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Everything posted by tybo31316

  1. That's the same thing I was thinking both companies have to maintain their networks in order for the customer to have a good experience on both ends.
  2. Our devices we use at work uses at edge and the other day it was stuck on GPRS all day. I don't think I can deal with edge or GPRS at all I'll be sticking with sprint.
  3. Yes low band is a must for these two. I see why they are making such a big fuss about the 600mhz auction rules. I just want to be able to make phones calls without having to wait for my phone to roam to do so.
  4. Yeah 800 megahertz service on CDMA and LTE is going to make a world of difference for Sprint.
  5. That sucks for Sprint and tmobile have you tried them at any other Airport? Also do you know if T Mobile upgrade their sites in the area?
  6. I received this email and hours later I picked up CDMA 800 in my city for the first time on my nexus 5 and I've owned it since November.
  7. That sucks what about all the money Facebook, Google, and Netflix put into their systems to ensure that the big bells and cable cos customers can have a pleasurable experience connecting to their servers. It goes both ways.
  8. I saw an at&t tower on blanding and college near Walmart in op. Had a crane with cage looks like they were placing panels and rrus I wonder what that was about.
  9. I picked up CDMA 800 along i95 in Camden county GA and in Brunswick so I guess they are getting closer Edit - I get a weak 800 signal in my home with my EVO LTE on PRL 513.
  10. Can someone pm me a link to modify the nexus 5 PRL. Whipped out the EVO LTE with the modded PRL and I'm getting 1x 800 and wants to try it out on my nexus.
  11. That's been my experience also. When I go downtown b41 kick in almost instantly.
  12. For those of you that have Spark enabled devices how's the band 41 coverage around Jax. I'm one of many that has the n5 and the only time I connect to b41 when I loose b25 signal. Also has anyone come across b26 or 1x 800?
  13. I've been on other forums and users are using absurd amounts of data. There's even one user that left for tmo because sprints data wasn't fast enough for him to constantly download and stream movies while at work.
  14. Thanks. I've always had mine turned off since I bought the device because I remember seeing reports of battery drain. It's probably been fixed since then anyway
  15. When using Google now with the nexus 5 does anyone see a significant decrease in battery life?
  16. I believe if they are 3g accepted then ecsfb is enabled.
  17. I've had the searching for signal thing happen to me when a couple times. My city is mostly complete so it doesn't happen often. I'm thinking about going to .17 until Google releases the new update with the new modem. Sent from my Nexus 7
  18. Is anyone here noticing a significant amount of time without signal running .15? It only used 4% of my battery but I'm just curious to see other users time without signal.
  19. Hopefully this radio is a beast like .17 and .15 with band 41 enabled. Can't wait for this update to be available from Google or XDA.
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