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Everything posted by gr8nuguy

  1. no need to edit, FCC docs clearly showed tri-band... as did sprint page a while back before they got rid of saying that
  2. Mine has said that since the day after i ordered it.
  3. everyone managed to forget N.S.A and all their super computers spying on us
  4. i dont know about you guys, but with the way HTC Radios have been lately, i think it would best to wait and see how bad or good they are on this thing..
  5. already posted 19+hours ago. :-D Sent from my HTC ONE from Tapatalk 2
  6. iphone 5s suffers from BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH lol http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57607060-37/blue-screen-of-death-attacks-some-iphone-5s-owners/?ttag=fbwp
  7. allows you search for B26 or B41 when its being rolled out Also if band 25 gets congested, you can switch bands to a less congested one
  8. gr8nuguy

    LG Mach LS860

    the Q isnt that good either
  9. gr8nuguy

    LG Mach LS860

    my sister has one. Seems ok, no worse then the viper
  10. that's because the pictures aren't compressed like before Sent from my HTC ONE from Tapatalk 2
  11. 4g lte seems to hang on better for me Sent from my HTC ONE from Tapatalk 2
  12. For those who dont know we has a site in sw Lincoln go lte live Sent from my HTC ONE from Tapatalk 2
  13. you can guess http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-351-teaser-is-the-lg-d820-the-nexus-5/
  14. I'm more then happy to help if needed as I work over nights now at a hotel (alot of free time) and Wally world Sent from my HTC ONE from Tapatalk 2
  15. The s3 for sprint will never work on BC 26 ...missing hardware... The 800mhz that's shown to be supported is 800smr bc 10 for voice...not lte Sent from my HTC ONE from Tapatalk 2
  16. posted this in the other nebraska thread, but thought i would let those without access know that i found another site in lincoln, ne that now has panels and ruu's up and there was a truck there.
  17. im able to store my contacts on my sim card....
  18. not since the photon 4g (original) has moto had the edge. Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4
  19. So these came in today at work Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4
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