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Status Updates posted by zippychance

  1. I also replaced the coaxial cable and now A&E HD works #goodnewsday

  2. I have successfully networked the rick.felt lounge using the following tools:-Milk Crates-Hockey Stick-Box cutter-@NattyBohs

  3. Seven Corners would be a 24/7 fiesta

  4. Watching hockey in an arena built before television is brutal

  5. Chipotle was a lot better before ins ruined it

  6. It's a real pain in the dick that the closest cracker barrel is like... 40 miles away

  7. 2 grand worth of stereo equipment was meant for blasting sexy bitch throughout the house via xm

  8. I should have known better... attempting to go west on 66 at 230 #sillyme http://t.co/zLMOuthGA1

  9. I'm losing faith in @golfsmith. Online inventory consistently wrong and now two "special order" stands missing pieces.

  10. RT @GSElevator: The @Carl_C_Icahn letter to Dell shareholders ends with a Twitter #FF of himself... respect.

  11. I'm at Raue Pond (Alexandria, VA) http://t.co/PwcMHNfKdX

  12. It would appear that I lost a pillowcase. What else could go wrong today?

  13. I really don't need it, but as the mayor of Arlington I have to maintain it as a prominent public figure

  14. Im looking on Arnold Schwarzenegger fan forums for True Lies bluray release info. Rumor=2014. I either need a girlfriend or a time machine

  15. Did somebody recognize you today? RT @DaneCook Ariel Castro killed himself in prison. What a perfect way to end an already incredible day!!

  16. Really? There's not one pothead that can work photoshop? This is terrible RT @stillblazingtho #rejectedyankeecandles http://t.co/Gvj6z1YGsO

  17. this place is afghanistan west (@ Target) http://t.co/kVXIJ2qimy

  18. RT @HankQuotes: I gotta admit, I like buying my hammers and pants at the same place so I can see how they look together.

  19. "I'm stealing them on principle... the principle being im a piece of shit" - @BKeat_BCM

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