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Posts posted by ingenium

  1. 11 minutes ago, deankelem said:

    Great, thank you for the explanation! 

    You can actually browse the configuration files in the Android source. Look at the current Sprint config: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/CarrierConfig/+/master/assets/carrier_config_carrierid_1788_Sprint.xml

    And compare it to the Verizon config, which has everything setup for VoLTE: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/CarrierConfig/+/master/assets/carrier_config_carrierid_1839_Verizon-Wireless.xml

    Or the T-Mobile config (which has VoLTE enabled as well): https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/CarrierConfig/+/master/assets/carrier_config_carrierid_1_T-Mobile-US.xml

    An updated config file with the proper settings is all that's technically required for VoLTE (there may be other similar config files as well)

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  2. 7 minutes ago, deankelem said:

    So minus the GUI changes to show volte instead of calling plus, are you saying that the actual implementation to switch over to volte can come in the form of a profile update?  i.e. to change the APN and such? 



    It can't be pushed as a profile update to my knowledge. It has to be either built into the OS, or it can be released as an app that is cryptographically signed with the same certificate that signed the SIM card: https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrier


    The My Sprint app could be used for example if Sprint uses the same certificate as the SIM, but I don't believe that they do. They could just release a new app called something like Sprint VoLTE Enabler and it would enable VoLTE on any device running Android 6.0 and up (assuming they filed FCC recertification for it). But any device running 6.0 and up has the software already to do Sprint VoLTE, since they've moved to a standard implementation. Sprint just has to enable it and get it recertified... No OS updates are actually required.

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  3. Thank you, and for whoever asked earlier I will point out that there is no volte in this update.  This might have been rather obvious given the update size but still its always possible.  I guess we keep on keepin on waiting [emoji4]
    VoLTE shouldn't take up a lot of space. Since Sprint is using the standard implementation now, there's no new software. It's just a text file with a few lines with the config info. Realistically shouldn't take more than a few KB.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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  4. https://support.google.com/fusiontables/answer/9185417
    Use Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Sheets, Data Studio
    Some new existing internal tools in some capacity may be coming.
    This is using these new tools.
    Sign up here for news on new tools
    Those replace the database aspects of Fusion Tables. But I don't think any of them allow you to make custom maps do they?

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  5. I got that email as well.  Now is a good time to remind everyone to download your fusion tables to .CSV files on your desktop/laptop so that you have a backup of your data.  You should do this at least monthly if any of your tables have changed since the last backup.  I am sure whatever they come up with will have the ability to upload data from .CSV files.
    Most of us using fusion tables feed it from a Google Sheet. Every update we delete all data and re-import it. It was a great way to have multiple maps/layers in a single "file". I'm not aware of a replacement from Google yet unfortunately...

    They've been putting a lot of their Maps related products behind a paywall. I'm guessing whatever they get to replace it will get a certain number of accesses or uses per month, then a fee after that.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  6. Received my MB today and it's plugged in and connected. It weighs a lot less the GEN 1 MB. None of my devices have latched on to the MB yet. It's been about 15 minutes now. How long does it take for your phone to see the MB?

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

    I've been having issues with devices not staying connected to the gen 3. They switch to b26 within an hour, and require an airplane toggle to go back. Repeat. I've unplugged it and am using the gen 2 in the meantime.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  7. It would be interesting to study whether this would have an effect on battery life.  If it is a continuous scanning the answer would be no, but if it is done on a timed interval (perhaps ever increasing then random) then the answer may be yes for global consuming more battery than LTE mode. We know it is not purely defined by the border of the United States as I have gotten Sprint signal in Canada and Canadian signal in the U.S.
    I think once a UE has connected to the network, then it only scans the bands/frequencies that the network tells it to. It regularly sends out a LTE signaling message with all the earfcns that are valid (see screenshot for a portion of this).

    So the UE should only scan these until it completely loses service. Only then would it start scanning all bands and technologies (LTE, HSPA, CDMA, GSM, etc).

    So yeah, in a no service scenario, or possibly in a roaming scenario, it might use more battery for scanning when set to Global, but while connected to the network there shouldn't be any difference.f56f0aeb9dd1ac7f9a3b6f2186197a86.jpg

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  8. I may be wrong but think the LTE/Global toggle doesn't change the way Sprint phones perform/roam.
    It probably won't make a difference domestically, but it will internationally. Global allows hspa, wcdma, and gsm roaming in other countries.

