issue that magically appeared after our neighborhood switched to brighthouse (which is ironically being bought by Comcast). LOL



    Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk

    Happy Birthday! 


    And I thought Time Warner was being bought by Comcast. I think Brighthouse just uses Time Warner to negotiate contracts with content providers, but then again I could be wrong. 

    • Like 1
  5. Precisely, and I have been saying without significant number of Sprint users migrating to Tri-Band devices there is no capacity offloading, or demand spread out coming anytime soon.  In one of the premier forums there was a discussion on exactly this, and Robert even guesstimated Tri-Band adoption, "I saw the number of Triband device adoption rate in February was in 3% range. Even adding the number of iPhone 5s/5c's to that, it is likely around 5%.......It will likely not hit 20% until Q1 2015."


    Chicago needs more LTE capacity, and we need it in the form of additional LTE carrier on B25.


    Would totally not be surprised if the second PCS LTE carrier is not planned till "end of Summer" like several other markets who need it today. 


    I really hope Masa knows this. They have the capability to deploy the second carrier and have for a few months now. In my humble opinion this should have priority over B26 & B41 integration due to the vast majority of sprint subscribers with B25 only devices. You can't have sub 1mbps speeds on a "brand new 4G LTE network" in completely built out markets. And even in partially completed markets a second carrier would do wonders to alleviate the uneven load on towers AS WELL AS overall capacity issues across the board. 


    Looking forward to the next few years, mobile data consumption will increase at an exponential rate while adoption of tri-band capable devices will only increase at a slow, steady rate. Unless of course Sprint decides to give everyone free, no strings attached tri-band capable phones which is about as likely as big red and the death star offering unlimited data again.


    Edit: If you ask me, Sprint should just slap on 2 additional B25 carriers where they have the spectrum. In 3 years, two 5x5 carriers will likely be just as constrained as the single carrier is in some markets today.

    • Like 1
  6. Yeah on B25 too, where is our additional LTE carrier from US Cellular?

    Yeah! What is taking them so long? Considering this is probably the best short term fix for Chicago's capacity issues, I would have expected the second LTE carrier for B25 do be deployed market wide by now. Hopefully they are doing it on the same schedule as B26, but you never know...

  7. I get 21 hours with 4.5 hours of screen time, using battery guru and Franco's kernel. Before Franco's kernel I regularly saw 3-3.5 hours of screen time with 14-16 hours(a full days usage). By screen time I mean moderate usage: email, lots of texts, about 35 minutes of 8ball, tapatalk on and off thought the day, facebook, etc.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    How?! I tried using greenify as well but it caused my alarm clock not to go off and I missed class. I was pissed so I deleted it. I honestly don't notice much of a difference with battery guru. And what's Franco's Kernel?

  8. Come to the conclusion that battery life is 'meh' with this phone, even with battery guru. I had it fully charged when I went to bed last night and left it off the charger.. Woke up 7 hours later and it was at 34 percent. And regular usage gives me at most 6 hours. Anyone have similar experiences?


    Also, the 'NEXUS' letters are starting to fall out on the back of my phone. Basically little plastic strips. Kind of annoying because it fills with dirt now.


    Sorry for being a negative Nancy. But basically I love everything else about the phone, don't get me wrong

  9. I'm at Bay Lake Tower hotel at Disney World on the 11th floor pulling a -92 dBm LTE signal. Last time I was here in January this spot was still legacy 3G.

    Before I got fired from Disney back in 2012 I remember 3G not being too bad in the parks. Of course last time I was there visiting about a year ago LTE worked here and there, but I was on their Wifi network most of the time so I didn't really pay attention. From what I've heard Sprint has really improved on WDW property. Just wish I could say the same for Universal.

  10. 'Twas just at the pool enjoying the beautiful weather, and of couldn't send a damn text on iMessage! B26 could not be here any slower. All I wanted to do was browse s4gru while

    at the pool and send a few texts asking what's for dinner! Is that too much to ask lol?


    Also, here is a photo of the beautiful weather in Florida after we've had a "cold front" for a day. Had to share it. Yes, they're no clouds in the sky. Ignore the feetz. attachicon.gifImageUploadedByTapatalk1396482616.282799.jpg



    Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk


    Gahh I wish I wasn't so busy today. I have an exam tomorrow at 9AM and was studying all day until I had to go to work. And of course on days when I have nothing to do, the weather is horrible. 


    At least I get service at my pool, a very weak B41 signal but it still works just as good as a decent B25 connection. 


    I'm beginning to think I won't be experiencing B26 in Orlando, ever. I'll be gradumicating and moving back in with my parents up in Chicagoland beginning of next month. But it ain't all that bad, I'll take Florida weather over the cold & B26 any day. Some things in life need to be enjoyed outside the realm of technology and days like this make me leave my phone in the car and just enjoy the little things in life like this fantastic weather.

    • Like 1
  11. I have been able to access all three bands on the .23 radio but its not to say I haven't ran into any problems. Many times I have to reset my phone because it will park itself in no service after a PRL update or radio setting switch, or signal check will freeze up and I'll have to force quit.

    For me, at least, the spark update should mostly relieve the problems I have been getting without it, and hopefully place me on the best performing frequency on the network given my area. The biggest thing I'm hoping for is a better hand off while in fringe areas, like for example when I'm stuck on a -113 or less B41/ -105 or less B25 connection. I'd rather be on a usable 3G connection, or better yet, B26. 

