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Posts posted by ingenium

  1. Assuming there's internet, you could get a raspberry pi and code something up with Tasker/autoremote/IFTTT. Maybe have the pi have a browser full screen, with a page open that displays whatever it receives from autoremote/IFTTT. It would involve some coding/scripting on your part. Depends how comfortable you are with it, and what your requirements are for the message.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  2. So the AC66u was named as a vulnerable router against the VPNFilter hack. FBI is recommending that everyone with this model update to the latest firmware and do a factory reboot.
    The Sprint router wasn't named as being vulnerable. But since it's the same physical router as the AC66u...shoukd we expect Sprint/ASUS to finally rollout an update to the OG firmware?
    I think they've dropped support for it. You can't use an Airave 3 with it, as it will incorrectly QoS the Airave traffic and throttle it to a couple hundred KB/sec. Honestly your best bet is to flash a third party firmware to it. Merlin is pretty popular and is based on the stock firmware. OpenWRT / dd-wrt is also an option I believe, but I'm pretty sure hardware accelerated NAT isn't functional (you likely wouldn't notice anyway).

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  3. Sprint has refused to give me my MSL or I would have made changes a while ago. The phone also supports 2xCA on B25 and that has never been enabled. 
    Really? I've never had an issue getting an MSL from Sprint. I just do a chat and say something along the lines of "Hi. I factory reset my phone and now it's asking me for something called an MSL. Can you help me with that?"

    If a rep won't give it to you, just try again with a different one. I actually just got the MSL a couple days ago for one of my devices that's on a corporate account that I don't have access to... Took 2 tries though because I didn't have the account PIN.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  4. So it seems there are at least 3 Sprint APNs: n.ispsn, r.ispsn, and x.ispsn.

    I remember seeing n.ispsn on some of my older devices. I have a hotspot from Calyx (via Mobile Citizen) that has a Sprint account that I can log into, and it's using r.ispsn. My Pixel 2 XL is using x.ispsn.

    Does anyone know what the difference is between them? My only guesses are that n.ispsn is "native", and r.ispsn is "reseller". Or perhaps n.ispsn is NATed via CGNAT and r.ispsn is "routed" meaning a public IP? I have confirmed that the hotspot that uses r.ispsn is assigned a public, routable IP. But that doesn't answer what x.ispsn is. My phone with x.ispsn is assigned a NATed IP.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Dkoellerwx said:


    He's explaining it wrong. Ericsson 8T8R sites are broadcasting 3 carriers, however it doesn't seem to support throughput on 3 carrier simultaneously. The speeds attained on Ericsson 8T8R sites are the same whether you are connected to 1 carrier, or all three through 3xCA. I have seen this on multiple Ericsson 8T8R sites in a couple different markets.

    Interesting. Have you looked at it in NSG? If so, does it show throughput only on one of the aggregated carriers? Or does the throughput on each drop by 2/3?

  6. This quote didn't come from me,it came from a premier member Dkoellerwx.. I noticed it right away .. speeds should of been much faster on a 3xca site then they were .. and that's when he added Ericsson sites are only brodcasting a single carrier at the moment

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

    That site is absolutely broadcasting 3 B41 carriers, and your phone has engaged 3xCA on it. It is active and live. 3xCA speeds aren't necessarily super fast. If the site has a lot of users on it or the signal isn't that great, speeds will be slower. My home site only gets about 15 Mbps during the day on 3xCA for example.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  7. Which portion of a cell site could go down so band 26 no longer works but band 25 does?
    My local site that has some problem every few months (usually voice / evdo) went completely down a couple of weeks ago.  Using the sprint app i reported it and either coincidentally or not, they got voice and evdo working once again as well as band 25 10x10.  Band 26 has been dead since.  I report it every day / every other day.  Middle of this past week band 26 popped up back online mid-day only to die again within a half hour and it has been offline since then.  Tech probably got it working and high tailed it out of there.
    So...which band 26 only part could possibly break which doesnt effect anything else, including band 25?
    Is 1x800 broadcasting?

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  8. Okay so I managed to make it out to that other wireline mobilitie site today(or yesterday lol whatever haha) It was getting dark so my photos are not the best but here is what I have. (Btw I also included some of the development going on in this area that may have been reason Sprint decided to locate a small cell here. That and well, its pretty close to Ford Field, Comerica Park and Little Caesars Arena.)

