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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. The thing is, if they are in such short supply, there won't be any when they go to the store unless they are planning on waiting in line. The only thing that preordering buys, is the guarantee that you will get a device out of the first wave to hit shores. You don't have to wait in line, or pay more than retail... You get it delivered to your door and you don't have to bathe or put on pants (although the delivery guy would prefer that you did) I agree that it would be great for Sprint to have these delivered a day or two to the preorders before it goes on sale in the stores, but it's not like they were sitting on a pile of inventory and deviced that they don't care about preorder folks and want to make them suffer. Sprint pooped the bed a little on this one. But as Jeff said, all caps is a little bit of a strong response. I think maybe one sentence of all caps is prudent in this situation, but a whole post is uncalled for. That's almost assault.
  2. Career criminal Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  3. Been a while since apple was an underdog lol. I guess I like the underdog too which is why I am a fan of windows phone. And let me be clear, I am in absolutely no way saying that Microsoft is an underdog. I just want to see a solid competition between 3 good operating systems, and windows phone is the best candidate for the 3rd OS. RIM had their chance... Not to mention I believe Microsoft will finally bring a tablet to market that is more than just an oversized phone. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  4. Me too. It's bad business practice to screw up 2 preorders in a row. I know they want to be first out the gate, but you can't leave your preorders hanging like that. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  5. Apparently the clowns at AT&T claim that the upload speeds for their network that PC Mag tested prior and used for comparisons in the article in the OP are not correct and caused by the incorrect version of Android being run on the test device. PC Mag ran an article on it here http://www.pcmag.com...,2405939,00.asp
  6. They are getting close to having chips that can support 7 bands of LTE. It might not be that far fetched. I agree though, they just keep diverging...
  7. Could be in part because 1x Advanced is more efficient than VoLTE.
  8. Interesting tidbit... PC Mag, in the article I posted the link to above gives a shout out to S4GRU, saying
  9. http://www.pcmag.com...,2402598,00.asp defines HD voice as "higher-quality encoder for phone calls." It is only available on the EVO LTE so far. The additional bandwidth provided by Sprint's rollout of CDMA 1x Advanced opens up more room for voice call data which allows for HD Voice to be implemented. The article states that Verizon was expected to be the first US carrier with HD voice when they rollout their voice over LTE or VoLTE which would also allow for more bandwidth for voice calls. The higher quality encoder could be compared to going from the low quality streaming from pandora to a CD quality streaming that pandora offers with its premium service. HTC used this to cancel out background noise and provide a crisp clear voice transmission. What do you mean by "Also why is not under LTE?"
  10. This may be just that for me. Replace the laptop with this and have the nexus 7 as my ultraportable tablet. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  11. Welcome! Looking forward to your input. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  12. Here is a link to the Sprint rant forum http://www.facebook.com/sprint or here http://community.sprint.com/baw/index.jspa
  13. Not singling anyone out, but this conversation has nothing to do with the posted topic; let's get back on topic. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  14. I've been waiting for a good windows based tablet. I think that if they implement this perfect, it could steal some thunder from iPad, tablet PC's, and laptops. If they toss in some interoperability with Xbox, desktop windows PC's, and windows phones, they could begin building an empire in the mobile market. Even if windows isn't your thing, it will push apple and Android to innovate faster.
  15. I thought that AJ established that even with the better propigation of 800mhz vs 1900mhz, iDEN usable signal propigation was similar to what you would get with 1900mhz CDMA.
  16. B-B-But Sprint execs said it wasn't until 2013...
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