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Posts posted by ingenium

  1. Anyone else have this issue? Every couple hours I'm getting a full screen pop-up on my phone. Even if I'm not using the phone. In the corner I see a small arrow that brings me to Google Ad choice options. I've clicked all options to opt-out but it keeps happening.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

    Go into settings and see what apps have permission to draw over other apps. Disable or uninstall any that you don't use. Or, if it's not an overlay, press the multitasking button and see what the most recent app is.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  2. 1 hour ago, nexuss4g said:

    Thanks for the details. I was reading that some provisioning is required from Sprint to enable the features. This just plain bothers me.... ? Wish we I had Wi-Fi calling since my work walls are cement and signal barely penetrates the building :( 

    Agreed. In my case it's because 1x is insanely congested, and I've had to stop using Sprint all together for phone calls as a result (since I can't understand anyone and they can't understand me). I'm going to be really pissed off if they don't enable it for the Pixel 2. So much so that it might cause me to switch carriers...

  3. I wonder what is the reason why cant get these features on the pixel 2? 
    Absolutely none. FCC certification needed for VoLTE, but there is no reason for no wifi calling on the Pixel 1 and 2. It's literally just a config file with the proper parameters. Same with VoLTE if they would submit the recertification. No special or different software

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  4. Well I personally don't think the network is ready yet. So I couldn't care less. The more time to adjust band 26 and do some infill work, the better. I don't get why everyone wants VOLTE anyway when it's just going to lead to dropped calls and less quality than tried and proven, highly reliable CDMA calls. What is the great advantage with this besides the ability to use the internet while on a call (which can be done already on any phone when on Wi-Fi)?
    CDMA is overloaded and congested in many cities, to the point of being unusable. Especially as they've refarmed spectrum. Calls are practically useless for me in SF and Pittsburgh, with 25% of the call cutting out or robo garble. It's fine in more rural areas where there isn't congestion.

    I've actually quit using my Sprint number and give out my Google Voice number for use in Hangouts or VoIP. It works well enough over LTE, and I can at least understand the other person. VoLTE can't come soon enough.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  5. I thought opting out of the beta would require a device reset?  Is that not true any longer?
    Only if you revert to stable. Right now there is no beta, and you're on the stable channel already. You have to reset only because downgrades aren't supported.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  6. I am have an issue with my Airave 3 also. For the last two months my wife's s7 edge will only connect to LTE from the Airave. She misses calls and texts. If I switch to 3g mode only it connects perfect to the CDMA on the Airave. It worked perfect on my Pixel 2 XL. Had to send my Pixel 2 XL into Google and am using my Nexus 6p and it has the same issue LTE only unless I switch to 3g mode only. On 3g mode only it will connect perfect to the Airave cdma. Tech support thinks it is the Airave and is sending a replacement they said. I was thinking it might be some kind of other issue. On regular Sprint signal it works fine connects to both cdma and LTE

    I replied to your Reddit post. But so others here know, it's an issue with eCSFB and IMS on the Airave. Devices which maintain SRLTE don't have the issue, since calls and texts go over CDMA instead of LTE. I have a ticket open about it, but so far they can't find anything wrong. Been a problem that has been ongoing for months, and I know other people in different markets with different devices and accounts have the exact same issue. It affects all phones that rely on eCSFB and IMS instead if SRLTE.  



    A "solution" is to block the LTE ipsec tunnel on your router's firewall. In my experience, blocking access to and rebooting the Airave resulted in just CDMA and no LTE. That being said, if your non-SRLTE phone can pick up the macro LTE signal at all, it will almost certainly never use the Airave. I don't believe that macro eCSFB will setup a call via the Airave.


    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk








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  7. Just went live now in minneapolis as well. Doesn't appear to support my airave 4g lte though. If I get far enough away from my airave, I see the icon and the 1x drop off. I'm on an s8. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk





    I could see that making sense... The assumption is that an Airave is used where you have a very poor or no signal. So the likelihood of a handoff when you get outside of Airave coverage is better on 1x.   



    I'm assuming if you start a VoLTE call outside of Airave coverage and then walk back into coverage, it will handoff and maintain the VoLTE call.


