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Posts posted by JosefTor

  1. Just a thought. Would it be possible for Sprint to change from data bucket plans to speed plans like cable? For example, 1.5 mbps, 8 mbps(like cricket) and no limit. I think it would be a good counter to binge on, music freedom and wouldn't affect net neutrality. This would make Sprint plans simpler and possibly control network load. I think Sprint has to think out the box and take a step ahead instead of just matching other carriers. Just an idea.


    Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

    It would be very hard to offer a service guarantee of any kind though which would bring down customer satisfaction. Also, you have people like me who are OK with 1 Mbps. The only time I get a speed boost is when cable companies raise their minimum.
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  2. This strategy of playing their cards close to their chest kind of sucks and unfortunately I find that it may backfire since sprint had said they are trying to keep their strategy a secret so others don't use it to their advantage. An investor and sprint user probably takes that as they are doing something better than Verizon and very innovative which is probably not the case.


    Also, I feel that they announced their new network deployment a long time ago and that they should be nearing completion and in fact they haven't started yet that I know of. I think I am just getting impatient as I'm so excited to see what they are doing! I love tower hunting!

  3. Personally I suspect it's not going to happen. At least not till Sprint can prove to wall street that they are a viable contender.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Sprint 4 years ago was in a good place with Wall Street as Sprint convinced them that they were not only taking the steps to be viable, but also that they were going to be the best. Wall Street will not like the latest moves Sprint is doing because it is what books call a Loser's Strategy. Let me see who else has the same strategy... Oh Sony. Sprint may think that by being cheap on its network that it is saving money and surviving, but it is just the opposite and going private, going bankrupt, or being bought out will be the only thing Sprint can do. Sprint has a perception problem and when people do make the switch and experience the network, it is not a good one. I'm on project fi and I force the network with each time my phone restarts to only use T-Mobile. Even if T-Mobile is operating at 1 Mbps and Sprint is at 120 Mbps, I get a better overall experience on T-Mobile.
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  4. What you want is not possible.



    That's too bad. They almost advertise it like it will seek out the best speed. Oh well.


    I have noticed that the grass isn't always greener on the other side too. I frequently miss calls on tmobile, sometimes the other party can't hear me, and some of my calls are blocked.

  5. Since I've been on Google Fi for over a week, there are a couple negatives so far. The cell service does not appear to look for the best signal or the fastest speed. Instead, it camps on one carrier until all signal is lost, and then it jumps to the other carrier and stays on that one. During the switch, all calls and data are dropped as it takes a mind blowingly long 2 seconds. This poses the same problems that made me leave sprint, I don't ever want to lose signal or LTE. I heard that Google built in a learning mechanism that will self improve over time, but I was more hoping that switches between carriers would be seamless. Also, the wifi calling has not been used so I'm not sure if it is working. I have att uverse so my interest is fast so I'm not sure why it would choose wireless over using wifi.


    Regardless, I'm happy I switched. I like the much lower monthly fee that aligns with my usage,i like the overseas speeds that actually work, I like the ability to force the phone to switch to a specific carrier, I like visual voicemail. In OC, I make sure I am camped on tmobile or else I'll be pulling my hair out all day and I now have that option. Plus,they gave me a free Christmas gift and $25 off my first statement because I called in. Not sure why other services can't emulate this customer experience.

  6. I just took the plunge to Google Fi and so far it is great... Haven't dropped LTE so far except at home.


    My one observation that I thought was interesting though is that it locks me onto Tmobile the whole time even though I know Sprint has 2xB41. I thought it was supposed to choose the fastest (granted, I never knew how they would figure this out.

  7. Stupid phone. I just upgraded to 6.0.1 and now my sprint experience is bad again. This happened with the first Nexus 5 as well. I bought a strong performer and on the first update, it went to below average.


    There is a possibility this is due to Sprint... Sprint in OC likes to go for a few months of crappiness and then a couple weeks of nirvana and then back to months of crappiness. Their network engineers here need to be the first ones to be shown the door.

  8. Thanks for the tip. Looks like Amex stopped offering this a few years ago. Didn't even think of checking though.


    Sent from my Nexus 5X

    I have Amex which doesn't have price protection but they did dispute the charge and are taking it up with Google. In the meantime they have credited my account.
  9. The substantial completion has happened a while ago. There might be a few stragglers left in the system but at this point it is an immaterial number of sites.


    Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

    Immaterial is very important to a lot of subscribers and they are losing a lot of customers due to not having them upgraded. I think they should make these last towers a priority. If they can't reach the landowner then choose another tower. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
  10. Any of you experiencing a lot of 3G service at LTE sites? I've been noticing a lot of this all throughout North County all week.

    Last week I noticed they switched band preference away from B41 which, for some reason, makes people drop to 3g more (seems illogical). I noticed that starting yesterday, at least in OC, they may have fixed the issue as my phone would death grip onto B41 again to around 140dbm which minimized my drops to 3g.
  11. Good and bad news in OC.


    First with the good news. Multiple B25 carriers are now coming online! I found two instances on interstate 405. On near the Culver exit and one near the 133.


    For the bad news, it seems that that great experience we were having for a few weeks is not quite as good. For a few weeks the phone would prefer B41 and now it is back to preferring B25 unless you are really close to the tower.

  12. I always set my devices wifi advance setting to turn off wifi during sleep UNLESS plugged in. I have noticed that wifi will stay on regardless on my Nexus 6P. I have wifi scanning off and location services and no apps that could be automatically forcing it to stay on. I think it may be a bug but wanted to find out what others are experiencing.


    I did post this in the Google Nexus forum/help community but I figured I'd bring it up in here as I don't think I'm alone but could be... :)



    We brought this up in the beta/preview but the Google engineers always defended themselves and blamed other factors such as the phone or needing a fresh install, etc. It was kind of sad to see their pushback.
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  13. Oh brother, not again. We just got new plans late last month. I hope there is better clarification with these new plans, and something reasonable for us that are still on Framily to migrate to.



    Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk

    Hoping they don't follow tmobile's price increase. Wondering why they are changing again though.
  14. I guess I'm the odd man out. I was very disappointed in the battlefront beta...mostly because EA/Dice's epic fail with Hardline and BF4. And without any type of campaign..paying 60 bucks for another BF4 except with 80ft tall steel cows and snow just doesn't seem at all like they earned the price tag. I never played a game where we actually beat the cows...and hit detection was mediocre, and just sucked from more than a couple feet away. I'm waiting on R6:Siege.

    Can't wait for Rainbow Six.. It has been too long.
  15. So, Fallout 4 is coming out tomorrow. This is essentially the reason I bought an Xbox One. I'm quite excited about the release! Then next week, the new Starwars Battlefront game comes out (The Beta was AWESOME!)


    Anyone else hyped?

    Loved the star wars battlefront beta and am definitely getting it. Just ordered Halo 5 and COD Black Ops 3 as well. It is going to be a busy gaming season.
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  16. I'm not blown away with Sprint in Chicago. The service is the same as it is in my hometown. I didn't see those crazy speeds but service is good overall.



    I don't see too much promo for sprint as I do T-Mobile in Chicago. Everywhere I turn its T-Mobile somewhere



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I agree, Sprint needs to be a lot more serious about marketing. I never see their ads even when it makes a lot of sense (Kansas City world series). When I do see it, it doesn't appear to make much sense, putting an open world ad in the Los Angeles international airport that talks about free data in South America and Canada when that whole terminal doesn't fly to those places (next terminal over Sprint).
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