    Again, sorry for the poor lighting but this is definitely another small cell connected by wire-line as apposed to relay. The last few images are construction for a massive development from Bedrock, which is affiliated with Rocket Fiber.(Both part of quicken loans if that matters) They could be providing the backhaul but unfortunately due to lighting the only wire-line on the utility poles i could spot with a name was Comcast; that's not to say there were many other lines on the utility poles. It was just to dark to spot. Anyway;  here it is: 


    Any thoughts? 

    That box on the bottom is "new" (ie not on other installations). It looks like a fiber ONT, I believe you can see the thin fiber strand entering it on the bottom. So I would guess this is a fiber fed one.


    The fact that Sprint is likely using different backhaul providers in the same area is exciting.


    Were you able to get engineering screenshots? Or anything showing the earfcn of it? I'm curious if it uses a different earfcn than relay fed small cells.


    Also, if you happen to have NSG, looking at signaling for what PLMNs are broadcast would be useful. It would tell us if a non-relay small cell could serve as a donor for other small cells or magic boxes.


    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk




  9. Well getting rid of sensorly made a big difference in battery life, left work with 72%. Was leaving work before at around 50% if not a little lower. Glad I figured out my issue.
    Yeah Sensorly was always the culprit when I noticed dramatically worse battery life. Somehow it seemed to reenable active background reporting (or maybe they call it passive) even when I hadn't used the app in months.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  10. Not sure whats changed but I'm impressed. 
    I'm curious, has anyone stumbled upon a MB connection in the wild?. 

    Yes, I've connected to probably 10+ in the wild.

    Does the MB retain it's optimization across power outages (planned or unplanned).
    If yes, are the settings stored in non-volatile memory or is there a battery backed storage
    with a time limit before the settings are lost?

    Yes, it's stored, since it doesn't rerun the initial setup. It's "sticky" and will reconnect to the same donor and same band as it was on previously. Only if this isn't found will it look for something else to connect to.

    Most models don't have batteries, and they behave the same. So it's stored on flash storage internally.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  11. Yikes. I can tell tell the difference between 1080p and 720p on my phone so there is no way I believe you can't tell the difference between 1080p and 480p. For what it's worth the iPhone 7 has a 1,334 x 750 display so you can't see better resolution than 720p on that screen.

    Well you might be able to tell. YouTube uses different bitrates for the different resolutions. For example, if you force a video to load in 4k on a 1080p screen, it will look better than a video at 1080p from YouTube. When I upload videos to YouTube, I'll actually reencode a 1080p video as 4k for the upload, because YouTube won't degrade the quality as much as if it was 1080p (I've done side by side comparisons).


    So in this case, a downsampled 1080p video will look better than one that's natively at 720p.


    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk




  12. I may have discovered why my battery life sucks, was just looking under battery stats and saw Facebook has been active in the background for over 4 hours, I disabled it from running in the background let's hope that fixes the problem. Currently at 66% and I hardly used my phone today since I am at work.
    Facebook is known to do this. It's killed batteries for years.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  13. My pings on my magic box are in the mid 60s usually. It got better after the latest software update, down from the 80s. It might take a couple days for the software to push to yours.

    Honestly, I don't really notice a difference at pings that low as long as the speed isn't slow. I can't tell when I'm on my MB, my Airave (about the same ping due to the ipsec tunnel), or the macro unless I get on b25/26 which are both congested (20ms-ish pings, but super slow, often sub megabit).

    What are you doing where pings of 60-80 ms are causing you noticeable problems?

    Also, if you're concerned about speed, run multiple speed tests back to back. Your phone is pretty aggressive at engaging CA immediately, but the magic box is "lazy" and will only engage it once there's been sustained data use for a bit. I would guess this is by design actually, so resource blocks aren't unnecessarily tied up by a high priority UE (the MB).

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  14. i knew that, just never seen the 2nd carrier as 10x10.  they had a big push here in the last month or so where the first (or only) band 25 carrier is now 10x10 so i only assumed in this case they did a 2nd 10x10 for a total of 10x10+10x10 and i thought that wasnt possible.
    In Pittburgh, there was only a single B25 carrier that was 10x10 (expanded G block, earfcn 8640 like in your screenshots). They recently added a contiguous 5x5 carrier just before the 10x10 carrier, and on sites where they did that, they changed the 10x10 carrier GCI endings like in your screenshot and put the new 5x5 carrier in the 00, 01, 02 slots.

