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Everything posted by kg4icg

  1. Anything that comes from Forbes cell network wise, I take with a grain of salt after discovering that they started a GSM MNVO operation of there own, world wide.
  2. I guess you really haven't read it, but basically they are making you a T-Mobile cell site for anyone that is with in range of the signal. And there is no way to restrict it. Which means someone can just come up and sit and suck away your internet bandwidth at will thru use of this device. So if you feel like paying for that privilege, go right ahead.
  3. http://arstechnica.com/business/2015/11/t-mobiles-network-extender-lets-anyone-use-your-internet-bandwidth/ basically T-Mobile just made you a volunteer of there cell phone network at additional cost to you, I would say that this goes against some TOS of your ISP
  4. http://newsroom.sprint.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=12049 some good numbers
  5. I can definitely say that me being over the hill, having been around for Vietnam, Granada, Panama, both gulf wars, and a few other interdictions, and still remembering it all. That I take nothing as a insult unless you call me late for dinner, then you are dead meat.
  6. Well looks like I'm waking up the BlackBerry part of device's. BlackBerry L6ARHM180LW has appeared on the FCC OET. So the usual analyst might want to go take a look. https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/ViewExhibitReport.cfm?mode=Exhibits&RequestTimeout=500&calledFromFrame=N&application_id=BmDugNYTp5U9mtbkNAFFZg%3D%3D&fcc_id=L6ARHM180LW
  7. Oh you mean the phones shown in the windows of the store being the Palm Pre and showing the other older phones that have sinced past.
  8. And it all depends on the device capabilities and what they put in them, which is why there are so many different model numbers for the S6 too.
  9. Pretty much you guys are confusing a device issue as a network related issue. Don't forget that there are some devices that are SVDO capable on Sprint and that most new devices aren't because I the amount of antennas they would have to build into the phones for that capability. The network can already d it, but the devices would need to be designed with more antenna channels and add more cost to do so. For example, Evo 4GLTE,Samsung GS3
  10. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/verizon-hike-prices-grandfathered-unlimited-data-plan-users-20month/2015-10-08?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Editor&utm_campaign=SocialMedia Verizon unlimited holdouts aren't going to like this.
  11. I think John should check himself because DT isn't exactly throwing cash his way for the 600 MHz spectrum auction. Sprint doesn't really need it, no matter how many arm chair CEO's in here we have that really wouldn't know propagation if it fell on there heads.
  12. Just imagine what the magenta squad is saying right now. Pretty shade of red in there faces.
  13. Sitting here in Frederick, MD. Waiting to depart with my load back to the airport, reading my feeds.

  14. Good question, because I started it in September of last year when this came about, I'll let you know if I don't see it on my next bill, but I haven't gone over 10gb between 2 phones
  15. I wonder if people who go off on a tangent about signal reception inside a building ever consider the materials used in the making of a building that they are in. Some buildings these days act like faradays' cage in that signals don't get in and out to well, so before you go blasting whoever, think about that.
  16. Heck DirecTV thing and T-Mobile joining the CCA, what else is going to happen? Oh and I got this in band 25 in Ashburn.
  17. No actually, this thread is full of dynamite and gasoline, just waiting for someone to come in with a lit match and light it off.
  18. I use to go to Baltimore to Hammerjacks. Now the only thing I do in Baltimore is pass thru it going up to New Jersey.​
  19. Sprint still has there campus in Reston, Va serving the Government IT sector, so as for major metropolitan areas, Sprint is in one.
  20. You know what is funny, the 4 major metro areas he mentioned have something in common he failed to realise. High unemployment and high crime too. And if you look really close, you might find out some of the good paying jobs moved out of California into less costly places to do business like Texas and Virginia. For example, take a drive along the Dulles Toll/Access road between Tysons and Herndon, and you will understand why they call it the Dulles Tech Corridor. Even VW/Audi moved there HQ out of California into Virginia.
  21. I can personally say, from my standpoint being on EasyPay for 1 and a half years now and having the current plan I have now in which I started on Framily when it came out and moved over to Family Share 20gb plan. All of it I may say under no contract except in paying off the phone. I see myself never going back to a contract plan. So the person on everything data that is panicking, you are doing it all for nothing. Heck with a lease on a iPhone with unlimted data, you looking at $82. a month and if you go the family share route, lease or easy pay, you still be better off.
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