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Posts posted by The_Chemist

  1. I have the G2 and its a great phone. I have noticed along with many people that the call quality is very lacking compared to any other phone. It has hissing and crackling. Next to a sprint iphone, the iphone sounds much better. I also have some issues with the signal bars fluctuating a lot. I dropped 2 calls and I was right next to the tower that is broadcasting upgraded 3g and 4g lte. I have not had any issues with the iphone. 

    In my opinion, the HTC ONE is the nicest phone, and its speakers are amazing (lg g2 speakers are low). I want to get the next version of the HTC one when it comes out, so I think I will hold onto the G2 because it will have the highest resale value when the time comes around.

    Does anyone have any experience with the g2 and its call quality? A workaround was posted to disable something in a menu, but even after that, it has not helped 100 percent. It made it better, but when I have it on speaker in the car I can not hear it clearly. Its a shame, and why has sprint not made any announcement about the issue?

    There is currently an update being pushed that should help with the "crackling' call quality.  I have not received the update yet, but it is being pushed out in waves, so hopefully I'll get it in a day or two.  I tried to manually download the update from the LG website, but in their infinite wisdom they don't have the drivers for the Sprint LG G2. 


    I also have the fluctuating signal bars as you stated.  I also feel that the RF performance is very lacking.  Hopefully a not too distant future update will fix these problems as well. 


    I think the general sound quality of this phone is very tinny.  There is no warmth at all.  According to many people that I speak to with the G2, the mic gain could be a tad bit louder as well. 


    Let's keep our fingers crossed.


    Are you talking about these numbers?


    LG G2
    RF ERP/EIRP maximum:
    19.80 dBm (CDMA1X/EV-DO 850),
    21.64 dBm (CDMA1X/EV-DO 1900),
    23.09-27.08 dBm (LTE 1900),
    17.77-21.29 dBm (TD-LTE 2600)
    Nexus 5
    RF ERP/EIRP Maximum:
    23.10 dBm (CDMA1X/EV-DO 850),
    30.00 dBm (CDMA1x/EV-DO 1900),
    23.28-23.96 dBm (LTE 1900),
    19.80-20.80 dBm (LTE 800),
    20.81-21.71 dBm (LTE 2600)


    Galaxy Note 3
    RF ERP/EIRP maximum:
    19.82-20.93 dBm (CDMA1X/EV-DO 850),
    18.91-21.30 dBm (CDMA1X/EV-DO 1900),
    21.85-23.63 dBm (LTE 1900)
    EDIT: Made it easier to read.
    EDIT2: I see no LTE 800 numbers on the G2.  This was all pulled from AJ's articles on the Wall.


    I was reviewing the RF ERP/EIRP of the G2, N5 and GN3.  Since these are uplink numbers, I assume a higher value is better (meaning more transmitting power)?  Am I correct?  I know that in receiving, the closer negative number you get to zero is better.  Thanks

  3. I honestly believe it's not a hardware related optimization - but rather, a software one.  I think it has to do with how the modem/baseband is programmed and Google's got the right guys working on it for the Nexus 5.  LG is supposedly going to upgrade the baseband in the G2 in the next update which may give it the performance similar to the N5.

    I Hope that actually does happen for the G2.  It would be such an awesome phone with enhanced RF performance.

  4. Not sure if this has already been answered, but is there any specific reason the Nexus is so good at picking up LTE? I'm wondering if it's just a good amplifier or if it just happens to be optimized for 1900MHz.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    That's an excellent question.  I'd like to know the answer to that as well.  I have the N5's brother the G2 and am soon going to order a Black 32 GB N5 (Got my SIM from Sprint today via UPS, thanks to you posting the correct SKU!).    Thanks!

  5. I'm curious where you got this information, everything I've read says the exact opposite. Just like with phone calls, it utilizes eCSFB to fall back to 1x to download the message, then kicks back to LTE (at least that's the intention).

    I  Think I remember AJ saying that while on LTE, the text can tunnel through.  Hopefully I didn't misquote him. 