    So my guess is your market recently got a new 5x5 carrier, and they changed the GCI endings for the existing 10x10 so that it appears as the second carrier now.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  15. San Jose has had their GCIs revamped. A majority of sites no longer are using the hex 1450 offset between bands 25 & 26 and band 41. All 3 bands are using the same GCI base, with different endings. The old endings no longer can be used to determine the band. I saw at least one site with an "02" ending for band 41. 

    My data is from a drive from SF to Santa Cruz, then Santa Cruz to Oakland. So I don't have all 3 sectors and all 3 bands from a single site. From the data that I do have, there doesn't seem to be a consistent pattern to the GCI endings. It is very possible though that there is a pattern (or multiple patterns limited to certain geographic areas). From my logs, I've found the following endings:


    B25 (earfcn):
    00    8665
    01    8665
    02    8665
    04    8115
    05    8115
    09    8665
    0A    8115
    12    8665
    13    8115

    B41 (earfcn):
    03    40978
    04    40072
    04    40978
    05    40072
    05    40978
    06    39874
    06    41374
    07    39874
    08    41374
    0B    41176
    0C    40270
    0D    40270
    0E    40270

    Or grouped by earfcn:

    04    8115
    05    8115
    0A    8115
    13    8115

    00    8665
    01    8665
    02    8665
    09    8665
    12    8665


    06    39874
    07    39874

    04    40072
    05    40072

    0C    40270
    0D    40270
    0E    40270

    03    40978
    04    40978
    05    40978

    0B    41176

    06    41374
    08    41374

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  16. Since the majority of 1x calls that ring through when I have service is spam generated numbers with similar prefixes I haven't really invested time in using voice much. Nexus user so WeeFee calling is out. The answer here has been and continues to be densification. 

    If you have Tasker, I have a profile setup that I can share with you to block calls on Hangouts and CDMA from spoofed phone numbers that aren't in my address book. Just triggers a notification saying it was blocked. I can export it as a standalone apk too if you let me know your area code and exchange. I get several spoofed spam calls a day.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  17. Using Google Voice separately (voicemail integration with Sprint, so conditional call forwarding which will continue to work), MMS has worked for a while. At least using Hangouts. My issue with it for calls is that if I'm in an area with congested data, then calls are flakey.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  18. Yes, on a normal 8T8R site, 03/04/05 is the normal second carrier. On 4T4R tri-band antennas in Samsung markets, 09/0A/0B has been used fairly regularly. I do not know off the top of my head what is done with the 3rd carrier on the tri-band antenna sites (normal 8T8R being 06/07/08, which is already covered).

    Third carrier on triband sites (that use triband endings) has second carrier GCI endings. So:

    2nd carrier - 03, 04, 05
    3rd carrier - 06, 07, 08

    2nd carrier - 09, 0A, 0B
    3rd carrier - 03, 04, 05

    I define second carrier as the middle earfcn, and third carrier as the highest earfcn.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  19. Sometime yesterday while I was at work, the net light went solid red on the LTE side, but is still functioning normally. I connect right away to the airave LTE and stay connected, with no speed issues. Anybody else come across this scenario?

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    Mine has been doing that all week. GPS also goes red on the LTE side but not the CDMA side.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  20. I'm not sure if Sprint has the capacity to provide home internet through the magic box. Maybe if it's a limited data allotment (similar to hotspot caps).

    I could see it more as a possible incentive offered to businesses for them to install magic boxes. Provide wifi for their POS terminals and such in exchange for hosting the MB. That wouldn't eat into Sprint's capacity very much, and would make it an easier sell to the businesses.

    Right now, the wifi chip seems to only be turned on when the magic box fails to connect to a donor. It broadcasts an SSID allowing a technician to connect to the box and manually configure it and view logs and such.

    The 544 model (gen 2) actually has an inferior wifi chip compared to the 540 (original beta unit) and 545 (gen 1). I want to say it's 802.11g only versus 802.11n on the others. Which is a sign that they don't intend to really deploy it for anything other than diagnostics.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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