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S4GRU Member
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Everything posted by EliBohnert

  1. I think I have enough money for the Windows 8 update. And amazon is offering a $30 gift card with it so...

  2. Photo: Perfection (at Columbus Belmont State Park) http://t.co/qUpHBmRl

  3. The stray cat keeps jumping on me to get my stew aw

  4. A woman camping next to us it wearing a trash bag ????

  5. Apple maps can't even figure out how to get me home

  6. Happy birthday Katy Perry :D

  7. agent-bones: m-ichael: so apparently i’m a victim of cyber bullying.. LOLLLLL! http://t.co/LkAS4jEj

  8. My timeline is so boring.. So I guess tweet me to follow you

  9. I don't see why people say graveyards are so scary

  10. Photo: This should be fun! (at Columbus Belmont State Park) http://t.co/Fl8e61o9

  11. Photo: at Columbus Belmont State Park http://t.co/OrxtDMYn

  12. 2 hours later and were maybe about to leave... ._.

  13. Oh so I guess my mom is going to give me a pumpkin facial. ????

  14. Whoop I have 12 things in my Passbook

  15. What happens when you read but don't reply http://t.co/ZmnYiu31

  16. Photo: LOOOL! (at The Bohnerts) http://t.co/2Hbw9Qwa

  17. Wrestlers are so fake

  18. Gonna go camping this week ????

  19. And this is why older people scare me.

  20. Go hard lalalalalalalalallalaThat song needs to stop being so addictive.

  21. Photo: Um what rain (at The Bohnerts) http://t.co/S1PgUvLs

  22. Ellie Goulding is amazing. Her voice shows so much emotion.

  23. I'm so awesome I'm printing speeds tests for my Internet provider

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