  12. Good and bad to me.  Good that Sprint actually responds to customers complaint/input and acts, but bad because it implies Sprint needs to the customer to tell them where and when they have service disruptions, outages, or trouble with equipment.  I really figured by now that would be something they would have an expert eye on internally with like a master network operations center that monitors and alerts for these types of things automatically.


    This is all speculation but I'm sure they do have internal tower status statistics including ones that are experiencing problems available to the engineers, but the manpower may be limited to where repairs only get expedited from normal maintenance protocols when there are customer complaints. To say that they have no internal way of isolating issues on towers from an operations perspective would probably be inaccurate but they may have to run diagnostics that aren't automated to find problems. A customer complaint could start that process if they haven't already caught the issue with their internal quality checks or other kind of indication.

  13. Did anyone else have this experience? This morning at 2am, I lost my 4g connection and would only receive 3g. My phone stayed that way while traveling throughout both Orange and Seminole Counties. A 3:30am, I again checked and it still would not go into 4g. During this time I restarted the phone once, but it did not help. Now it is noon, and I see I have working 4g. System test?


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk


    I was on 3G all morning too, but I'm also in an area where coverage is kind of spotty. Didn't think anything of it. But now that you brought it up, maybe they where doing some testing.. Also noticed that my 3G was faster than usual today as well.

    • Like 1
  14. What Sprint and TMUS need are 10x10 chunks of spectrum in the 600, at the least. In 5-10 years when they start deploying the spectrum for LTE, data usage will be exponentially higher than it is today. We're already seeing the 5x5 PCS LTE carrier getting overburdened, and I could see Sprint's 5x5 and 3x3 SMR carriers ending up at capacity in some markets near the end of the decade. Sprint won't be able to solve all it's capacity problems with B41, especially in fringe & rural areas where it isn't economically viable to deploy small cells or DAS. 

    If big red and the death star get their way with this auction I feel like Sprint and TMUS will not be able to catch up when wireless data usage explodes in the next few years. With only 2 strong competitors in the market, it will truly be a duopoly, even worse than it is today. Pricing way above the competitive equilibrium, reduced consumer surplus, higher producer surplus and profits, inefficiency, and a big fat dead weight loss to society. All thanks to inefficient allocation of resources (public good -> spectrum) by the US government.

    • Like 2
  15. Sprint isn't taking over any leases, they just got the spectrum.  They didn't even want the customers, but uscc throw those in



    We haven't had any substantial indications for what Sprint has done with the Spectrum from USCC after the shutdown.


    I know about the spectrum deal, I'm just curious if Sprint may want to utilize some of the sites that USCC had and are now vacant. Reason being is that there's a USCC site near my parents' house I would love to see Sprint put equipment on, being that service is sometimes marginal in that area. Just wishful thinking is all

  16. If you guys are really that hard up for your update why don't you get the msl for your device and enable the bands yourself? Ten people a day complaining about the update is ruining this thread and will not get Google to push this any faster.



    Then I guess you wait.

    Again. Endless nagging and bitching isn't doing anything to help the issue.


    because being vocal about anticipating the spark update is ruining this thread much like those being vocal about anticipating B26 is also ruining half the other threads on this site as well.




    • Like 2
  17. April. It will be our month. And I noticed the other day while at Valencia east that my service inside the building improved dramatically Was at chillies today and noticed I had a very USABLE 3g signal inside of chili's, which I am not used too. Very excited. Hoping some big 3G/4g acceptances show up this month and April proves to show some b26 for us. We really want it lol Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk


    I'm also looking forward to making calls in my room without them dropping. Considering I have 5 towers within 2 miles of me (one of them across the street!), and can't even place a call sitting next to my window. The struggle is real and it's pathetic to say but 800 is the holy grail that will make communication to my family and friends so much easier. 


    here's some perspective on what I put up with on a daily basis in this concrete psuedo dorm/apartment building: 

    1x: -100 dBm

    eHRPD: -108 dBm

    **wait never mind, 1x only -__-


    Edit: this complaint is meant to be constructive in nature as I am full aware of the capabilities that this network can and will do to improve the quality of my service with respect to voice and data 

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  18. Not sure if it is just a placebo effect or what, but LTE along alafaya is starting to get better.  the wal greens by science drive has usable internet now


    I hate that Walgreens, the pharmacist is such a dick


    And yeah, it has improved a lot in the last 6 months or so. But step on UCF campus and it's still horrible unless you can get on B41. Also learned by digging through building permit records that the one and only NV upgraded tower on campus failed inspection back in September, which is why i believe it hasn't been turned on yet. (because no one was there when the inspector showed up)

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  19. I've never had issues staying on LTE on the highway. In fact, its often much better on the highway than anywhere else.


    Another thought is my band priorities. I have B26 as 1, B41 as 2, and B25 as 3. Plus I run PRL updates all the time to kick my phone to B41. But I would be surprised if those settings caused a 3G connection to stick longer than it should with normal re-scans happening in the background. Another theory I was thinking about is the disparity of legacy 3G to NV 3G/4G, since there are a good chunk of sites around here that are still legacy 3G but 4G accepted.


    I just wish the phone was smart enough to realize when a 3G connection sucks and an available LTE connection works better. 

    For example, I was sitting on 3G -93 RSSI with data unusable.. I set it to LTE only and got a -105 dBm RSRP with data working just fine. I've noticed that happening a few times, even when not on the road. It was just worse than usual today since it sat on 3G for a good 40 minutes while i zoomed past towers I knew where 4G accepted. 

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