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Posts posted by ingenium

  1. Perhaps that's part of the reason why sprint went with calling + as an initial rollout of VoLTE features... So as not to break compatibility with all of sprint's affiliate networks


    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

    I mean in theory they should be able to transition even an active call from VoLTE to calling+, I think. My understanding of calling+ is basically wifi calling, just over LTE. So if VoLTE can handoff to wifi calling, I don't see why the same transition couldn't be used.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  2. CINR below 0 is effectively below the noise floor. This means the noise is greater than the actual signal. The only thing I'm aware of that functions below the noise floor is GPS (by design). LTE will not be very good with a negative CINR, and in fact I'm surprised it works at all.


    It's akin to trying to understand someone speaking in a crowded bar, when the noise from everyone else is louder than the person you're trying to hear.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  3. Apparently parts of the network are not ready yet in the backend for the MB. Shentel, since their operate their own network, may not be ready yet. It not working today may not mean it might not work in the future so try again in a little bit.

    Hmm wonder how that will affect VoLTE. With just calling+ it won't matter, but if Shentel isn't ready for VoLTE when Sprint deploys it, would that mean it'll revert to CDMA for calls if you enter Shentel from Sprint? Or will it fallback to calling+?


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  4. They just left it for me. Depends on your local carrier though.


    You can create a UPS My Choice account for free and request they leave packages, and even tell them where to put them at. Unless the shipper pays extra for signature confirmation. You also get notifications for incoming packages and status updates.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  5. Thanks. I'll give that a try or wait until Sprint emails me.


    By the way, what happens after 18 months of payments if you want to keep it? Can they turn it into a monthly payment for the next 6 months?


    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

    Yes, you have the option to buy it after 18 months (in a lump sum or continued monthly payments). It also looks like you get upgrade eligibility after 12 months.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  6. Went to Sprint store today. I'm upgrade eligible but they want $40/month for the phone. No good deals. I'll wait.


    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

    Check your account online anyway. I have lines where it's shown as $40/month, but with a $20 credit bringing it to $20/month total. I received an email from Sprint about it, but I think if you just start the process of leasing it then it'll show the credit.


    From what I'm told, it depends entirely on how likely Sprint thinks you are to churn. It's like a retention credit.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  7. Is anyone with a fully functional magic box able to test the above instance and see what happens? Ensure you are connected to the Magic Box, then place a phone call, then after the phone call, see how long your phone takes to reconnect to the magic box. Just wondering if this is common. :(

    When I first got my MB it would switch to B26 after a phone call from the macro and then eventually go back to the MB. Now it's instantly back on the MB. You just need to wait for it to finish optimizing and integrating. It could take a few days.



    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  8. Yeah - that is what is so frustrating. Signal levels are all solid. :(


    Guess time will tell what they want to do. We are leaving home later today to take a long camping trip - a trip in which I intend to take the Magic Box along because it is also in a fringe B25 area on our phones. Guess this is a good way to test to see if this is somehow caused by the macro donor site. MB always seems to connect to GPS and Relay super quick, but seems to take a while for 'LTE' to connect on it. The support dude didn't act like that was out of the ordinary, but I would honestly think that both the GPS and Relay signals would take the longest. :shrug:

    The LTE connected portion is indeed the longest. It's been the case since the original model. Perfectly normal.


    I suspect, as someone else mentioned, that your phone isn't really scanning for neighbors on its own (depends on make and model likely). It's using the LTE neighbors list being pushed by the macros, which currently don't show your MB. After a few days these will auto update to tell devices to also look for your MB, once the MB is fully integrated into the network.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  9. Does it support QC input charging via the Type C though?


    This to me is the absolute key factor - it can take a very long time to charge a larger bank with normal charging speed vs. QC charging. My Choetech supports incoming QC charging, but still forces you to use a micro cable to do it. I want something I only ever have to use/bring one cable for if/when traveling.

    It will charge at 5V 3A over USB-C. It's USB-PD, not QC necessarily, but is almost as fast. Check to see if your USB C charger lists 5V 3A as an output (15W). V * A will give you a number you can use to compare the QC output of your charger to get an idea of relative speed. dc402e52cece50f83daab86d423fe5cb.jpg


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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    Something has happened since they added the MagicBox on my account.


    This is a "known" issue. It happened to everyone who got a MB when they got the shipping notification (ie when it was added to your account). I haven't been able to login since last week.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  11. It really depends on where you're located. If you have barely any B25 signal (or B26 only) it won't really help you. In these cases an airave is more appropriate. The MB is designed more for places that are on the edge of B41 coverage; places where you can get B41 by a window, but no where else inside. For those locations, a magic box works beautifully. Many buildings and houses in cities fit this description.


    My place is a good example. I get B41 on the second floor by the window facing the site. First floor is B25 or B26. With the MB I have 30+ Mbps B41 throughout now instead of sub megabit speeds on congested B26.


    The fact that the MB supports B25 does not mean it should be used with a barely usable B25 signal. My take on it supporting B25 is that it may choose a strong B25 10x10 or 2xCA B25 signal over a very weak B41 signal if it performs better, but it really shouldn't be used normally. It's designed for B41 relaying.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  12. Anyone else having problems with the My Sprint app on Android? It throws up errors everywhere in the app. Updated it and still errors.

    Yes, I've been having issues even logging into the website since the weekend started. I did manage to see a device was added to my account (magic box that's en route I presume). I think there's a bug preventing accounts with a magic box from logging in correctly.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  13. I do think that it is it is odd that not only was I turned down for the Magic Box, but apparently I am also not eligible for the new version of the Airwave.


    Since my new Samsung Galaxy Note 5 does have WiFi Calling, it is not that urgent for me to get the new Airwave, so I will wait for a bit and push the Sprint Reps more the next time I call.


    Sent from my NS-P16AT10 using Tapatalk

    I called today about the airave 3. They said they're 4000 units backordered and the system won't let them put in more until mid September or so.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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  14. Also just got my tracking number. And it's being sent to the wrong address... I applied with my address rather than my parents address (the address on the account). When they called they had my parents address, and I had the representative change it. Of course, they're shipping it to my parents anyway... So obnoxious.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  15. Seems like they are trying to get rid of the G6. Guess it was a flop.


    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

    I got that impression early on. It wasn't at full price for long before they started heavily discounting it. Then once the S8 launched it just kept getting cheaper.


    I've never had an LG phone, but my understanding is that a lot of their phones from the last couple years end up bootlooping. Even if they replace it for free, it'll cause people to pause before buying another LG, especially if they know it's a widespread issue that may or may not have been corrected with the G6.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

  16. Should we give up hope on 3x CA on the Pixel XL?

    Yeah 3xCA has been live on the Pixel. It was pushed as a profile update mid-May. It's just that SF doesn't have many sites with 3 carriers, though it seems that's been changing. Check the last post I made in the SF thread to see the ones found so far. There are likely more by now, assuming that wasn't just a trial period.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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