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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Well if this thing comes with an s600 chip then I don't think I will bother even if it is tri-band. I am paying full pop and there is no way I will do so if it has the same specs as my One which came out 6 months ago, not to mention I haven't heard anything about an IR port on the One Max which at this point I absolutely love on my One that I know I can't live with out. So it looks like I will keep my One on my main line and replace my poor evo with a nexus 5.
  2. Same here, I have noticed a few times when flying into atlanta that when I turn my phone on it will roam for a minute or two before switching to sprint but during that time I am already connected to sprint's lte.
  3. I am not gonna lie, I think its just stupid but hey, when you got billions in cash laying around you find all sorts of things to do with it.
  4. LOL, it really depends on who you ask. You will either get a yes or no with various explanations as to why its yes or no.
  5. Yep, they just don't have the working capital to grow like their competitors.
  6. At this point, I don't think anyone should be surprised. HTC may slow the bleeding but I just don't see how they can stop the bleeding all together without someone coming in to bail them out. HTC's products are fine they just need the capital to grow as well as a change in management which I am sure lenovo will provide and I think they will be doing just fine in a few years.
  7. I won't be back home for another month but my gamertag is "raggamuffin" If you add me make sure you reference s4gru.
  8. You have to realize that finding someone that actually knows what they are talking about is a million to 1. You might get lucky but most of the times they don't know anything at all as far as on going nv issues.
  9. Yeah same here, with all the sprint issues on the island I have never seen the 3g signal flicker so frequently like this.
  10. Well the problem is marketing but like you said htc has nothing else to fall back on. Sony and lg's mobile devision hasn't been doing well for a while but of course they make so many other products that they can afford to keep their mobile division up and running. Same with motorola but they decided to cut their losses and sell their mobile division to google and nokia just got sold to MS. Its just a matter of time before htc gets bough out, and hopefully who ever buys them out can give them the marketing budget they need to get back to being number one.
  11. Its not a matter of hating anything, its just how things are heading. Sure, it would be easier to swap cards but its also just as easy to copy and paste your photos or better yet easily set everything up on dropbox. Also, at any given moment how often will you be going through your phone looking at photos? Another thing to consider is the fact that these phones are getting a lot faster than ever before and customers don't know much about sd cards other than maybe memory size. A customer might want to upgrade their memory, they walk into walmart, radioshack, bestbuy.....etc to get a card and more than likely they will get the cheapest one they can find with the memory they need not putting into consideration about what class type the card is rated at. With internal memory, its a lot faster and it takes the guess work out of it. Again, you don't hear iphone customers complaining. For the record though I would definitely prefer an sd card but I nor you and many of us here are not part of the typical customer pool.
  12. This argument is old and doesn't have anything to do with anything, if that was the case then apple would have been out of business a lot time ago. Its all about affective marketing and thats it. Even though samsung devices have removable batteries with sd card slots, how many times have you seen a samsung ad mentioning that? You don't, because at the end of the day, only an extreme extreme minority of consumers will demand those two features. I am sure that eventually samsung will go the apple route and end the removable battery/sd card slot option because thats where the industry on a whole is going. What samsung did was took a page directly from apple's book, got creative with their marketing campaign and took the fight to apple head on in the market place. Unfortunately this type of marketing strategy usually requires large amounts of expandable cash which samsung has being that they are one of the largest electronic oem's in the world where as htc just makes phones and thats it. Last year samsung spent almost 1 billion US(and probably a lot more this year) just for advertising and most of that went towards their galaxy line. If I had that kind of budget with the right marketing, I could literally sell anything to almost anyone. I am a huge fan of htc and always will be, but I think they are on their way to a path similar to nokia and blackberry but for different reasons and lack or sd card slot and removable batteries are not the reasons.. HTC makes excellent products but to relay that to consumers on a global scale will simply cost way more than what they can afford. Right now I think HTC is still worth a little too much for someone to come in and try to buy them out but I do see it happening within the next year or two if things don't turn around.
  13. I think you can find your answer right here in this thread which at one point was one of the most active threads on this site and now you don't hardly see any PR guys posting any more, LOL. Its probably because they are happy as hell with their sprint service now, after all the PR market is probably the market thats closest to being 100% complete.
  14. Damn, sorry for all the back to back posts. Anyway, I am a member of HTC Elevate. Very difficult to get in but once your in, there a lot of things they give to members at times.
  15. To add, I have notice data going in and out quite frequently the last few days or so.
  16. The VI market has already been upgraded to NV on the 3G side. A few towers on one of the islands already has lte so hopefully it shouldn't be much longer.
  17. I am almost starting to think that htc themselves are controlling these leaks or have some serious NDA's as far as releasing certain information to the public. For a device that seems so close to release yet htc hasn't formally said a single thing about it(not that I am aware of anyway), I hope they have some serious surprises up their sleeves. For me to bite on this for sure, it has to be tri-band, has more features than my One and it must have an IR port. I have grown fond of that IR port and is probably a must have for me from here on out.
  18. Yeah, I was asking how much you got for your One. I got a red One free on behalf of htc the other week ago and sold my original One for 400 even on ebay.
  19. Interesting, as many leaks there have been but from the same one source, I figured at this point that this device would have only been available in a few select markets and wouldn't see the light of day here in the US.
  20. Data performance on my one has been just fine here on the island. As far as lte, nothings changed.
  21. I was in the sprint store yesterday and one of the girls told me 680 so I figured something wasn't right. Anyway, its an excellent device but I will wait a few more weeks to see what the nexus 5 will be about, after that I will make my decision on what to get.
  22. Not sure how sero works when it comes to activation but yeah I think you're right, I don't think the system will let you swap between a wimax/lte device online.
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