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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Exactly, I really hope its priced so that I can easily buy one straight up which is what I am planning on doing anyway. I was considering the note 3 off contract but this will definitely be worth it if costs half as much as the note.
  2. Good to see S4GRU being sourced on other sites.
  3. Well except for the galaxy nexus, that had horrible battery life even with using an extended battery.
  4. Service just went out completely, its probably weather related though.
  5. Wow, looks like I will be broke once again. Very interesting.
  6. Your average sprint customer has never had voice and data at the same time(other than over wifi) up until more recent devices. People won't really complain as much when it comes to something they've never experienced. I'm with you though, svlte is something I absolutely don't want to lose.
  7. No offense but I shouldn't have to carry around an additional device(free or not) to do what current devices can already do on their own. All though google voice has lots of cool features, I don't think its worth the hassle, at least not for me. I have had one too many issues with google voice to where my account was basically hijacked for several days up to a week at a time while google tried to figure out what was wrong, during that time I couldn't make or receive calls. Sprint's customer service was useless but it wasn't really their fault being that its always a google issue. I really do hope that the note 3 has svlte, its a legitimate feature and it can easily be used by competitors to keep their customers from going to sprint. Hell, at&t had an iphone commercial about voice and data at the same time.
  8. Yeah, at this point I am afraid that there isn't anything htc can do to stop the bleeding. Obviously they have a lot of internal issues that has cost them quite a bit over the years. I am still keeping my fingers crossed that they will be able come up with a miracle to get themselves out of the whole they dug themselves in.
  9. I am really liking the actual features of the note 3 and I also like the more squared look like on the gs2 but god damn I hate that home botton and touch wiz is such an eyesore. As far as htc though, I don't expect them to come up with as many features in comparison to the note 3 but they can't afford to wait until any other time to make an announcement. They need to get people talking about the one max like how everyone is talking about the note 3 and have it released around the same time as well. But of course htc will probably find a way to screw this up.
  10. I wonder what this will cost off contract? I'm thinking $650 for the 32gb.
  11. Yes, tri band is a must for any phone I purchase at this point and the leather backing was a nice touch I thought.
  12. The galaxy gear looks stupid in my opinion. I think just about most of these smartwatches look stupid and for the most part I think its just a fad.
  13. It's weird, I can't really put my finger on it but I will save any further judgement for when I get to use it myself.
  14. I'm sad, for whatever reason all the excitement that I had over the last few days seem to have totally disappeared after watching this event.
  15. I think that site over by the dump should be easy to get too, you should go and see if anyone is working on it.
  16. I travel a lot more than I would like to but yeah I am on the rock, I head right back to atlanta next week though.
  17. Had a bunch of dropped calls early this morning along with little to no data at all. As of this moment everything seems to be back to normal.
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if that happens, honestly I am shocked that they haven't already sold out to someone else.
  19. I can understand going with wp being that they got a quick infuse of cash from MS but even back in 2009 nokia would have stood a better chance jumping on the android bandwagon than going all in on meego.
  20. Having using both onscreen buttons and capacitive buttons I think I prefer capacitive buttons. On screen buttons simply takes up screen real estate compared to when using capacitive buttons. The home button on the galaxy phones I think is just hideous looking and they should make the home button a capacitive button as well.
  21. Well honestly 3g has been working so well for me recently that I haven't worried much about 4g at all. It would be nice when it hits though.
  22. Hell yeah it would have, I don't know about anyone else but I always wanted to see an android device by nokia. As huge as nokia has been in the mobile industry in combination with the diversity of android, I wouldn't have been surprised if nokia turned into a close number # 2 right behind samsung.
  23. I am sure that once an agreement was made with microsoft back in february of 2011 that android was no longer an option. I am not really sure how long the agreement was for though but I think we all can agree(then and now) that Nokia made a mistake partnering with microsoft.
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