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Posts posted by The_Chemist

  1. Also an issue here, I don't think Shentel has control over the Band 41 deployment, or it'd probably be done already. It was Clearwire's job to convert things to B41, and Sprint has been taking that over now. So it's really not clear where that leaves your area since Sprint can't technically build over it without breaching contract, and I'm not sure Shentel holds rights to build out Band 41 yet.

    Sent from my Nexus 5

    I'm pretty sure I remember Robert stating in a thread somewhere that Shentel does now have a tenative agreement with Sprint to get things rolling with band 41, but it is at a later date. We'll be good to go eventually.

    • Like 1
  2. I called Sprint tonight and was able to speak to a person named Marty who really knew her stuff.  She looked up all my dropped calls and did indeed find that they were all network related. 


    That's fine.  During network upgrades there will be some short term pain for long term gain.  I would have really been upset if the problem were my Samsung GN3. 


    The guy I spoke to the other night must not have known how to look up the information and blamed the entire issue on my handset. 


    Marty explained to me where she was getting the tower data and what it all meant.  Very cool!


    Problem solved. 

  3. My GN3 just started dropping calls.  In 26 or so calls, I dropped 5 calls.  Two were while I was stationary at work.  I get a very good 1x800 signal at work about -65 dBm.


    I've had the phone since December 31, 2013.  Never had a dropped call until this month.  I called Sprint, who told me that all the dropped calls were the fault of the handset. 


    The very last dropped call was not logged in Sprint's system yet.  The CSA to whom I spoke was going to call me back last evening when the reason was logged in - of course, he never called me.


    Short time length calls never drop, It's always during a long (20 minute...) important business call when this happens. 


    Do we believe that the dropped calls are indeed the fault of the GN3?  The GN3 went 3 months without a single dropped call.  Could it in reality be Sprint's system as they upgrade?  I'm really baffled as to what to do.


    If I send the device back to Samsung for inspection, we all know they won't find anything wrong with it.  There are no Sprint corporate stores near me - Just Shentel stores. I'm not really sure how to even test the handset to see if dropped calls are its fault.


    Could this be caused by the KK update?


    Any advice or knowledge would be appreciated. 

  4. Pretty much everything is better after the update except one thing: auto brightness is hosed now. Indoors at night under normal light, the screen gets REAL dark and keeps getting bright, then dimming. The obvious fix is to turn auto brightness off, just wondering if it's a known issue or if there's any workaround. It worked great before Kit kat

    Another fantastic auto brightness app that I use is YAAB. Yet Another Auto Brightness. It allows you to set the minimum level that you want the brightness to dim down to. You should give it a try!

    • Like 1
  5. Anybody else have any issues with voice connectivity today? I kept getting a fast busy signal today on both my phone (S4T) and my work phone (Sanyo Taho). After several tries, the call would normally go through but it was annoying. I called Sprint and they said they had no other reports of problems in the area but there obviously was something going on. This was happening mainly in the Woodstock area.


    Yes, I tried to make multiple calls after 4 PM today and kept getting a fast busy signal. After I would disconnect and call the number again, I had success. yesterday I had a few dropped calls as well. I'm in the Harrisburg PA area. Most annoying. I was using my single band Samsung Galaxy Note 3.
  6. Hey guys, has the Note 3 reception issue been fixed on latest OTAs? My mother is looking at upgrading her phone soon and eyeing the Note 3 but she relies on call quality and battery life.Sent from my LG-LS980

    I never experienced that issue with my Note 3. I also had a Note 3 back in October with a defective home button.. That sample didn't have reception issues either. I also own the LG G2. The N3 holds LTE much better than the G2. in my basement, the G2 falls back to 3G where the N3 stays on LTE.


    Maybe it would be a good idea to check the Sprint community forums and see if those afflicted with bad Note 3 phones ever had their issues resolved with KK.

    • Like 1
  7. Just received my note 3 from sprint with MJ4, i then updated to NAB and on to NC5, but what i noticed is I don't have a hot spot option toggle in settings- connections,like on my note 2, this phone is unrooted and stock.. is this something new ?

    I just checked mine and I do have the hotspot toggle under settings>connections. The order is 1) WiFi calling, 2) WiFi, 3) Hotspot, 4) Bluetooth.

    • Like 1
  8. Best buy matches prices because when customers "save" money there instead of having to order online they're likely to buy cases and stuff in store. That's where they really make money.