  6. I don't try to frequent it much because the help is poor and I usually hear the manager's excuse to other customers getting help in there is "They are working on the towers". It probably does have it on the door, i just didn't notice. To me it doesn't make sense to not have SIMs available even at 3rd party stores. 


    And that sucks about the SIM from WorldWide. When you ordered yours did they say 3-5 days?


    Somebody should rename Sprint WorldWide to Prestige WorldWide.

    I had very good luck with ordering from Sprint Worldwide.  I really should have read these threads on SIM's first though. I am going to order a 32 GB Black N5.  I wanted to get the SIM in hand first.  I called Sprint last Saturday evening and the CSR didn't have any clue. I'm sure upper management at this point, has not filtered the knowledge down to the front-line troops.  Regardless, the CSR was very helpful and contacted Sprint Worldwide for me and helped me order what he thought was the correct SIM for a N5.  When I got the order confirmation, it was for a 2FF SIM.  I called again Sunday evening after I read through these threads and saw the SKU for the correct 3FF SIM.  This time I called the direct number for Sprint Worldwide (1-888-226-7212), since now I knew that's with whom I needed to deal.  The agent knew exactly what I was talking about and placed the order for me.  I tried to cancel the first order but it was past the point of no return in only one day.  Monday morning I had two UPS tracking numbers (one for the 2FF order and the second for the 3FF order). 


    As I said, I should have read through these threads first to avoid having Sprint wasting money on a needless order, but I assumed after all this time has passed since November 8th, the agents would have been given the correct information. 


    I'm pleased with the way I was treated and taken care of though...

  7. Ordered Nov. 30th. Just got shipping notification today. Hopefully should have it by the end of the week.


    I tried chatting with Sprint to get a SIM but they said I need to go to a Sprint store to get a SIM. I thought a couple of people in this thread got SIMs via Sprint chat?

    FunkyChicken posted this SKU Number for the N5 SIM in another thread.  This is what you need.  I went through this myself with Sprint.  You need to get it from Sprint WorldWide Services.  I don't have the phone number here with me at work or I would post it for you. 


    SKU: 760492013536 3FF

  8. From Shentel's earnings calls, they've stated Q1 2014. I'd expect it to go live in January/February.



    Personally, I'm more looking forward to them getting the 2600 band up and running. That should provide some amazing speeds. I know they have to rework their contract with Sprint to do so but I doubt it'll be a problem. 

    I'm interested in the in-building penetration that 800 MHz should help out with.  I think I'm probably too far from a tower to even get band 41.  Time will tell...

  9. Sounds almost like what's happening at my work for over a year.  The phone gets hung up on a broken EVDO channel and won't switch over to 1x, so you get no data.  Look around the RF engineering screens and see if it is jumping 1x or EV channels.

    Possibly my issue may differ slightly then from what you said.  Mine, even though back in a very strong LTE eCSFB compliant area, the G2 gets stuck on 1x.  The only way back to LTE is to cycle the radio.  This always happens in the same area.  No matter where you go after that or how long, the G2 will not switch back to LTE on its own.  Very interesting what you are saying about a broken EVDO channel. 

  10. I'm noticing some odd behavior since the weekend began.  Maybe 4 times now when I've been switching off LTE/eHRPD to what would normally be a 1x signal, I will just get no data connection at all. I won't roam since I have a strong signal, but my phone won't connect to data on 1x and it won't switch back to eHRPD or LTE unless I manually cycle airplane  mode. Otherwise, I will just stare at a no data warning icon indefinitely.

    I made a post about that same thing yesterday,  It happens in the same place all the time.  Chambers Hill Road near Mushroom Hill approaching 322 in Harrisburg.  My G2 refuses to switch back to LTE on its own when I am back in a strong LTE area after waiting 5 plus minutes.  The G2 just sticks on 1x. 

  11. I opted for the Nexus 5 myself, but have been following this thread since the beginning.. I do not recall anyone experiencing the issues you have described. In fact, while others have given the N5 the edge in raw signal strength when compared with the G2, it reportedly gets better data transfer speeds. Unless you get it resolved before the end of the 14-day return period, I would swap it out for a brand new device while you still can.



