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Posts posted by ingenium

  1. My Pixel is refusing to drop fringe 1X800 and connect to my Airave 3 again. It was an issue when I first received it, but resolved itself and has been awesome for months.. all of a suddenly it's doing it again. I left it plugged in with SCP running for 6+ hours about 10 feet from the Airave tonight and 1X would not connect to it. EV-DO and LTE grab it almost immediately. I know wifi calling / VoLTE is coming, but in the meantime I hope they don't give up on the Airave, some of us need it!
    Go into DATA and disable BC10. Your phone will reboot, and you'll be back on the Airave. Then go back into DATA and turn it back on. It'll reboot again, but you'll stay on 1x1900. Hopefully it doesn't require this every time you leave your house, but if so maybe just leave 1x800 disabled.

    Sucky work around, but the only other alternative is to edit the PRL which doesn't seem possible on these newer devices. Too bad they got rid of the 800 beacon.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  2. I bought a used essential phone off ebay.  Clean esn as far as I could tell at the time of purchase.  I activated it on sprint via byod.  Then I did a request to uicc unlocked, and I gave my account info.... however they said it could not be done and to contact the previous owner.  I asked why it could not be unlocked and was told that they could not say why, but to contact the previous owner to request an unlock...
    is this normal procedure by sprint?  I mean, i *DID* activate it on *MY* account, so from that point on I figured that *I* was the owner of the phone..  now I am not sure what to do or how to proceed 
    The unlock seems to have to be done with it on the line that it was originally tied to (likely on a lease). Even if the lease is paid off. I had an awful time getting mine unlocked so I could sell it. This may have been changed with the updates to their unlocking server though.

    Keep working at it. They may also require it to be active on your line for 60 days before they'll unlock it. If all else fails, file an FCC complaint. That was the only way I got mine unlocked.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  3. I hadn't entertained the idea that they might have flipped on 10x10. That's what it must be, if the MB is picking it up! 


    Historically my market has had a ~30Mbps cap on B25, so I'm assuming it used to be 5x5. 

    When you're on B25 check the engineering screen or field test. You can tell from the earfcn if it's 5x5 or 10x10. The most common 10x10 is 8640 in place of 8665.


    Or post the frequency that the magic box is reporting that it's connected to.


    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk




  4. B25 2xCA works through my MB now that it's been activated in my market. Not sure if anyone has used one yet in this type of coverage area that doesn't yet have B41. Pulling down 45Mbps. 

    And you're in a market that doesn't have 10x10 B25? The MB is not certified for B25 CA, and to my knowledge the modem is incapable of CA on B25.



    In my tests in markets with 2 5x5 B25 carriers, there was no speed increase once CA on B25 was enabled.


    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk




  5. 7 minutes ago, travisc said:

    She upgraded from an S7 to an S9. New phone with new sim on the same line. My stupid s8 sends me the confirmation text everytime I reboot, lol. It's been a few days now for her phone. Not sure why it's not working.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    Hmm. Maybe try swapping in the SIM from her S7 (or preferably another carrier if possible). Not sure if the phone being carrier locked will affect things. Like I said, sometimes the RCS data gets corrupted or something, and I tried clearing data for a lot of system and nonsystem apps to fix it, but the only way I got it resolved and force a refresh was putting in a different SIM (in my case an AT&T Freedompop SIM and a no longer active Indonesian SIM worked). 

    Sprint's RCS framework is still kind of flaky in my experience. It will randomly stop working for me and require a reboot. The same thing happens with family members with different devices.

    I feel like you receiving a notification after every reboot isn't normal. You can try switching to Google Messenger and see if that fixes the issues on either of your devices.

  6. Anybody have trouble setting up the rich communication settings on their S9 through the stock messaging app? On my wife's, I have it enabled, but she never gets the confirmation text saying it's enabled. Works just fine on my S8.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    I never got a confirmation text on my Pixel 1 or 2. Just the app saying it's enabled.

