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Posts posted by ingenium

  1. Got mine yesterday and have to RMA it. I'll be out of town for 2 weeks so I may just return it and order it again when QC issues are sorted out. Graininess isn't bad, and the blue tint is only bad when it's on my desk. But I have a dead pixel in the middle of the screen, a pulsing high pitched noise in the earpiece only while on a call (including Hangouts) which seems to be synced with wifi traffic on 5 ghz, awful wifi handoffs (it drops the AP and won't see it again for over a minute even with active scanning), and the phone won't use any GLONASS satellites, so location accuracy takes a hit (7 vs 16 satellites total on my Pixel 1 XL).

    I do like the way it feels though, it has a nice weight and shape, and the camera is nice. It's a bit snappier than my Pixel XL.

    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  2. Is there a way to tell how many people are connected at any one time to a magic box? Do the sprint owned MVNOs have access to things like magic boxes, airraves and sc1000s? Looking at adding sprint equipment to my restaurant...

    The MB will show how many active connections there are (ie actively transmitting data, not idling). That screen can take 30 seconds or so to refresh though, when you first go to it it will show 0 connected.  



    There's no way to see how many are connected to the airave.


    I think the airave has a limit of 16 concurrent connections and the MB is 64? But lilotimz would know for sure.


    As for MVNOs, I'm not sure what PLMNs the MB and Airave broadcast, if any, in addition to 310120.

  3. I don't understand your take on the second one. Softbank will invest in a tower company which does not have any towers right now which means that they have to construct them. So how does it freaup capital for Sprint? Maybe I am dense.
    I think they would basically buy Sprint's owned tower locations, and Sprint would lease them back at some rate. The lease could be well below market value. This would give Sprint a cash infusion without SoftBank directly investing and triggering them to buy the remaining shares

    I'm not sure how many locations Sprint owns. Or perhaps they'll just take over Sprint's lease and then sublet it back to Sprint at a discount.

    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  4. I got my Airwave.  Works good.  My neighbor might be able to get a little B41, but not much.  
    I haven't turned in my broken MB yet.  Wonder how these two devices would play with each other in the same house.
    I was hoping to be a bit more of a B41 carrier for some of the neighbors though if it were to improve speeds.  B25/26 speeds are ~1Mbps here due to the rapid growth of the area.
    It is cool that the Airwave supports the DFS 5GHz channels, but not upper 5GHz channels.  Oh well.  Think I will use this to replace the guest WiFI (I have had to reflash that router twice this year).
    What is the B41 rated wattage wise on the Airwaves vs the MagicBox?
    I have both in the same house. They generally hand off between each other for data. Magic Box is usually preferred over the airave. Calls usually get routed through the macro if I'm on the MB, but not always. If I'm on the Airave calls go through the Airave.

    I ensured my MB was using the third carrier as PCC to minimize interference with the Airave (reboot the MB with the Airave active and it should avoid that channel).
    I only got it yesterday as a matter of fact and did the initial physical setup then, but didn't have time to really fully ensure all setup was done until after work today.  Came home and gave it a static IP and added in the port forwards on my router for all the noted UDP's from the insert and rebooted the router afterwards.  LTE/B41 signal is perfect in the house now (were I to rely on that), but I was mainly looking for voice coverage with it as we used the 2.5 for the same, we use the WiFi we already have at home for data.  So, the CDMA issue is a huge one for us.
    I'll let it sit until tomorrow after work and then try calling Support after I get home again assuming something doesn't magically change.
    Same here, I got it just for voice since the macro is too congested. I have a strong signal, but cuts in and out from being overloaded. Try using the CDMA reset pin on the bottom (ensure the CDMA side actually resets via the LEDs) and see if that helps. You may have to try it a few times.

    If it's still not working after a couple days of trying, you can likely get Sprint to replace it.

    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  5. What is the difference in the Airrave 3 and the S1000 visually (if any)?  Mine says 'Airave 3 LTE' on the housing but does have a CDMA light on it - but unfortunately it's the only light that won't turn green. 
    I had that issue with mine. Multiple calls to support and they couldn't fix it. Ended up sending me a replacement, which worked perfectly after it power cycled itself a few times and got setup. The webui seemed to confirm that the CDMA module was broken or not connected internally.

