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Everything posted by tybo31316

  1. It wasn't on sprint according to them sprint isn't fast enough or have enough coverage for them to do it. I only use about 50gb a month on my home connection and about it 3gb on my phone. I don't like watching movies on my phone. I only watch YouTube vids and stream music. If people want to use 1tb over LTE unlimited will be gone in no time.
  2. I support the throttling especially when I went over to android central forums and they have a terabyte club thread with people abusing their respective networks to achieve 1tb of usage in one month. I find it ridiculous that someone could use that much data in one month they must not have a life or a wife or a job.
  3. I had a site near a grocery store that I service get 3g accepted and deep inside the building I would roam. Now I get -99 signal it's not great but I can get calls without having to wait for my phone to roam.
  4. Look at what I found on the intersection of 103rd Street and chaffee road. There's some ecsfb problems. My notification bar said searching for service instead of sprint.
  5. Seems like that's the radio that I'm going to have to you also. I've been using .17 all day and it doesn't compare to. 15
  6. I think I'm going to try another baseband .17 I could never connect to b41 and .23 killed my LTE reception. So I don't know what to do. Edit- I flashed. 17 and. 23 and with both of those I could change the setting however I want to but with .15 I can't. Does anyone know why?
  7. I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this. Whenever I try to change my band settings to anything other than b41-1, b25-2, and b26-3. Only thing I get is 0,1,3. Regardless of the settings that what I get. If I use the 0,1,3 setting will it still scan the bands properly? I'm on .15 modem firmware. I want to change it to b26-1, b41-2, and b25-3. Is there a problem with my device or is it the modem that I'm using causing this?
  8. Everything has been fine on my end. I've been in clay county and the Phillips industrial area past the avenues with no probs.
  9. Well just watched the cell service study on the news and their results mirrored the root metrics results from when they did their testing in Jacksonville. http://m.news4jax.com/news/cell-frustrations-can-you-hear-me-now/26020308
  10. Well no T-Mobile for me. I'll stick it out with sprint until I hear some details about this merger. If I don't like what I see then I may have to consider one of the big two. I'd hate to leave behind my unlimited data but I don't use much data any way. I hope that this Sprint/T-Mobile merger fails so that the little two can continue to build out top notch networks without being distracted with mergers. I feel these two companies can do big things without been merged together.
  11. Are the speeds on edge and GPRS enough to load a webpage or stream music? Also the sprint coverage that you had was it 3g or LTE?
  12. Did you have any coverage at all in rural areas with magenta? At least with sprint you have roaming coverage.
  13. I10 sux. I hate having to drive down i10 its the most boring ride ever. I had to drive to valdosta ga for work I thought I never would make it.
  14. Does anyone think that VZW is going to announce that they are aggregating 700mhz and AWS like AT&T?
  15. Picked up 800 CDMA again scp says its coming from the site near the gateway mall on nor wood ave.
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