    In my experience it takes about 2 days after activation for RCS to be able to be turned on. Before that time it fails for some reason. Also, if you previously had the same SIM active with a different Sprint line in that phone (ie, you swapped the phone to a different line on your account without also swapping the SIM), sometimes that blocks RCS indefinitely. The fix is swapping the SIM temporarily, then swapping back. That seems to reset RCS config.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  7. Physical Cell ID affinity.
    I've mapped the PCI's for macro cells in my area and my MB connects to the closest one after a reboot or reset. This seems logical.
    For some unknown (to me at least) reason last week when I checked the MB and it was connected to different donor which is almost 50% further that the one it had been connected to.
    I figured the donor was down or maintenance was being performed except my cell phones still connected to the closer one when outside of the range of the MB. The performance of the MB was abysmal while connected to the further donor. I waited several days to see when it would switch back but it didn't. I eventually manually restarted the MB (not reset) and it reconnected to the closer donor cell.
    I wonder why it would not switch back by itself. It's as if the donor cell needs to be down before the MB will look for a better one.
    This doesn't make sense.
    Any explanations?
    I'm not sure why it changes sometimes. Usually it's because for some reason the site it's connected to kicks it off and forces it to scan (config change perhaps). In my experience it won't switch back even with a reboot. A full factory reset is required if the PCI it connected to is still in range.

    Supposedly the previous software update fixed this issue and allows it to handoff between donors, but in my experience it doesn't really work.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  8. Although I don't think it will be a major issue(crossing my fingers here) there is scientific evidence supporting the claim that higher frequencies emit much higher levels of radiation than lower bands. I hope the science is wrong on this one. 

    Disclaimer: I am in no way a Nimby and and looking forward to what 5g has to offer. It's just something to think about.

    It's non ionizing radiation. All light is technically radiation. Shining a flash light at the back of your head isn't going to cause you any issues whether it's dim or bright (though brighter might warm you up a bit. Like a light bulb giving off heat. It's exactly the same). And that's a much higher frequency than LTE or 5G frequencies.


    It's only when you get into highly energetic frequencies that they become ionizing (enough energy to strip off electrons basically, thus making atoms/molecules reactive) and dangerous. X rays are an example of ionizing radiation.


    To put this more into perspective, let's say we're using frequency at 28 GHz for 5G. That is WELL below ionizing. Visible light is 430-770 Thz. Ionizing radiation begins above 770 Thz in the upper ultraviolet range. X rays are 30 petaherz (3*10^16 Hz) to 30 exaherts (3*10^19 Hz). They're not even remotely close.


    I'll also add that cell phones transmit at a lower power than a flashlight. Even the magic box is outputting less energy than many flashlights.


    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk




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  9. If I've been disconnected from the MB with my iPhone or iPad for a while (hours)
    and I reconnect and run a single SpeedTest I initially see speeds in the range of 4down/3up.
    If i then immediately run a second and subsequent SpeedTest I consistently see
    speeds in the 15-30down/5up range.
    If I then disconnect for a period of time and reconnect the pattern repeats.
    I think the MB is typically not heavily loaded as I rarely see more than one connection
    which is me.
    It's as if the MB is maintaining a minimal connection to the host cell when idle and
    then adds capacity if the load increases.
    Does this make sense?
    It likely maintains a single B41 carrier when idle. And only engages CA when someone is using it. Keeping CA active when idle uses up resource blocks needlessly. Sprint wants to minimize the impact idle magic boxes have on the network.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  10. I totally forgot about that thread, thanks!!!
    Ugh, reached out to oline chat support and they will gladly send me a free SIM for $10.  What gives?  SIMs have always shipped for free in the past, maybe its just bee awhile for me?
    Have an appt my my local Sprint store for Wednesday to get a "Free" SIM...
    They changed the policy within the last year. You used to be able to get one for free through International Chat, but they closed that loophole. No way that I'm aware of to get one without paying $10.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  11. How many MB can you request or have on your Sprint account? I would like to have another one to have at my office, service is pretty bad inside my building due to concrete walls (30 year old building) LTE41 and LTE25 works perfect outside the office. 

    I think originally it was 1, but you can get more if you talk to the right people. I have 2 magic boxes and an Airave on mine. They're usually pretty good at giving them out for work locations. A lot of guys in the Ohio thread have home and work magic boxes.


    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk




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  12. Is there any way to shut off the MB screen? Or does it constantly stay on 24/7? I don't remember if the screen would shut off automatically after letting it sit for a while.
    You can set the brightness to the lowest level, which causes it to go off from 10pm-6am. The interval is hard coded currently and can't be changed.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  13. Can anyone confirm if the v2 and v3 MB's use the exact same firmwares? My v2 MB is not on 440a and will not fully boot up to be able to use it, even after several restarts and factory resets...
    My gen 2 is using 440a. As is my gen 1.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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    My MB recently powered on and started broadcasting and working without a GPS signal. The status screen showed no GPS lock. It could have been using a cached location though to determine the frequency to use.