    How long has yours not had functional CDMA? It could take several hours after initial setup for it to be working.

    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  6. Has anyone tried the premier forums in tapatalk? On mine it's asking for a password when I try to access

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    It asks for the password when browsing the category, but they work in the Unread and other tabs.

    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  7. I just came back from Vegas after spending a week there for work. Few things did improve. I was staying at the Mandalay Bay and almost 90% I was on Wifi there automatically. Phone automatically connected me to Wifi called 'CDOBM connected via Mobilitie Wi-Fi'
    Several areas on the strip are still horrible for data. 
    Good to know. I assume this was a Passpoint network and it won't work on Pixels/Nexus as usual?

    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  8. 27 minutes ago, jonathanm1978 said:

    Sent email about business magic box Friday... Had some issues with request that we fixed via email.. Received email today saying order was placed and also received tracking info. Will have it on Wednesday according to UPS. The business unit has same model number as my personal unit... AU545

    Is the business one tied to your account? 

  9. 13 hours ago, S4GRU said:

    I'm really struggling with Tapatalk.  Spent several hours reading through boards.  A lot of IP Board users complaining about Tapatalk support issues and working with the new software.  Not sure we are going to get this part solved soon.  Maybe we can tweak the new mobile site to work better and leave Tapatalk behind once and for all?

    I will be back at it tomorrow.  Thanks for your patience.


    I can help out with this if you want. This type of thing is my expertise, so I may be able to get it up and running fairly quickly. Or at least debug the Tapatalk integration/plugin issues and get it working good enough.

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  10. I never call them either. I'm guessing they look at the areas you frequent as well. 3 of the 4 lines live at a location that needs an airave, and my line needs the magic box for home. So I suspect they take that into consideration. If you live in a poorly covered area you're more likely to get retention offers.


    Also, all the lines were out of lease.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  11. So, I hear there are more than 1 model out there? Is there an easy way to tell? Power brick maybe?


    My first MB has a 12V 5.5AMP power brick. The replacement MB has a 12V 5AMP brick.

    There's the 540 and 545. The 540s were sent out mostly to businesses, stores, and people with the right connections. It has a color LCD screen that's very bright. The 545 is what they're shipping out to customers now. It has a black and white e-ink screen that's not backlit. The screen is the easiest way to tell them apart.


    The 540 uses a 12V 4.16A power supply. My 545 uses 12V 5A. A power supply that can provide more than 5A is fine, they probably just have multiple suppliers for them.


    Edit: here is the 540 (powered off)10622e4513b1222ceffe0df69d2f0746.jpg


    And this is the 545 ad3cbd62c9401c5ebe861b91f1f658ad.jpg

  12. Yes, SC means small cell. The store could have been running a small cell in addition to a MB, or there could be a small cell nearby. The MB will not use the small cell as a relay if it's not fiber backed (ie a relayed site can't be used as a donor for another relay).


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  13. I haven't tried it in a decade but can I not use my phone as a modem via usb? I just kind of assumed it would still work that way. I guess hotspots can have ethernet ports which would be a plus.

    You only can if you have tethering on your plan or you root your phone to have it ignore the tethering provisioning. It's seen the same as hotspot usage. USB tethering causes the phone to basically show up as a USB ethernet device.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  14. These Mini Macros are great. However, I wish they were capable of more than 2CA given the prevalence of 3CA and 4CA Sprint devices available.


    What's the upgrade path for these Mini Macros? Switching them out for new Macro gear (perhaps 8T8R builds) eventually and moving them to other locations which need them until new funding is available for new Macro builds?

    Possibly adding multiple mini macros per sector. Still 2xCA per UE, but you get a capacity boost.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  15. I've been digging around and can't see why that preference wouldn't carry over the same way all of the others do. The backup/restore is all handled by the OS and that particular preference is not fancy. Can someone try checking to see if it's only "wrong" the first time you run the app after installing? It shouldn't matter, but maybe I need to force something.



    Yeah there is something weird with that setting. For what it's worth, when I upgraded after you made some kind of change to that preference (I think adding it as an option to the action bar?), it reset that setting to the default. There may be something in whatever code was changed there that could be triggering it.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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