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Everything posted by EliBohnert

  1. Am I the only one who buys shirts in the next size also if you love them enough?

  2. To get or not to get a Android again..

  3. Bye bye phone for the next 8 hours I bet -.-

  4. Can I have my gold please? May I have my gold please

  5. I'm ready to give up on everything.

  6. Oh hi weird red and green helicopter

  7. I use Tumblr to much

  8. I don't think my dad does not understand 'I don't care'

  9. The floors at my doctors office are soooo slick.

  10. Explain to me why Dub On The Track is not on the US verison of Sticks and Stones?

  11. So worried about Tori. :( I'll pray extra for her tonight.

  12. This movie is getting boring~~~

  13. You knows your a CRJ and Owl City addict when you listen to Good Time like 15 times in a row

  14. Who remembers silly bands?

  15. 15 hours with no charge and my phones at 65%. Um yes!

  16. But hey the circles part of G+ made it easy to add her back and not see all my stuff!

  17. Shit just got real when it became October. 20 days till I'm 14! :D

  18. Sigh I wish a add would come on Hulu so I would have a excuse to get up

  19. Watching Dangerous Drives: Heavy Haulers on @hulu: http://t.co/mwUL98S5

  20. lolz Hulu just told me I have to be over 17 to watch this show and it also said my parents would thank them. Well Yeah they would

  21. Please don't wear so much cologne

  22. 14 hours later and im at 68% :D win!

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