    Is your phone rooted? If so, you could use Network Signal Guru to see if the macro is broadcasting the magic box PLMN and if it's advertising the earfcn you saw on your MB. The lack of either of those would indicate that they pulled support for your area.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

    If I remember correctly, it was actually using someone else's spectrum? Or did they manage to lease it in a small area?

    You could possibly trick it into working by making it unable to get a GPS signal, but that isn't really good idea. If the FCC finds out, you or Sprint could end up fined, or at the very least you might have a knock at your door.

    The FCC is pretty aggressive at enforcing licenced spectrum from what I've been told. There was recently an article about a Bitcoin mining operation in NYC that was interfering with T-Mobile, and they showed up and either pulled the plug or seized the equipment. I know of another case where a radio station had leakage onto spectrum they didn't own, and the FCC showed up, pulled the power, and locked them out.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  16. I am not sure if this is related to my market (Nebraska) but I did a factory reset on the MB and after several tries to boot up, restart the device, etc it will no longer boot up and work. It gets stuck at the screen here. I will also attach the firmware screen
    It could be doing an upgrade? The latest firmware ends in 144a for the top line.

    Your market was questionable if there was spectrum for a magic box, correct?

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  17. Cloud front blocked in Edge Browser too. Womp, Womp.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

    Force close/stop Tapatalk and leave it closed. That should prevent a new IP from getting blocked.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  18. It could be a config issue with the newest MB software. I noticed that while on LTE, Google Voice via Hangouts calls weren't reliably working. They'd ring for maybe half a second then go to voicemail as a missed call, as though they had been trying to ring the device for a while until it timed out.

    I recognize they're different scenarios, but I'm wondering if the MB is queueing up incoming data for idle UEs, which could cause the phone to not switch over to CDMA in time.

    So I'd say if Sprint can't fix the problem, leave it unplugged (or plug it in overnight once a week or so, so Sprint doesn't see it as idle) until the next software update comes out. Or maybe check it once a week/month and see if it resolves itself. Kind of a PITA, but I think this is a temporary problem that will get fixed.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  19. Did Sprint change their policy in regards to shipping SIM cards to customers?  Last year, Sprint sent me a GS8+-compatible SIM card for free.  
    When I called them just now to order another one for my upcoming Unlocked GS9+ phone, they quoted me $0.00 for the SIM card and $10 for shipping.  Something kind of new?
    No this has been policy for a couple years at least. You used to be able to get them for free from International Chat, but they closed that loophole no later than October 2017.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

    • Thanks 1
  20. I've noticed an oddity this week.
    I had two usable windows each with mediocre RSRP and CINR but fairly nice speeds ~30 down and ~5 up
    at both locations. 
    Since the firmware update both locations have slightly better RSRP and CINR but one location now has
    abysmal speeds ~5 down and ~0.5 up.
    I've rebooted, reset the MB at both locations.
    Can a donor cell "go bad"? I really am at a loss as to why my "better" window has tanked.
    I've tried two different phones with near identical results. 
    Any possible explanation?
    Try factory resetting it. Sometimes it will switch donors and use a bad one. A reboot causes it to reconnect to the last donor it was on. You need to factory reset it for it to do a donor search again.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  21. I've had my MB a few days now. I "think" it had FW Version after I did my first reset.
    Today I see it is at which is a higher level or I misread the previous version number.
    The did not change but don't know that number represents.
    Yes, that version was pushed out this week. It changes the magic box GCI.

    I forget which is which, but one of the version numbers is for the eNB/relay and the other is for the software itself. I believe the top one is the eNB and the bottom is the software that you interact with (interface, appearance, touch screen, etc).

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  22. So I haven't seen anything yet as far as emails, but in my devices lists on my Sprint account I now have a "Sprint Magic Box 2" listed below all my phones. This though is going to my parents house in St. Louis and they just left for Florida for a week....so.....not sure when it'll arrive or who's grabbing their packages, etc. 
    If they have UPS My Choice (or maybe even if they don't...) you can tell them to hold it at a location for free and pick it up. That's what I do when I have packages come while out of town. They'll hold for 5 business days.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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