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Everything posted by nexgencpu

  1. I do use Hangouts Dialer/Data on occasion, is it a make or break feature? no, but its nice to know its there if I ever need it.
  2. I am certain they will. What I can tell you is, I did go to a yankee game last year and the nearest Clear site was broadcasting B41, and it was pretty fast. (20-30mbs) So I would not be surprised if we see an additional Sprint B41 site come online near the stadium very soon. I haven't checked out Citi yet so not sure about that.
  3. With full integration it is your Sprint number. Sprint is the only carrier to have that feature.
  4. I use Gvoice full integration/Hangouts dialer, it works awesome! No need for VoLTE, its already here..
  5. Hit some more Sprint B41.... 35th street 3rd ave.. 138th street 5th ave 148th street Saint Nicholas ave
  6. From my understanding, once the second carrier is online, it would benefit all of us despite not having CA support? Obviously max throughput will not be that of a CA device, will this second carrier just be a slightly different frequency from the one being broadcasted now? Also, how could one verify the second carrier is online from our current devices?
  7. Actually I'm noticing the opposite, today my B25 hit its highest I've seen in about a year 9mbs in my apt. I think network tuning with the other two bands are in full effect, so you might notice weirdness here and there for days or even weeks.
  8. When Tim says its soon, its Soon! There is a reason why its trademarked!
  9. As mentioned by everyone else, without a triband device it really is not at all indicative of the networks current state.
  10. Its all part of network vision upgrade, the equipment has the capacity to run 1x800/1900 for voice so you will immediately benefit from better coverage despite not having the fiber ready. But now its just waiting on fiber to get LTE going. Progress is progress.. Fyi: Most of the places I use my phone has very consistent performance.
  11. I have picked up at least 25 8t8r sites in Manhattan, and another 10-15 in the Bronx, and a few in Queen's. According to SC pro I've hit at least 50 8t8r sites.
  12. That's the grunt of the work, might as well avoid conflicts between old equipment and new equipment while they wait for backhaul.
  13. Means you'll experience usable LTE in an otherwise hostile wireless environment due to over saturated wireless connection (due to overcrowding). Quick info on Miller Park DAS... http://www.gctech.us/projects/miller-park/
  14. Try switching servers in the settings, also, I think Sprint is messing with traffic shaping to keep things consistent. Seems like 5mbs, is there number until backhaul is upgraded.
  15. My B41 speeds have taken a big hit, I no longer hit 35-50mbs at home, its more like 10-25mbs. But that is totally acceptable considering how much burden it has removed from B25 and how flexible B41 is vs B25. I honestly never expected to see speeds over 3-5mbs around my area on B25.
  16. eCSFB inbound call issue was on and off, id say 1 out of every 10 calls would be missed. But looks like everything is tuned properly in my area, now I miss maybe 1 out of 50 or 60 calls which is right where I expect it to be on any given carrier.
  17. Whatever Sprint's doing to enhance B41 coverage around my home has worked miracles to unload B25. One Sprint B41 site covers a huge amount of area (about a 20 block radius) , its quite impressive. I'm now hitting nearly 9mbs on B25 vs 1mbs (5mbs max even at 1am) just 2 months ago...
  18. If it has the Spark logo while connected to LTE its Triband, if it doesn't skip it. Also, the app we use to see what site and what band we are connecting to is called Signal Check pro, the dev is also a fellow member. I'd suggest you purchase the pro version (its a bucks) its well worth it since he updates that one more frequently and you will also help support the cause.
  19. Thats exactly what I meant, about your call "experience" that explains why you were dropping calls, they were ripping equipment and testing etc... Also, keep in mind that once that new site near cooper gets B26 you will probably be within range, as long as you have a Triband device.
  20. So it sounds like the Myrtle site might be your home site, which looks like it just got NV equipment on it. This might explain why you were getting sooo many dropped calls, you were on Legacy equipment being replaced, and it looks like one big part of the upgrade is complete, they just need to get Fiber onto it and get LTE rolling. At least you will most like likely have a more stable calling experience.
  21. This map shows the last sites that were accepted... http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/517-nv-sites-complete-maps/?p=6824
  22. More Sprint B41 in scarsdale! Speeds were pretty awesome! 50-60mbs..
  23. Forgot to mention these were all done indoors in my apartment.
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