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Posts posted by Tengen31

  1. North Branch at the intersection of 95 and 61. Not my pic. Got it off of Facebook. It's a Sprint only site. I am no longer with Sprint, had to switch to T-Mobile unfortunately so I can't do any testing.
    B41 upgrade let's hope [emoji4].

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  2. I was under the impression that a UNLOCKED S9 and other newer phones would configure with the Sprint Software when a Sprint SIM was inserted and activated.  Apparently this Carrier Aggregation sure does not????  If I am understating what I just saw in this thread, A Sprint Purchased s9 has much better aggregation capabilities that a UNLOCKED s-9 purchased at Best Buy?  Would there be some secret hidden menu that needs to be accessed to make an UNLOCKED version update properly.
    Good question it does the firmware just fine so not sure what the issue it. Only Sprint has this issue. Other carriers it just connects. Another example of Sprints incompetence

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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  3. It is the Best Buy website that is telling me that my current Sprint plan won't work with the Samsung S10+ 512 GB.

    I am a bit confused, honestly, so most likely I am going to stop by my local store. But I was just wondering if any of you had run into the same experience.

    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

    I would check with Sprint then. You should be able to buy the phone at BB then activate at the Sprint store

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  4. So my current Samsung Note 5 has started randomly rebooting itself in addition to the battery [emoji367] problems and the GPS problems.


    So I have decided to finally take the plunge and get a new phone [emoji336]...


    I want to get the Samsung Galaxy 10 + 512 GB Unlocked wmodel. When I attempt to purchase it on the Best Buy website, I get the message below that my current Sprint account is not compatible with the phone, and I have to make an appointment with a 'mobile specialist'. I did make the appointment for Saturday.


    Personally I don't understand, and I kind of feel like Sprint is trying to push me into getting the 128 GB model only. In fact I wouldn't be surprised at all if, when I meet with the Best Buy employee, that Sprint tells us I will have to purchase the 128 GB model to be compliant with Sprint.


    I know that several of my esteemed colleagues here have successfully purchased a Samsung S10 + 512 GB model thru Best Buy and put it on the Sprint network...


    So my question is what gives?


    I have the Unlimited Freedom Plan, so why would the Samsung S10 + 512 GB model be Incompatible with my current Sprint Unlimited Freedom Plan? 96e74f587583690385ec77a4774625ea.jpg3f54957083b58c0f007bb132e92fa9ee.jpg


    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk



    Is the best buy telling you that or Sprint?


    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk




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  5. My new UNLOCKED Galaxy S9 does not seem to support it.In the ##DATA#  menu and then the LTE CA ENABLED  menu.  I have various band 41 entries showing and then only 25 A-25A.   No band 26 anywhere.  I have had this phone for about 2 weeks and it has updated several times. It has the Feburary update.  Is the UNLOCKED version different?

    I've been wondering that as I also have the Unlocked S9+


    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk




  6. I believe the issue is the signal from the phone reaching the tower.  Towers are obviously more powerful so downlink should not be as much of a problem.  Simply put, b26 travels further.  Yet it also a very precious commodity.  FDD is historically limited by download, since more customers download about ten times more than they upload.  Therefore this allows the B26 upload (which has extra capacity)  to be used to reach the tower, followed by the download being split between B25 and B26.  Thus it offloads  b26 downloads (which is likely congested) by sharing them with B25 where possible.
    The biggest issue is not many phones support B26 + B25 CA, let alone B26 + B25 + B25.
    S9 S10 note 9 LG V40 and G7 support it

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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  7. I just wish Sprints b26 was faster. It's so slow almost no matter what tower. Sprint should be prioritizing b25/b26 CA and b26/41 CA

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

    25+25+26 should be up and running by now. It's needed for when it can connect to B41. Not just 25+26, I mean 25+25+26. In your area I know they only have one carrier 10x10 or 15x15.

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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  8. If Sprint had money they could dominate 5G at least until the duo had significant density.  But they don't. 
    Sprint is still paying catch-up.  Despite the huge number of sites that have been tribanded, it did not show up in the Rootmetrics stats for the last half of 2018.  They other guys were also adding more bands, 4x4 MIMO and 256QAM to all of their sites.   The construction crews still keep telling me that most of the RRUs they have been putting up for the duo are 5G compatible.  Outside of the Massive MIMOs and I have not heard that for Sprint's latest equipment.  Personally laying low until some of dust settles.
    To also be fair TMobile still has Alot of B12 only sites in some areas.

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  9. If Sprint had money they could dominate 5G at least until the duo had significant density.  But they don't. 

    Sprint is still paying catch-up.  Despite the huge number of sites that have been tribanded, it did not show up in the Rootmetrics stats for the last half of 2018.  They other guys were also adding more bands, 4x4 MIMO and 256QAM to all of their sites.   The construction crews still keep telling me that most of the RRUs they have been putting up for the duo are 5G compatible.  Outside of the Massive MIMOs and I have not heard that for Sprint's latest equipment.  Personally laying low until some of dust settles.

    triband upgrades are not done yet. I think if Sprint had VZW big pocket, they would be even better. Coverage,I think they would have taken on T-Mobile on 600 mhz and maybe even aws3. The more spectrum the better.


    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk




  10. Yes, it will work just fine on Sprint.  In fact, that's the exact model I have - 512GB Ceramic White GS10+.  I went to a Sprint store & bought their 4-in-1 BYOP SIM kit.  There are 4 different SIM cards inside the package.  I used this one:  SIMOLW516TQ
    I wish Sprint was like everyone else. Sim card from phone to phone. I can take the Sim out of my VZW phone put it and my phone and I'm ready to go.

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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  11. Very quick question....and PLEASE Forgive [emoji120] me if this has already been answered...

    Please confirm whether or not the Samsung S10+ 512 GB Unlocked model will work on Sprint network. The reason I am asking is that on the Best Buy website and a couple of other websites, if I select the 512 GB version of the Unlocked S10+ then Sprint is Grayed Out.

    The reason why I want to get an Unlocked version is that I just got married last August. My wife is on AT&T and I am on Sprint. Her contact ends next February and right now we are unsure of which Carrier we would prefer to go with.

    The reason I'd prefer to get the S10+ 512 GB is that I am tired of running out of space on my Note 5 (which has No photos saved to it and only a few files [emoji417] hoping to try to keep it for 3 or 4 years if possible. Although with the way that technology keeps changing, that might not be possible.
    If you all feel that I'd be better off going ahead and getting the 128 GB model Unlocked model...then go ahead and say so

    I will greatly appreciate everyone's opinions

    Thanks for your time and suggestions

    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

    Odd yes it should work on Sprint, is not any reason it shouldn't

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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