    I don't see any downsides to using global, other than if you have no service, the phone will take time to scan hspa, wcdma, and gsm bands, which is pointless domestically. So it may delay reacquiring a signal briefly (half a second? A second? A couple seconds?).

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  9. My order fell through. When I talked to them today, they said that the band that is needed for gen3 in my area isn't available. I told them that my gen 2 works fine but apparently the 3 uses different carrier
    That doesn't make sense, they use the exact same bands. I would try again.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  10. Supposedly got an order in to replace my 2 MBs, but no confirmation yet. The rep also kept trying to get my to change my plan, and I reportedly said no. As soon as I hung up I got a text saying that my plan was changed.... Had to call back and get a different rep to cancel the plan change. So be vigilant for shady reps when ordering the magic box.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  11. I guess I haven't run into a case where SMS/MMS doesn't work over WiFi.  Are you saying that if I try to send SMS over WiFi while recipients phone is powered off, my phone will try to switch to 1xRTT and send message over cellular?  
    No, I'm saying that in that case it won't send it as an RCS message, and instead will fall back to SMS/MMS.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  12. How do you suggest I go about getting my Gen2 exchanged for a Gen3?
    Some people have had luck just calling magic box support and asking for one. It's possible that they may just send the new one and not ask for the gen 2 to be returned, since the gen 3 is added as a new line on your account.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  13. When devices roam do they use carrier aggregation or will they only connect to a single carrier?
    When I looked while T-Mobile roaming, it was only B4 (other bands may not have been present, or also possible that they didn't have B4-B12 CA enabled at all). When roaming internationally, CA works.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  14. If they do it in band UE Relay like in East Iowa regions then yes. If not then it may*** potentially work only with ETH or WiFi BH but who knows at this point since it's so new. 
    I wonder if the MB earfcn will change based on backhaul. The Airave for example uses the first B41 carrier earfcn since it is not relay.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  15. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think RCS sends all messages via RCS pipe to Sprint where they continue either as SMS or RCS depending on the recipient. 
    If you read the description of the setting carefully, it says it'll "use data when available"  - and not "use data when recipient has compatible service".
    Anyway, I'm happy with this config since now I get all my texts (SMS+MMS) over WiFi and also on my computer.
    It means that if data isn't available on your phone, it will send as SMS/MMS instead. Or if the recipient doesn't have data for some reason (such as on a phone call) and the message doesn't get delivered within a certain period of time, then the phone resends it as SMS/MMS. Sprint doesn't resend it as SMS from their end.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  16. Mine is set to mobile preferred, but connects to wifi calling fairly consistently where I do not have a solid mobile signal. It's one of my favorite features, works great. If you set to wifi preferred, it will almost always use wifi when available.

    Does it drop the call when you move outside of wifi coverage? Or does it continue the call over LTE?

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  17. November update being pushed out now to Pixel/Nexus devices...
    For what it's worth, with the November update, T-Mobile roaming works on my Pixel 2 XL. I didn't see AT&T roaming tho. The last I had seen it was in June, and I think it may have stopped working for a bit after that until recently.e7aaa81785588b2bfa8e673dfda40d8e.jpg1405d75d3a32ab0319347cc5e77ad555.jpg

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  18. Actually just went roaming again in the last few hours and downloaded the Signal Check app - see attached for results.  Any thoughts?  Thanks!
    That's probably not actually Clearwire B41, but it is the Clearwire PLMN. That is T-Mobile roaming, which is treated as native and doesn't count towards your roaming allowance.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  19. Pixel 3 XL supports CAT 16 - which is just a collection of the following: 
    • 5x DL CA
    • 4x4 MIMO
    • LAA
    • 256-QAM DL
    • 64-QAM UL

    But I think Sprint only does 3x DL CA + 4x4 MIMO + 256 QAM DL, right?  What's the peak for that combo?

    On Sprint, if memory serves, the 3 is exactly the same as the 2, except you get non contig B41 CA, which Sprint hasn't deployed yet to my knowledge. Same number of MIMO streams, same QAM, no UL CA. The modem is capable of more, but Google cheaped out on the RF front end so it's not capable of fully utilizing it.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  20. Use an app like Signal Check Lite or Pro to see who you're roaming on. It's possible that it's T-Mobile roaming (shows as Clearwire), which is treated as native (ie not throttled with no usage limits). But the phone doesn't know that it's native, and shows roaming. T-Mobile roaming was recently turned on.

    You can also just set your SMS app to always download messages while roaming. I know Google Messages allows it under Advanced settings.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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