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Everything posted by SpenceSouth

  1. Any LTE sightings yet? With all the phone talk, it's been a little quiet about any developments in the network?
  2. So you have no problems over 3G alone then? I don't want to buy a phone on the premise that it's problems might get fixed soon, but I guess I could just switch it back and forth from LTE only mode as needed. Sound practical?
  3. Well thanks for the all the input. I'm going to have to seriously consider the GS3 for sure. When I get off work I'm going to look into the S3 and maybe even pop into a Sprint store.
  4. Could the fix be as easy as raising the threshold for which it drops a signal? Similarly to what many of us have done on our WiMax phones? I know we don't have access to change these threshold values, but I don't imagine that to be a hard fix for HTC. Although that would beg the question about why it hasn't been addressed yet. Would you not recommend the EVO, Robert?
  5. Think I'm still leaning towards the EVO LTE. Haven't been convinced that the LTE scan issue isn't anything other than a software problem so I'm not too concerned about it. Plus the camera and Sense really impress me on the EVO. Not saying the SG3 is anything but a great phone, it's just nothing about it really strikes me.
  6. Whoooo so I am due for am upgrade on the 1st, but I'll be calling to see if I can get it on Black Friday instead. With any luck, I'll be out searching for LTE with you guys this week lol.
  7. Doesn't it normally take at least 24 hours to upload to Sensorly?
  8. Well there are a lot of streets that can get you from I-75 to I-275 so he can easily be on another tower that you missed. Soon I'll have an LTE phone so I can join the hunt lol.
  9. Probably one of the most notorious streets in Tampa. If I stay in this area for grad school, I'm going to try to relocate to St. Pete for sure.
  10. No kidding. You don't wanna be anywhere in between Bruce B. Downs and 22nd street once it gets dark. Tampa is not the safest place n the country for sure.
  11. Wow they are getting thrown up fast.
  12. Looking forward to driving around soon and seeing if I can find anything.
  13. I think I am the only one of us that has yet to actually see some NV panels lol.
  14. I'll go back with a real camera and try again. All of the panels do look like on the top though. Is there another carrier that uses similar panels to those one? I checked another tower close by too and there was one rack that looked like it had NV panels and normal panels.
  15. This might be a little better. http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/8229/20121109120946.jpg
  16. The picture is pretty bad but those look like NV panels on the top rack. This is in Temple Terrace.
  17. It feels surreal that we are finally seeing these panels going up.
  18. I'm hoping because it's close that I won't have a problem, but I really wanna upgrade at Best Buy or Amazon where I'll actually save money from upgrading there. I think it's still like $150 at the Sprint Stores and I don't think it will go down too much for Black Friday
  19. So I am due for an upgrade December 1st, but I really want to snag a good deal on the EVO LTE when it goes on sale for Black Friday. Does anyone know if it is possible to upgrade 8 days early like that, since Black Friday falls on the 23rd? I wouldn't mind waiting for the upgrade, per-say, it's just the deal that makes me want to get it early. Thoughts? Suggestions? Recommendations?
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