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S4GRU Member
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Everything posted by EliBohnert

  1. Kill me now. My dad is going to meet Todd Akin tomorrow possibly. And his family. #bunchofrapelovers

  2. Waking up to Cher Lloyd singing to you is one of the best things ever :P (at The Bohnerts) — http://t.co/Pf7YJEKA

  3. Terrible day ????

  4. Hello new Sprint.

  5. When some geese fly over your head and you run randomly around

  6. Do you have to be jailbroken to get the dBm reading to always show?
  7. Ehoooo!!! I won the raffle!! Hellloooo money

  8. My teacher is sitting on the desk LOOOLLLL

  9. Good night Everybody ????

  10. Nicki minaj- Starships were meant to flyMe- oh really

  11. My mom is like so getting a iPhone.

  12. Photo: It’s a windy day ☁☁☁ (Taken with Instagram at The Bohnerts) http://t.co/iJ7F3mZU

  13. I got 71,757 points while escaping from demon monkeys. Beat that! http://t.co/rWVgnT5U #TempleRun http://t.co/YrPtX5k5

  14. The Internet provider I have needs to die

  15. “Gangnam Style: Three Reasons K-Pop Is Taking Over The World” via @digg http://t.co/EoDdNFyp

  16. ???? Everybody's In a bad mood

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