    I'm going to try the N5 myself. It only took two nights @ 1 hr each to call Sprint and get the correct SIM on the way. Luckily I found a thread on here that "FunkyChicken" posted listing the correct sku. As far as my G2, it equals the speeds of my desktop PC on WiFi (85 Mbps down and 35 Mbps up). When on 4G it's not bad at all. Good Luck.


    I also think I would swap out the G2 before you get stuck. The operation you described is not normal.

  12. 800 Mhz VOICE CDMA 1X is very active around Harrisburg.   You might find a few sites that do not have it, but almost all do.

    If you are talking about 800 mhz LTE, I do not know of any sites that have it activated yet.

    Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear on what I stated.  I was looking for 800 MHz (Band 26) LTE.  Possibly I misunderstood the gentleman at the Shentel store.  Maybe he was referring to 1X800.  The tower nearest me has 1x800. upgraded 3G and LTE.  Just no 800 MHZ LTE yet.  I wonder what the Shentel Timeline is for deployment of 800 MHz LTE?

  13. I had the Note 3 for short while and thought the phone was great. But the battery life wasn't as good as advertised(for me). So I decided to go with the G2 which I have been very happy with.


    But recently, my signal has been sporadic. I just found this post and tested myself. And sure enough my signal came back after turning my wifi on and off.



    Here is the quote - I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on it.



    I think I discovered what seems to be a critical software bug regarding the signal of the LG G2 in weak signal environments.


    In my house, the signal is generally very weak. However, it is usable. But when the phone shows 0 bars of signal due to it being placed in a very weak signal spot or hands covering the antenna, the signal strength never comes back and my number cannot be called until I take one of the following actions:


    If I turn the Wi-Fi off, the signal comes back instantly. If I make a call, the signal comes back instantly and I can make the call. And if I turn the airplane mode on and then off, the signal reappears.

    This has never happened on my Nexus 4, and it only happens inside my house where I have a weak signal.


    Any ideas regarding the resolution of this ? Can I boost the signal sensitivity from somewhere in a secret menu ?


    I hope that this issue will be solved in an upcoming update, but I can't be sure.


    PS: I am running the International version of the G2, on Vodafone Romania."

    I haven't had that exact same issue, but at times when I am in an area where there is no eHRPD, my G2 will drop down to 1x800 (...and that's all it will receive).  The only way for me to regain 4G LTE is to power cycle the phone or change network modes then go back to LTE/CDMA or Global.  It refuses to switch back to LTE on its own.  I have waited longer than the 5.12 minutes required after I am back in a known -62 dBm LTE area, but the G2 just refuses to switch back on its own.  Once I manually cycle the G2, it's fine until the next time I'm in a no eHRPD area.  It likes to pull this stunt on Chambers Hill road and Mushroom Hill just about when you get to 322 in Harrisburg. 

  14. I read through this thread and didn't see any mention yet of band 26. 


    The folks at the Shentel Sprint store in Harrisburg said they have some 800 MHz sites up around Harrisburg.  Has anyone seen this or been able to connect?


    Secondly, does anyone know which sites they are?  I'm in Swatara Township and have not yet seen any live Band 26 sites. 


    Does anyone know Shentel's timeline for deployment of 800 MHz around Harrisburg?  I'm really curious. 

  15. If you are in an area without many LTE upgraded towers, it would be a problem with battery level. In my town, every tower except for 3 have LTE. If I do drop, it is very temporary. In a mature LTE area, I don't see battery level going down much since there wouldn't be many times where it'd need to rescan for an LTE signal. That's why it'd be better to have a user defined scan time. They could even add a message explaining the trade off so the customer realizes that factors involved. If you aren't in a very dense LTE area, you could even set it longer like 10-15 minutes so that you save even more battery power. Just a thought..

    I think you should suggest your idea to Spring/LG?  Sounds like a winner to me.  It would probably have to be a hidden menu so that Joe average wouldn't end up screwing up their device. 

