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Everything posted by JWMaloney

  1. Is he still NOPping fsync calls? I'd rather maintain my filesystem integrity.
  2. Most wireless devices do this. For example, here's the option on my laptop's Broadcom-based Wi-Fi adapter to adjust the tendency to roam across access points: EDIT: And no, the Nexus 5 doesn't have any such option.
  3. IIRC Verizon has not deployed eCSFB on their network at all and are instead relying on dual radio path LTE devices (with the exception of the iPhone, which does that weird switching business on every slot cycle). So it's actually a technical limitation in this case.
  4. I've been told Sensorly treats all coverage, including roaming, as coverage. So the maps would be different.
  5. Thanks. I don't know why I keep having problems with 8t8r capabilities. My point still stands though -- they can't divest 800 SMR or PCS without putting the brakes on Network Vision.
  6. What else would you have them divest? They don't have any PCS or 800 SMR to divest without impacting service, and even if they did, it would pale in comparison to the EBS spectrum they would retain. The NV 2.0 equipment being deployed supports up to three 20 MHz TDD-LTE carriers. That's less than half of the band 41 spectrum Sprint owns in many markets. They don't even have any public plans to use the rest of it right now. There is no other logical choice. And T-Mobile holds the least amount of spectrum of any carrier, so it's not like they're bringing anything that can be divested.
  7. Bother Sprint advanced techs instead. Here's a direct line to a person in Oklahoma: 1-866-556-7310 Have them open a network ticket for improper testing/launch of 800 LTE without eCSFB enabled. The more people who do this, the better. Tell them that you don't care if 800 LTE is in testing or not (they'll try to tell you they can't open a ticket on something that isn't officially launched) -- tell them that this improper testing is affecting your ability to use the LAUNCHED 1900 LTE. Tell them to open a ticket, and not to just pinpoint the site. Make sure you get the ticket number before the end of the call.
  8. W-CDMA requires a pair of 5 MHz channels. If Sprint had that to spare, they would do a 10x10 LTE carrier on band 26 instead of the present 5x5, which would be the better choice going forward especially for VoLTE. LTE has a higher spectral efficiency, and a wider carrier would have better edge-of-cell characteristics.
  9. It's no different than when SBC bought AT&T and took their name, or when Arby's bought Wendy's and took their name. It's what you do when you have a good name.
  10. I hope you're right. In all the testing I've done so far, it isn't a signal issue, as the signal very quickly changes from -104 to -80 or higher once the phone is forced to rescan and acquires the new site. But recently it's become a new issue altogether -- my phone calls are occurring on 800 MHz, and the network won't do an inter-band handoff for a voice call. I'll give them a call today and re-open the old ticket.
  11. Right now handoffs between GMO and full builds here (and sometimes even between GMOs) are non-existent. Even if you're not on a call, you can watch in SignalCheck as you have to lose your signal completely before picking up a strong signal from a GMO. The optimizations you're hinting at, are they something I should be able to get addressed with a network ticket? As far as I can tell, it's not anything missing in the neighbor sets.
  12. I'm going to be a very bitter person if Sprint's definition of "substantially complete" excludes GMOs. I could live with that if it only meant those sites weren't going to be getting LTE soon, but for the 10% of the East Texas sites and the 19% of the Louisiana sites that are GMO sites, phone calls won't even hand off reliably, especially since the neighboring sites almost all have 800 voice now. I can only imagine how it is for other markets.
  13. When you say network engineers, are you talking Sprint employees or Ericsson employees? Because I can assure you Ericsson is NOT using Nexus 5 for testing in any of the markets I travel through. The Houston crew does test with the LG G2, but as of last week, the NOLA crew is still testing with EVO LTEs and USB modems.
  14. Has anyone had any luck yet with HD voice while using Google Voice integration?
  15. Not a chance with the number of full build sites (including GMOs) they still need to construct.
  16. The answer lies within the standard deviation -- how bad are the worst tests to bring a 50 Mbps peak down to a 5 Mbps average?
  17. The bars take more into account than signal strength. You can't compare them to Verizon and T-Mobile because they are using different carrier widths than Sprint which will offer better performance at the same RSRP. This is, for example, why Sprint 5x5 LTE is useless at -120 dBm while 20 MHz Spark is useable well beyond that.
  18. They do, on the TCP/IP side. Just not on the air link side. Closest thing would probably be GCI/PCI.
  19. You're confusing technologies. WiMAX is an IEEE standard and uses MAC addresses to identify both base stations and UE. They aren't used in LTE.
  20. Maybe it's because there's a user here who keeps telling people that data abuse exists and people should minimize their usage. Tapatalk will limit bandwidth usage as it doesn't need to load all of the HTML page layout.
  21. As far as I know, it only requires an update to the user equipment once the backend changes are in place. And they should be, because Wi-Fi calling uses the same IMS backend as VoLTE does. Softbank isn't stupid though; if they do turn it on, it will be on a market-by-market basis like the other two players are doing. My hope is that in areas where they want to launch it, they first add a second band 25 carrier by refarming 1x and EVDO carriers. Then they can QoS the hell out of that carrier to prevent it from becoming saturated by data use. I expect to see it on the S4 mini and Mega first, just like the Mini was first to get Wi-Fi calling on Sprint and VoLTE on AT&T.
  22. I'm beginning to wonder if a mass number of Clearwire sites aren't set up correctly for eCSFB since they aren't full builds.
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