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Everything posted by EliBohnert

  1. Just posted a photo @ The Bohnerts http://t.co/etHhJAa9

  2. You don’t have to leave your home to volunteer for @BarackObama. Sign up for an online phone bank shift today: http://t.co/dzFZrMIl

  3. I'm using Windows 8 on my 8 month old Windows 7 laptop and I think its pretty good. At first it feels funny using the home screen without a touch screen but you get used to it. But Xbox music feels like a child designed it. You can't edit anything on the music name ect. Besides that I think its pretty good.
  4. Sweet Jesus it's some why working now

  5. I'm watching Once Upon a Time (8686 others checked-in) http://t.co/SUU86hyz #GetGlue @OnceABC

  6. I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl http://t.co/97RlkwyO #GetGlue #PiratesOfTheCaribbean

  7. Oh yay the lock button on my phone broke

  8. Ugh most of the tv listings are a hour off

  9. Screw you times changed

  10. Putting album art on 14gig of music album by album takes FOREVERRRRRRRR

  11. I'm really pretty surprised my mom did not care that Britney Spears was my phones wall paper since my family is so religious

  12. Windows 7>>>>>>>>>Windows 8

  13. Photo: Why hello there! (at The Bohnerts) http://t.co/Q4iIDChF

  14. Oprah: Microsoft's Surface is like a Mercedes http://t.co/k5qFo867 via @CNET Okay This does mean the Surface is really good.

  15. And freezing fingers can't type

  16. I just love how I paid $11.99 for Red at @walgreens but yet @iTunes wants $14.99 for it

  17. I'm watching The Voice (891 others checked-in) http://t.co/SyQ8kPTq #GetGlue @nbcthevoice

  18. Ellen again today!

  19. Photo: Hey there probie (at The Bohnerts) http://t.co/MKAbqabx

  20. Probie kitty is sleeping with me tonight. Nobody's gonna murder me

  21. Me and my sister are making Romney into mean nick names!

  22. I just love how Romney just said 'we love all people during people during this disaster' I'm sitting here like biachhhhh plz

  23. Oh crap my grandparents are here and I'm home alone. Time to run down stairs and hide

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