  16. It would be nice if signal threshold and LTE scan time could be user definable so that no matter personal preference, anyone could find a happy medium. I wouldn't mind if the threshold were set slightly lower if I could also decrease the time it takes for it to rescan. Usually when I drop my LTE signal, a new signal is within 30-60 seconds of me. Waiting an additional 4 minutes seems like an eternity.

    That's a great idea.  I'm sure a trade-off would be battery life though...

  17. This sounds like it may be a threshold issue. And it may not even be a problem, just a preference. We have just as many people around our forums who get mad because their device will not revert back to 3G when their LTE signal gets weak.


    To know if the G2 has lesser RF performance you would need to compare it to another device in the same places on the same site/sector/carrier while they both have an LTE signal to see which has a stronger signal. Otherwise you are just comparing software 3G fallback thresholds created by the OEM.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    Makes sense.  I remember The Dave saying his G2 held an LTE signal down as far as -126 dBm.


    Do you think there could have been changes made to the threshold levels during manufacture?  Or do to many other variables come into play here?

  18. Ok guys,


       Trying to get the thought of everyone, on the RF on this G2. Thinking about getting on Sunday on this sale. Just little worried about the RF. At the beginning of this thread the RF was the best thing since slice bread. Then the N5 came, and screen post show  a couple of dbm difference. Now there has been talk about radio firmware upgrade testing and it has a sub par performance of the radio. 


       So where does everyone stand on this? Is it that much of a difference from the N5? Will there be a update or status?  This is the only thing holding be back on the phone.

    My G2 is just OK.  It does not have stellar RF performance.  At my house and many other places around the town the G2 will hold LTE for a period of time, then when its measured signal hits about -113 dBm to -118 dBm it will fall back to a weak 3G signal.  Briefly, I had a Samsung GN3.  That phone held LTE in the same places much better.  It's almost like the signal from the antenna on my G2 is attenuated before it reaches the radio, or the radio sensitivity isn't adjusted correctly to accept full signal from the antenna. 


    An experiment I did was to go deep into the corners of my basement, where you wouldn't expect a signal to work well anyway.  The GN3 really had to be in a corner area for a while before it would drop LTE and switch to 3G.  The G2 on the other hand, loses LTE on the way to a corner long before I even get there, where the GN3 still had and held a usable LTE signal.


    Like "ericdabbs" said though, the possibility exists that RF performance shortcomings could be addressed in an update.  Whether or not that will happen - none of us know 100% for sure.  If that would happen the phone would be outstanding.  


    You could also try checking other forums or "Google" LG G2 reception.  When I did that, there were plenty of other people complaining, for this to be an isolated situation.  In my thinking, this will increase the odds of the RF performance getting fixed by LG. 


    As far as 1x800 goes, the G2 picks up towers miles away (but that's to be expected).  I think the shortcoming is only 1900 MHz LTE.  I wish there were band 26 in my area.  I'd love to see how well the G2 does with 800 MHz LTE. 


    Good luck with your decision. 

  19. You could be experiencing the Circuit Switched Fallback Conundrum on the G2. The G2 is Triband LTE with single transmission path. The Moto X is SVLTE.




    Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Geez, I had to re- read the original post. I thought he mentioned his wife's N5 when I quoted and replied.


    I think this is just another example of the G2's subpar reception.


    Hopefully enough people will let Sprint know about this so that LG can issue an update.

  20. Anyone coming from a moto x to the g2. Seem like I've been reading that the g2 has good signal but I'm finding the opposite to be true. Moto x is definitely stronger so far. I could get lte throughout my house with the x but g2 can't get it at all. The phone was used and rooted so not sure if I should check any settings or anything?? My wife's nexus 5 is lte throughout the house also.

    My G2 is somewhat lacking in the RF reception category as well.  In areas where my Samsung GN3 would hold LTE, the G2 falls back to 3G.  In areas of my basement, the GN3 would hold LTE unless you went into a deep corner and forced it to drop back to 3G.  On the other hand, it doesn't take very much to make the G2 fall back to 3G in areas where the GN3 would hold.  From what I've read on these threads, the N5 is an outstanding RF performer.  Those of us that feel our G2's are not the best at RF performance should let Sprint know about it so it can possibly be fixed in an update. 

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