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Posts posted by Yuhfhrh

  1. Sprint users experiencing terrible call quality on the Note 3? http://www.androidpolice.com/2013/10/09/sprint-galaxy-note-3-owners-complain-of-garbling-morphing-popping-and-just-all-around-terrible-call-quality/ Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 4


    I've made a few hour long calls and just dialed my voicemail again to test. Crystal clear. I think this might be the case where 1 or 2 people had an actual problem, and then every other Note 3 user in poor Sprint coverage thought it was a great idea to start complaining with everyone else. 


    Richmc, have you had any issues?

  2. I hope your Samsung rep is better than ours. Ours showed me a "secret" photo of the Gear about a month before it was announced. It was not a picture of the Gear. It was one of the Internet "leaks" that was debunked. I didn't have the heart to tell him his picture had been debunked several days before.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



  3. I was told by our Sammy rep "You can take a hammer to this thing". If that's true, even without being actually flexible in the wobbly manner, that's pretty awesome.


    I bet I could do some major damage with a hammer lol

  4. I see.  However the question still remains as to why the fact that it is triband is causing the delay.


    Here is my guess: There are handoff issues or other problems with multiple LTE bands, considering these phones have 26 and 41 disabled. Because of these issues, the latest software has these two bands disabled. Once the issues are resolved, the G2 will be released with a software ota at launch that will bring the fixes and enable the bands.


    If this is the case, I wonder if LG/Google are having problems with the nexus 5 as well... Whatever problem LG may be having night be the same problem that prevented the note 3 from having triband.

  5. I just had a 17 hour day with varying signal, three hours screen on time, and I'm still at 56% battery. I even used GPS on the way home without the car charger.  :P


    The Note 3 has consistently pulled faster LTE speeds than all other devices I have tested (about a 30% increase compared to GS4). The triband GS5/GN4 are looking to be amazing performers if Samsung keeps this up. I am beyond pleased with this device in case you couldn't tell.  :rofl:

    • Like 1
  6. After more testing, this phone has the best LTE radio compared to ones I've used (gnex, htcone, gs3, gs4, gn2)


    I am able to pull 8mbps down and 3mbps up on a -118dbm signal. I just haven't seen that with other devices.

    • Like 3
  7. I gave it Friday and Saturday to see if it had any problems. Everything worked fine, so on Sunday I rooted it. Awesome device, even with the minor occasional S lag on the launcher. Funny how Samsung still hasn't fixed that!

  8. You only had 3 hours of screen on time to get to 71%.


    It seems like it would be adequate for most people to get through a typical say 16-18 hour day before recharge but doesn't sounds excessive at all. If you have a bad signal or use the speakerphone much that can drain a battery pretty heavily as well.

    Excessive was just the first word that came to my mind to express how much of an improvement battery life was. Its not excessive at all. Excessive would be a 3,000,000 mAh battery. :P

  9. And can anyone tell my why using USB 3.0 to transfer things jacks up your 1x signal strength? I'll have my phone sitting down perfectly fine with a -90 dBm 1x signal, but once I turn on USB 3.0 I keep looping between Sprint, Cricket, and Verizon with 1x Signal strength ranging from -75 to -105 on all three carriers (including Sprint). LTE is chilling at a stable -105. Samsung even has a warning that turning on USB 3.0 may have an effect your ability to place phone calls. But why...?

  10. Also, when on LTE, the signal bars are showing LTE signal strength, not 1X. But when on EVDO/EHRPD, the signal bars are showing 1X signal strenth. Spent 30 minutes and I can confirm with absolute certainty that the signal bars are showing LTE signal strength.


    These are estimates for LTE, as signal strength seems to take other factors into account: Less than -120 is 0 bars, -120 to -116 is 1 bar, -115 to -110 is 2 bars, -109 to -100 is three bars, -99 to -90 is four bars, -89 to -85 is 5 bars, -84 and greater is 6 bars.

  11. Hows the radio on the GN3 is it better than the GN2 or around the same?


    I have it sitting next to the GS4 and they show the exact same 1x and LTE signal strength within 2dB. Haven't ran into any 3g yet. :)


    It seems to be just a tad bit stronger on LTE than the GS4. I don't have a Note 2 to compare.

    • Like 1
  12. The battery life of the Note 3 is excessive. It's been on for 6 hours with 3 hours screen on time, I'm only down to 71%. Compared to my old Gnex which could only take 3 hours of screen on time before dying lol

    • Like 2
  13. The Nexus 4 didn't show the LTE radios in the FCC filing either, did it? Didn't need to be certified since they were disabled by the baseband, right? Maybe someone can get creative and do the same if the radios are actually there.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4


    When ifixit did the Nexus 4 teardown, they found hardware support for AWS LTE. Then like a day later the Canadians figured out how to enable it and started posting screenshots of LTE lol


    It doesn't make sense in this case, as there isn't really room to fit the separate band 41 hardware along with everything else (SVLTE)

  14. I just called Sprint and got my MSL code. I'm scared I'll break my new device by enabling band41/band26, but I'm going to try it lol  :P


    Edit: Well after turning either of them on, they both still show disabled. I thought it was worth a try.

  15. I guess they felt that was a good backup for when you have no LTE and your buddy next to you was sitting on 800 LTE listening to Pandora. :)


    I remember reading somewhere that Sprint was going to start putting FM radios in all their phones 2014+. Makes sense considering they give out unlimited data.

  16. Just found it a minute ago. Was like what the ****!


    Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk 2


    I wonder if the T-mobile model has it enabled as well. No doubt Verizon and AT&T don't have it.

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