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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. I thought so Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  2. Works now... [ATTACH]64[/ATTACH] Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  3. There could be other things, yes. The only lasting benefits I can think of are new towers (if they install the NV equipment from the get go) and getting network vision back haul installed early. Everything else is sprint busting their butts to try to keep their current network on life support until network vision. I don't know how anyone can say they aren't trying their best. They just let it get way behind. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  4. OK, so I have been using forum runner for a while to try to get used to forum runner instead of tapatalk. Today, I tried uploading a photo with forum runner and got the error "error attaching file: upload_too_big" What is the deal? Is it something in the settings? Am I dumb? Edit: apparently it had to be set on the lowest size...
  5. Oh, I don't know, I was joking around because that author made it sound like the worst OEM skin ever imagined Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  6. I can't resist any longer... Gotta get back to Macon... love all night! A little Jamey Johnson for all y'all Maconites... Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  7. I had seen this a couple places. We had kicked around writing an article about what the "Q" could mean. I initially thought it could have been for "q-chat" or the qualcomm chip that had the sprint direct connect capability baked in and it would be a flagship phone with a ptt button, but AJ's analysis of past Motorola phones with a "Q" in the name indicated that it would likely be a QWERTY slider. We figured that this site is focused on facts rather than wild random thoughts to generate buzz and rumor only to be proved wrong when the phone came out. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  8. The 4S will never support CDMA on 800 Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  9. S-pen headset? Now I remember what it was like waiting to turn 16 so I could drive. Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner
  10. Perfectly understandable. I haven't kept up on the status of the kernal, but they were having issues with battery drain when it was "off" and charging issues. I will investigate further when I have time, if nobody else chimes in with a better solution. Can you install an apk from outside the amazon store on an unmodified kindle?
  11. Well, I guess it depends on how often you are covered by Wi-Fi. If you can make it through a good portion of the day on Wi-Fi, you could probably limp it out for a few months... You might get lucky and have the towers in your area be some of the first to be upgraded. Or you could go to another carrier and potentially have better data speeds, but also have to deal with tiered data or unlimited but throttled. Plus it could potentially cost more monthly and after a couple months see NYC lit up with Sprint LTE and get some buyers remorse. There is something to be said for longevity with your carrier when working with customer service. If you are brand new, they don't know if they can trust you, but a customer of 10+ years, they have a feeling that they can trust you.
  12. I take it you are not interested in rooting the KF and putting ICS on it? I believe that if you use an app backup tool (like app backup and restore), it will save an apk of every program you designate that is not protected on your SD card. As far as the legality... I don't know.
  13. It depends on how soon they stop blocking access to the newly upgraded towers. I'm not sure when they will stop blocking LTE access. Could be blocking until the market "launches" which could leave NYC in the August or later timeframe, or once the Evo LTE connectivity problems are cleared up which could potentially open up some sites right away. I think October would be closer to the finish of the market, although there is a ton of towers in NYC... Not doing a pledge drive here, but if you become a premium sponsor to the site, you would have access to an interactive map that shows the expected on-air date of all the Sprint towers in your market.
  14. I just fell in love with that case!
  15. I hear you, I have always been less concerned with data at home because I use Wi-Fi, but when I leave the house, I expect to be able to use data. That said, I expect people not to turn this into a rant thread. New York's rollout of LTE is progressing, however, slowly. It should start kicking into gear soon.
  16. You are correct. I don't know what I was thinking. It was Steve "Cyanogen" Kondik. Both are pioneers of development.
  17. Come on Samsung, I thought it was going to be a great thing when they hired Cyanogen... guess not. Any E4GT owners want a port of the GS3 touchwiz?
  18. Isn't the current note a 5.3" screen? So this would be less than a quarter inch bigger. Either way, Android OEMs seem to make sure that there is always an entry in the small, medium and large categories.
  19. I had a slight case of that, a look at the checkbook cleared it right up LOL.
  20. Yeah, the articles said 5.5", but could that be to have onscreen buttons like the GNex? They also said that they might drop the stylus. That would be a bad move, I think. The ability to stash it onboard is definitely a plus. I would lose it otherwise.
  21. I would prescribe some prozac...
  22. Now that the SGS3 is clogging up package delivery services across America, it is time for some rumors on the next big thing from Samsung, the Galaxy Note 2. This morning the web was buzzing with rumors of an October release of a 5.5 inch quad-core with a flexible display (sometimes billed as unbreakable) Also mentioned is the "Jelly Bean" OS, 12MP camera, longer lasting battery and more solid build quality. It is also said to be thinner than the previous model. Being as it is based on the GS3, the corners could be more rounded, it might come in pebble blue and it might have to forego the quad core to be LTE compatible. We will surely see more rumors pop up as leaks come out. The October release is being attributed to Samsung wanting to take the iPhone 5 on head to head... Could be good strategy, we will know after the dust settles. http://www.t3.com/news/samsung-galaxy-note-2-release http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/354306/20120620/samsung-galaxy-note-2-release-iphone-5.htm http://www.theverge.com/2012/6/19/3098035/galaxy-note-ii-rumor-android-jelly-bean http://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/samsung-galaxy-note-2-coming-in-october-1086087
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