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Status Updates posted by zippychance

  1. Bring back Speedy Banks #redskins

  2. Is another defenseman really gonna fix the fact the #caps have scored 10 goals at home over their last 5 games?

  3. I'm at Hard Times Cafe (Arlington, VA) w/ 4 others http://t.co/xioB49iJZg

  4. Also, facebook chat looks like shit now

  5. Or reparations. I'm an idiot

  6. RT @AnthonyCumia: Girls who work at veterinarian offices look just like girls in Kashi cereal commercials.

  7. If I knew wars with Iraq & Afghanistan would lead us to have Al Jazeera America, I wouldn't have been so unapologetically for them happening

  8. I'm at Fort Ethan Allen Community Canine Area (Arlington, VA) http://t.co/qSNWB3srRB

  9. Going to bed at 11, like an adult.

  10. Is every fucking traffic light off in @arlingtonva or just the ones in 22207?

  11. RT @GSElevator: #1: Let's be honest. There's no way your guess is as good as mine.

  12. RT @LouBrutus: You shouldn't brag that you voted. You're supposed to vote. It's like bragging that you brushed your teeth this morning. #El

  13. "Her voice is the exact frequency that gives me diarreha" -Jesse S

  14. RT @chaddukes: Mayo is horrendous. Holler of you hear me.

  15. RT @HarrisonMooney: Can't even line brawl properly MT @DNFlyers Downie has a concussion from fight. Lecavalier has a facial injury and will…

  16. Fairly certain I've offended everyone here (@ Ragtime) http://t.co/dU9Yqq68ir

  17. Wegmans Annandale. My favorite part is when the dear leader inspects the orange soda http://t.co/Jp7ilFFMmC

  18. He wouldn't believe me when I said I didn't have any pizza. Very persistent dog http://t.co/R6Dh3BVBUF

  19. This is christmas and the kid's getting his fucking present

  20. maaaaaaaaaaaaakin a fillllllllllllter

  21. Jon Stewart hasn't been funny since Big Daddy

  22. RT @HankQuotes: Detroit hasn't felt any real pride since George Bush went to Japan and vomited on their auto executives.

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