    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  8. Try turning off CDMA BC1, BC10, LTE B25, B26, B41. Don't force anything. Just let the phone do it's own thing after turning off all those bands.
    It's not possible to turn off CDMA in NSG. At least not on the Pixel. Just GSM, WCDMA, and LTE bands. I turned off B25, 26, 41, and it goes to 3g. The only way to disable CDMA is to set it to LTE only mode.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  9. True, but this is the first I've seen it work with VoLTE. It worked with calling plus prior. It was just nice to see it working now with VoLTE. A made a test call of about 5 minutes where I transitioned towers, so it seems to be working well. There were no cutouts or anything either. It worked really well.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

    It's possible that it's basically Calling+. In other words, it maintains the data connection, but there is no QoS. It depends if Shentel has implemented it yet.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  10. If he connects it up in a working area then moves it, it *might* work.

    That would be surprising. The magic box has a dedicated PLMN (310-830), and does not connect to the 310-120 PLMN that our phones use. That's how Sprint can dictate what sites can be MB donors, based on the presence or absence of that PLMN. And it's also how they prioritize MBs over phones. It's marked as reserved for operator use. I think relay small cells likely use the same PLMN.d0c8a06c5c7299ceceecb45c7622e017.jpg


    So basically, unless Shentel sites are broadcasting this PLMN, or it's connecting to a Sprint site, it almost certainly won't work.






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  11. Im talking to the big wigs @ from Marci's Office. Doesnt help that my MagicBox is stuck on device startup for the last three days.  And its been unplugged.  Anyone know how to take it apart so i can take the battery out of it to restart it?
    If you have the model with the eink screen, then it is off. The screen uses no power to stay "on". It retains the last image that was on it, and you need power to change it or clear it. I'm guessing you unplugged it while it was on startup, so the screen never got erased.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  12. I'm using this firmware on the mc7455 just fine.  The firmware does not mess up the ability to issue at commands.  The method in which you flash could put the modem into a different usbcomp which you then need to fix.  This only happens when using windows to flash the modem.  Use linux instead. A ubuntu boot usb works great if you dont want to install linux.  Boot into the "try ubuntu" then use the libqmi firmware update tool and you're done. 
    Thanks. I've been using Linux for my primary OS for 12 years now, so no worries about that part [emoji16]

    Did the new firmware fix the issue with the modem disconnecting once or twice a day with Sprint?

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  13. Neat! Why would WiFi be currently disabled?
    I believe it's the management interface for the hospitality version. Or it's possible that Sprint has plans to offer arrangements to businesses to provide them with non-public or public wifi in exchange for installing magic boxes.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  14. Does the also apply for the first gen ones as well? 
    By first gen, do you mean the 540 (color screen) that wasn't generally available to the public? Or the 545 (e-ink non-backlit display)? I have it on my 545, but haven't powered on my 540 in a while.

    I would imagine that it would apply to all versions.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  15. I'm excited to see a list of compatible devices. iPhones will be easy via a carrier update, but it seems Android devices will need system updates pushed. 

    Any Android device running Marshmallow and above does not need a system update. Sprint can push out the config with an app in the Play Store that is signed by the same cryptographic certificate that's used to sign the SIM card. https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrier 



    Now whether or not Sprint decides to do this is another story...


    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk






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  16. I've noticed a decrease in service as well, would be terrible if that's really what they're doing.
    I also get a lot of drops to 3G now, when previously in the same areas I had solid band 25 or band 41. In my case, I think it's a combination of Android Pie having a crappy modem and the software update for 64 QAM upload in Samsung markets. Network Signal Guru shows lots of failed handoff attempts and failed "attachment".

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  17. I spoke with customer care via chat. They asked me to toggle the data roaming switch in settings. I seem to remember this fixing a Sprint roaming issue I had with a different Android device I owned many moons ago. I bet this fixes the problem. I'll be in Hermann Missouri this weekend to test. I'll report when I get back.
    They also had me update profile / prl / reboot ... but I'd already done that. I'm gonna bet this roaming turn-it-off-and-back-on-again thing actually works.
    I suspect it won't fix it. The Pie update has lots of issues with Sprint. See my post here http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5375-Nebraska/Iowa-Premier-Thread#entry533932

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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