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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. Anyone see some new sites that Rob Da Don doesn't have on the map? Only 6 LTE acceptances for the whole Jax market in the month of August has me worried as normally if I find a LTE tower live then Rob Da Don nomally has the acceptance report that day or maybe a day or two earlier.

    Nope. I haven't seen any new sites. I've seen a lot of sites with the legacy equipment removed though.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



  2. I found this article today, which has some insight into the issues that Sprint is having with contractors and upgrading backhaul. It also seems that including CDMA upgrades in the NV project means that they have to make sure that 911 service isn't affected which I'm sure is also helping to slow things down.




    CNET has more information



    Users on this site that asks why it is taking sprint so long to get LTE and 800 CDMA online should watch the CNET video. Everything he's saying is the same stuff that Robert and other users has been saying all along.


    Sent from my EVO



  3. Hi Dave thanks for becoming a member. I'm in Jacksonville Florida. There's a lot of info on this site and because of this I'm going to renew my contract for two more years. Also I see you have an evo 3d hold out until tri band phones are released.


    Sent from my EVO



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  4. I wonder what is the hold up in the Jacksonville market as Sprints LTE rollout in this market has been embarrassingly slow and typically has less than 100 upgrades a month between Jacksonville, Alachua, Gainesville, St Augustine, Ocala ect. There has to be something major going on to affect the rollout this much. Orlando is also going pretty slow.

    Maybe they have run into a backhaul problem or maybe Softbank is changing direction and installing TDD LTE and NV 1.0 at the same time.


    Sent from my EVO



  5. the "all in" plan includes 5Gb of hotspot. plus everything from the $80 my way plan with unlimited data. 1Gb hotspot is $10, 2gb hotspot is $20, and 6gb hotspot was $50 iirc. So the deal is on the hotspot pricing, but you also can't discount it .. so I see your point. There should be some additional perks to having the "all in" plan.

    I would be all over the all in plans then....


    Sent from my Nexus 7



  6. One thing that I have noticed about the way handing off works with regards to switching from 3G to 4G and vice versa, if your phone, is constantly accessing that data connection (be it 3G or 4G) it will not hand off, the phone will wait, until its in an idle state, THEN switch. So for example, if your in a 3G only area, and you happen to travel within a 4G coverage area while your phone is accessing data, it will NOT hand off to 4G until the radio is in an idle state! So bottom line, switching to airplane mode will just stop your radio from accessing the network and wake up in the preferred state (hopefully LTE). Also, try to keep those background apps at bay, it will greatly reduce the time it takes to switch radio modes.

    That's a good point I always thought it was my EVO LTE with it's connection problems that was causing this so I guess this happens to all devices.


    Sent from my Nexus 7



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  7. I can see T and VZ all over this spectrum and maybe even tmo. Sprint will probably be focusing on the three bands they have and possibly acquiring H block. Tmo has been grabbing the attention of a lot of people lately. Honestly until about 4 months ago I wouldn't even consider tmo in my choice of carriers.


    Sent from my EVO



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  8. Why does everyone want sprint to merge with tmo? I feel that sprint has a lot going on right now. So does tmo. I feel at this point we don't need any more consolidation in the US. It would be great to see four national carriers instead of three. Also as Eric said Sprint should stick with their three bands and maybe purchase some 600 band later on.


    Sent from my EVO



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  9. Well, for those of you that were questioning Sprint future. According to the earnings call today Sprint plans on install 2.6 TD-LTE on all 38k sites and the 12k+ sites that Clearwire are currently on. I know that some are co-located with Sprint sites. With 800/1900/2600 on all Sprint's site this makes for one bad ass network. I don't know about the rest of you all but I'm sticking around at least another 2 years. If Sprint can pull this off they will be top of the food chain as far as wireless goes. Also 2.6 band will be the global roaming band with Japan, China, India, and a few other countries using this band in their TD-LTE deployments. I'm in the same boat as you all here in Jacksonville. My biggest issue is not data but not being able to make phone calls inside of buildings since I'm not a data power user. The future will be bright for Sprint the dark days will be over soon.

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