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Everything posted by kg4icg

  1. RT @LindonThomas: @kg4icg it's the first one in the company. I wouldn't call that wild.

  2. The major cause of Meth Lab fires is RF signals so lets supply them with as much RF radiation as possible, then the Meth problem is solved.
  3. ~ You do know he was talking about Verizon's 3G CDMA speeds and not there LTE speeds right?
  4. Don't want to be a spoil sport especially on the 700 MHz but I will be. Primary users for the 700 MHz band at first was for public safety, until Verizon and AT&T started throwing there weight around and saying let's share in which the FCC said ok but under certain conditions. For example, here are some users in the 700 MHz space with frequencies they are licensed for These are just some examples. People have to think about the other users in the space of frequencies. It is not just CellPhones.
  5. So what if Sprint didn't participate in the 600mhz auction, not the end of the world. Nothing magical about the band. Not like you going to have the transmission capabilities of a TV station doing kilowatts to transmit the signal. Than there is the possibility of might be a wash since that frequency range is more prone to sporadic-e layer than 800 or 700.
  6. Plus it would require the necessary licenses for using such products which wasn't spoke of and it would require FCC certification which isn't cheap either. Do you really think something like this doesn't already exist, Rhodes and Schwartz
  7. I wonder if this had anything to do with me finding it yesterday? I was looking for any indications of something else but oh well.
  8. You missed this one LS991 https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/ViewExhibitReport.cfm?mode=Exhibits&RequestTimeout=500&calledFromFrame=N&application_id=125932&fcc_id=ZNFLS991
  9. Sounds like it's time to have a beer

  10. Is it me or was this bound to happen? http://www.tmonews.com/2015/04/complaints-of-user-t-mobile-lte-speed-throttling-gets-john-legeres-attention/
  11. I just added the it to my account on both phones if me and my significant half decide to go globe hopping. Yes I added it to my 20gb share plan.
  12. Can always just get on the site from the browser.
  13. Since I'm using a Blackberry, I'm not worrying about tapatalk, though I could load it up. I'm on 10.3.1 that I loaded up. As for the sight, I like it. By the way, this looks good on the Spartan browser too.
  14. There are 8.4 reasons you should enter the #GalaxyTabS84 Giveaway. Check em out/enter here: https://t.co/OGZfkHtr1j via @pocketnow

  15. What I meant it is for TDD deployment, not FDD.
  16. Funny thing is, 2.5 ghz is labeled TDD worldwide, so that is going to work.
  17. Oh but the saying AJ is referring to is from the 80's and Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan, and you have to get that Ricardo Monteban accent in there.
  18. But I'm now kicking a 2.04 k/d average after 35k plus kills.
  19. The problem with cites in California is they are trying to get money from any sources they can because they spent themselves into a hole and can't get out of it because of the tax base dwindling.
  20. And for $45 under Boost you get unlimited calls and text and 5gb of data with no cap on speed with tri band lte devices on hand.
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