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Posts posted by ingenium

  1. This app force close immediately on the Kyocera Hydro Icon. Running Android 4.4.2 with FreedomPop. I suspect FreedomPop may be the problem. It shows Provider as 310120 but as Chameleon rather than Sprint. Sensorly doesn't work on it either, but Cell Mapper and SCP work fine.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  2. No frequency on my Kyocera Hydro Icon with root earfcn (that doesn't seem to be working currently for some reason...). My Pixel with native earfcns works fine. It could be buggy handling of when it expects an earfcn but doesn't get one?




    I can confirm once I rebooted and was able to get the root earfcn method to work, the frequency appeared.




    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  3. Does anyone know if Option 2 would carry over between countries? For example, if I'm going between several countries over the course of a week, will a single weekly pass work? Or do you need a separate pass for each country?


    So far I've been keeping the grandfathered Open World because I suspect they won't honor the pass between countries.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  4. I am about to give the Beta a workout, driving from northern Illinois to St Louis and back over 2 days. Should see lots of data.


    A thought: Mike, would you consider adding geolocation to the "strongest" latitude and longitude points in the data base? Doesn't need to be on screen, but would be very useful in sorting through the data base spreadsheet.


    Thanks again for all your work.

    I believe it's already there. There should be strongest coordinates and last seen coordinates.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  5. An additional request, store the data time in an excel compatible format, typically decimal. For example the date and time of this request is approximately:



    This could be in another column if needed. Currently I pull apart the string and reformulate it.


    Thanks again!

    I'm guessing Unix epoch would be most appropriate? System.currentTimeMillis() https://developer.android.com/reference/java/lang/System.html#currentTimeMillis()


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  6. However, I just upgraded manually on my Nexus 6P via Play and it is asking me to purchase a month at $48.99. So wait for it to prompt you to upgrade in the app.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

    It may only prompt on some devices that it deems new enough? I use it for band locking just fine on my Kyocera Hydro Icon (logging device).


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk



    Samsung never seems to make things simple.. if it was returning nothing, the app would recognize this and not display anything. I like your idea, but that presents more issues. Is it broken on ALL of their devices?

    Yeah, I believe it's broken on all their devices. I wouldn't expect a potential fix until O, but you never know... There have been a few Reddit threads about it, and I think the CellMapper developer posted about it in his Google+ channel when Samsung released N. I can't seem to find it now though.


    http://wilysis.com/networkcellinfo/10-android-issues mentions some specific Samsung devices with it and confirms the band 1 thing. Apparently the usual earfcn returned by Samsung is 0 rather than INT_MAX according to that site and several Reddit threads. But that doesn't really explain the non-zero band 1 earfcns we're seeing.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  8. Coverage map updated. As I hinted at a few times in the forums, Extended LTE/3G has been added on Comnet in Nevada as well as Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico and Montana :). Cool stuff!

    Comnet was the worst! It was 1x only that barely worked when I traveled through Nevada, Utah, Wyoming​ last year.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  9. Hah! Touche, Samsung.. the app displays it because those are valid EARFCNs for LTE band 1. I could come up with an ugly hack, perhaps ignoring very low values on certain PLMNs. I hate this company..



    I wonder what function is returning them. To my knowledge the API function simply isn't there in Samsung, so it should return nothing. If it is the getearfcn method, is it possible to wrap the earfcn part with a check to see if it's a Samsung device running API 24, similar to how you check if it's running a new enough API? I'd probably error on the side of blacklisting certain API levels rather than all Samsung in case they add it in the future, but whatever is easier.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  10. Regarding Samsung, they specifically removed the earfcn API from their builds of 7.0. No clue why, but it's just not there and consequently no apps work with it. I actually forgot what a large segment​ of users that leaves out... Stupid Samsung. Maybe they'll see the light with 8.0?


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  11. As a side effect of targeting the new API level, it looks like the database is automatically backed up and restored when you switch devices! The backup is the right size anyway for the national db.Screenshot_20170609-010115.png


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  12. Well it happened.. another update just pushed out, 3 days in a row! Still needs some polish, but the latest bugs are squashed.. and there's a couple new goodies..



    Yes!!! Native earfcns! This will make logging and IDing things so much better! 1000 thanks!


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  13. It was my understanding that changes to the TDD ratio would be done nationwide simultaneously. I guess that may have changed.

    It can be done in markets without neighboring B41 deployments (ie within 100 miles or so, similar to to the ibez). Anything nearby has to be done together to avoid interference​. So at the very least it'll be market by market, but more likely region by region.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  14. You travelled to China last year and your Google services worked without issue?

    I really want to avoid getting there, firing up Google Maps and finding out it doesn't work.

    Would like the ability to upload photos instantly via Google Photos as well.


    I assume if in the same situation, you would just purchase the high speed data through Sprint?

    Any idea how fast the speeds are? Thinking anywhere around 1-3MB would suffice.


    Appreciate your time and feedback.


    I've used Sprint roaming in South Africa and Peru and each time my data was tunneled back to a Sprint server in Kansas, so everything thought I was in the US. Sprint does this to throttle and/or count your data usage. I'm​ almost certain Google services will work. The GFW shouldn't be able to see your traffic. Have a backup plan (ie VPN) just in case though.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  15. I just went to Bermuda yesterday. Instantly connected to LTE. I ran a speed test and initially speeds weren't throttled but mid-test the throttling kicked in.


    Speeds topped out at 70kbps and ping was about 120ms. It sounds much worse than it actually is though. Maybe it's because I'm on LTE but I was using the internet without an issue. I couldn't upload to Instagram or Snapchat without WiFi but I could still scroll through Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook without an issue.


    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

    And this was with grandfathered Open World? Or global roaming? Or their new international roaming thing?


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  16. Does anyone have pics of what the display screen looks like when its set up. Surprised it had a display screen.


    Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

    Some of the icons changed on the most recent software update. But otherwise, yeah, Tim's article sums it up. There's not much to the UI, it's pretty basic. 3 icons you can tap (GPS, relay, and LTE broadcast status) and an overflow menu with an about screen, reboot, and reset.0d820240b7d7ad101a040c25db2b3c79.jpg6d86d967604b9d3644c5bd40cdafda94.jpg


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  17. So that will be the valid SIM card for the pixel to use correct? I'm a bit of a moron when it comes to activations


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

    Yeah just say you need a SIM for a Pixel XL. If you're fine waiting a couple days it's free. Otherwise you can pay for expedited shipping I believe.


    Or go into a Sprint store and ask for one. They might charge like $5-$10 though.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  18. I wonder if the b41 carrier the magic box broadcasts is outside Sprint's spectrum holdings for areas it's being denied.


    Sent from my 2PYB2 using Tapatalk

    Not likely, it self configures and picks a frequency in the license range (hence the need for GPS). This would only be an issue in areas where Sprint has less than 60-80Mhz of B41 spectrum (assuming they gave 2-3 carriers on the air).


    There are some areas, such as SF, where Sprint has enough spectrum, but not more than about 70 MHz contiguous. So they only have only 2 B41 carriers on air. This still leaves another big chunk of spectrum free that isn't currently being used since it can't be aggregated with the first 2 carriers, but would work perfectly fine for a magic box.


    That being said, there are a few areas where Sprint is legit spectrum constrained for B41, but they're pretty rare I think.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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