    Source: I was a lead at best buy/common sense.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Bust Buy refused to match the price on my GN3.  Sprint sold it for $699.  Bust buy sold it for $799.  They said it was too much of a difference.  I ended up buying it from Amazon when it was on sale for $704.  With Amazon, I get points on my credit card towards future purchases.  I am not a fan at all of Bust Buy. 

  9. So, how can I save my contacts so I don't lose them if I do a factory reset?

    If you sync your contacts with your gmail account, they will download again after you do the factory reset. Settings>Accounts>Google>your email >sync contacts.

    • Like 2
  10. Huh? I don't follow.  I think he was just saying since we can't do LTE Only, he won't update to ZVC since there is currently no way to do it on new software version.


    My bad! I tuned in late and didn't read enough of the previous posts.

    • Like 1
  11. Being in the market that I'm in I don't think I can do an update until the towers around me get the NV upgrade. Not being able to go data centric is a definite deal breaker. :wacko:

    You can also get the update over WiFi. 

  12. Downloading a software update. Could be NC5 with Wifi calling...will keep you posted



    Was indeed NC5. Going to try out Wifi calling and see how it performs!


    Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk

    I just got it as well. 43.00 MB. We'll see.......

  13. Are any of you rooted? I'm at 55% on my battery with close to 2 hours screen on time and I've been off the charger since 830 this morning . This is about half of my heavy use screen time so I'm pretty impressed that I still have a good charge and Google hasn't killed my phone yet.

    I'm using greenify and I always keep my gps off. I think greenify is the big thing saving my battery.

    Whatever was causing my battery drain is gone. I'm now at 3 days. 13 hours with 39% left. It's got about 1.5 hours of screen on time, 1 hour of Amazon Cloud streaming and 1.5 hours of voice calls, not to mention email and web surfing. I guess KK has finally settled down. I'm in awe!

  14. Hello all


    So I signed up with Sprint and have been with them for nearly three weeks. I'm enjoying the Max but was mildly angered after learning about the eCSFB/Spark debacle from reading about it on the forums so I figured I'd finally sign up and ask some actual questions. My first one, and probably the biggest one is if everyone elses phone parks itself in 3g or if its my area specifically (Halethorpe Baltimore, MD ). When I contacted Sprint yesterday their reps seemed completely oblivious as to what SVLTE, eCSFB and the Spark issues were in general and the lady told me there were reported outages but I think she just wanted me off the line. I just updated the PRL on my phone and had spark for about thirty seconds before it dropped back to 3g and now the HTC device manager app is just running in the bg. I've been using an app called Network to force the phone into LTE only mode and access the Spark network but as everyone is fairly appraised of, it then nukes my ability to gets calls and texts(if only I could get texts T_T I could live without phone calls)


    And if anyone wants to suggest any reading material I'd love to study up on this more. Thanks everyone!

    Your issue sure sounds like an eCSFB problem.


    Here is a link to a really great article that Robert wrote:




    Hope this helps.


    My LG G2 Tri Band would park on 3G in the Harrisburg PA area last November until Shentel updated the system CSFB. Luckily it only took Shentel 10 days after the G2 release to perform the update. Shentel is usually right on top of things.

  15. Yeah. My LG's have been better than my note has ever been. My g2 and my N5 are absolutely awesome on signal strength.

    I wonder if my G2 is just a big yellow lemon?  There are many other owners though that complain of poor RF with the G2.  Everyone loves their N5. 

  16. Anything Android.process is your software attempting to open something and the path to get the task done is no longer there. You could try clearing data for the gallery but more than likely you will need to reset your phone.


    Made a call this morning after I switched back to my note. Normally I can hold calls no problem at my house but on my note it was all staticky and would cut in and out. Samsung is really dropping the ball with their phones lately.

    So are you saying that your LG G2 has better reception at your house than the Note 3 does?  My situation is just the opposite.  My N3 has much better RF reception in the same areas.  But you are right.  Samsung quality is not what it used to be....

  17. My battery drain has been as bad as when the N3 first came out. (The fix for that worked).

    But now I see different apps using the battery more than before KK.

    But, the overall experience has not been real bad. I have learned to live with is issue for now.


    No other issues with Kit Kat....



    I hear you!  Mine is not real bad either.  It's just annoying, because I knew how good it was before KK. 

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