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Everything posted by tybo31316

  1. Well since I'm on vacation this week I'm going to take .15 for a test drive and see how it works. 90% of the sites on the North side is 3G/4G accepted so I shouldn't have any probs. I want to see if I can get some b41 action. Did you have to do anything special to connect to b41? Sent from my Nexus 5
  2. So the .15 radio is better than the .17? Also what's the deal with people not being able to send and receive calls with .15 Sent from my Nexus 5
  3. Chicken Alfredo Sent from my Nexus 5
  4. I was just in Daytona for two days and was near the track and didn't even try enabling the extra bands. Sent from my Nexus 5
  5. Maybe those are the sites I'm running into when I try the prl trick for b41 connectivity Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  6. Well at least you got to experience the most important thing. ;-) Sent from my Nexus 5
  7. The WiMax coverage in Jax was pretty good. I rarely used it because of the battery drain. I mainly used it when downloading big files and YouTube videos. I can't wait until my Nexus 5 receives Tri-Band update. Sent from my Nexus 5
  8. Well, I'm here at the River City Market place and the LTE site here is bogged down this evening. So bad I got kicked from LTE back to EVDO. Which was faster than being on LTE. Now I see what you guys were talking about when you said that band 41 is a must. I can't wait for this tri band update. Sent from my Nexus 5
  9. Disc changer Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  10. I'm on the old .17 baseband Sent from my Nexus 5
  11. I tried that PRL trick to get band 41. It didn't work for me. It would connect to band 41 for a split second then I get kicked off and the phone goes into roaming. Has anyone experience this? Sent from my Nexus 5
  12. I found a site on Brannan-Field Road across from the Oak leaf High school that has NV panels installed over the weekend for those of you in that area. An extra layer of coverage for all the homes in that area. Sent from my Nexus 5
  13. I didn't do any speed tests but everything I needed to do that involved mobile data actually worked. Sent from my Nexus 5
  14. I gave up on the band 41 connectivity. Im just going to wait on the update. Sent from my Nexus 5
  15. Well, I was out at the Town Center yesterday. The area has improved a lot with LTE being available. The only store I didn't get LTE reception was Target. Other than that every where else was good. Jacksonville as a whole has come a long way in the last 12 months. Sent from my Nexus 5
  16. If you are rooted have you tried Greenify? Sent from my Nexus 5
  17. Has anyone noticed when they perform an update profile that their band 41 changes from first scan to second scan priority?
  18. I was at the Longhorn steakhouse across the street from that site and was roaming inside the restaurant even though the site had NV panels
  19. I know when I updated my phone to 4.1.1 and my radio went to .23 my radio was weaker. Went back to .17 better connectivity inside of buildings. Many people experienced this prob. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  20. I guess I'll enable all my bands after losing hope but good to see reports of band 41 though.
  21. Just wanting some feedback of users before trying it out. Seems like there's no issues so I'll give it a try.
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