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Everything posted by rf40928

  1. From what I'm reading...There are THREE versions of throttling... Depending on if you are .... 1) A Top 5% user....2) A PRE-PAID ( Boost/ Virgin ) user .... 3) A NON-Top 5% user ( Contract or FRAMILY ) the throttling will mean something completely different to you. My understanding is Sprint will temporarily throttle ( contract and framily ) users hooked to an overburdened site ( until it's not overburdened ) .. and even switching to another tower would return you to normal speeds.. In essences this makes sense.. If 4 guys are watching netflix on one tower and I can't even bring up Google on my web browser then this isn't fair to everyone else who just needs useable data.. For Sprint Pre-paid users service ( who have had throttling since 2012 ) .. that after using so much data ( 2.5 Gb) ... now these users the throttle will be put on more so then before.....and Sprint prepaid users will have data throttled no matter what once they hit those limits.... Top 5%... Whats that mean ? Are the top 5% using 20 GB a month or more? It would have to be A LOT !! I used a 3 or more Gigs last month.. and thats pretty low for LTE.. most of us just won't be in the top 5%..
  2. Ok, I thought one of those was dual band.. not sure about the Sprint Samsung Mega.. I have a Galaxy Tab at home
  3. The iPhone 5c/5s is already 8 months old and there are other phones released in that time frame that didn't support all bands.. The original Sprint Note 3 supported only b25 & b26 and it came out 3 months later after the 5c/5s.. ....... although Samsung is obviously releasing new versions which will help..
  4. Band 41's have been on in Columbus for months. maybe more at old clearwire sites and less at new sites.. but I thought Sprint Spark was technically all three bands ......
  5. What Ive found in my own experience when areas are being worked on - it is during this time - the service suffers the most.
  6. I think completed 2500 is going to help overall service, but I have a feeling that it won't be until 800 LTE is out will some of those coverage holes be fixed..
  7. Network upgrades...... They were coming at warp speed for a minute, but now its more like molasses ... There are still to many holes in areas that are finished.. SE Columbus by the Reynoldsburg Walmart is LTE everywhere.. But as soon as you go to Cracker Barrel only a mile away LTE goes bye bye.. Even outside the restaurant my son was flipping from LTE to 3g on his LG G2 ( only 1.00 at best buy right now )..
  8. I cant see completion being May 2014 ( at the current production rate ) its a 3 days till May now.. Even if we give them till the last day of May thats only 4 weeks
  9. The leaks seem to be coming from the some of the same sources who leaked the finger print sensor. The finger print sensor was leaked about 10 months before the 5S release.. this "rumor" has much more credibility because its coming from suppliers and wall street analyst ..Even Apple's own internal study said last year they were losing out on a growing smart phone market because some people simply wanted a bigger screen. Apples number of phones sold HAS INCREASED every year and so have their profits, but the market is growing so fast that it's percentage of market share ( of the entire market ) has barely grown world wide. Things like screens need to be ready long before anything else in order to have enough stock piled to build millions of phones ( millions of phones aren't built in a few weeks ) ..
  10. I hope they are turning on more towers soon either way.. whats columbus at ? ... 70% LTE?
  11. I edited my post before you replied.. but I added above I hope it's not going to be an issue where Sprint devices will sometimes switch to 3g for whatever reason.. When it happened the network didn't appear to be loaded ( speed test where >7 Mbps down )... but it happened about 3 times within an hour one day. I considered the signal ( maybe being on LTE on one tower and switching to another ) but quickly came to the conclusion I was in a small city 100% complete with only 5 towers of which all are 800 voice/LTE.. I was actually on foot walking outside.. my signal always was good to excellent once I got into the engineering screen
  12. Although Iam not on a tri-band device....I was in Marietta, Ohio - 100% completed - over the weekend and had to manually airplane cycle my iPhone 5 to go back to LTE. It would sometimes switch to 3g by itself - although the signal was strong. This is hopefully not an issue where Sprint devices will go to 3g for various reasons to be listed.. I also mapped LTE in Marietta on 8th, 9th streets (and part of 5th street ) with my Galaxy tab using the sensorly app ..
  13. I had issues with LTE going to 3g.. posting below.. IE is not working right on pc.... going to Google chrome ..
  14. They need guys qualified for electrical towers ..but im hoping otherwise thisisnt going to be a long ordeal !
  15. Yes Im happy to see my phone go from being useless ( when not on wi fi ) to something I can enjoy. Before I could send test and make calls.. even sending text was sometimes not dependable. Things are looking up !
  16. I have Time Warner and my internet connection and any time is consistently 50 to 53 down and 5 to 6 up.. my ping is usually 15 to 30.. while this is currently the fastest connection for Columbus Time Warner is gearing up to offer 100 Mbps download.. The problem with speedtest is it doesnt truely download that much data.. it does sort of an estimation.. Ive been to a site that loads down and transfers huge amounts of data to see if your connection is not only that fast, but that constant - time and time again. If speedtest did this over cellular it would bog down the system much more. But speedtest seems pretty accurate - the most important thing. Where home internet still has the edge ( providing you have no existing problems ) is consistency in ping times and speed.. which cellular has more variables which I think change those parameters..
  17. Is it prettty assured that band 41 already works for Galaxy S5?
  18. I could be on firechat talking NEARBY ( local ) which would be only over blutooth or wifi.. Like biggest reason to use firechat is to use NEARBY chat.. NEARBY chat conversations are completely unseen ( and thus not seen in EVERYONE chat ) since bluetooth has a max range of about 300 feet ( 300 ft is in Bluetooth 4.0 in most newer phones ) If you're using firechat for the reason it was designed - max security and privacy - then you'll be using it in NEARBY mode which means most users probably aren't using EVERYONE mode ( EVERYONE mode is over wi-fi or celullar internet )... Nearby mode doesn't use cellular networks so you're not able to be monitored.. Hope this explains why you don't see many people in EVERYONE mode.. Although it's an option it was designed more for NEARBY chat which makes it secure.
  19. There's more to this. My family uses both iOS and android phones.. and both ( the receiving caller ) has had 1 ring on their side while the caller had 10 rings.. sometimes on either iOS/Android we have had instances of hearing NO RINGS - but we know someone called because we get a voice msg ! I think it's a Sprint problem seen more in areas not upgraded or being upgraded.. Ive seen it less lately..
  20. The iOS version of Firechat was intro'd 2 weeks before the Android version of Firechat ( intro'd April 3rd )... Neither version is cross platform.. But BOTH versions are anonymous and ephemeral — conversation streams disappear as soon as the app is closed — it’s designed to create proximity-based hyperlocal networks. In NEARBY chat mode - Both iOS & android versions use Wi-Fi and Bluetooth links to connect to nearby devices without using cellular internet at all making it extremely secure and private. Everyone mode uses wifi or cellular and is thus not private..
  21. yeah i do.. i dont use a case.. looks good and although ive dropped it many times on concrete at work as well as the parking lot asphalt it hasn't cracked the screen yet.. the repair guy i know says he believes Apple tweaked the glass alittle starting with the iPhone 5 screens versus the iPhone 4s which cracked much easier.. as far as what the 5S and 5c.. I hear they are very durable.. especially the 5C which I saw one that has been run over..
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