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Posts posted by ingenium

  1. So I read on Reddit that Pixel 3 directly from Google could be activated on Sprint with eSim? Has anyone done this? Is the feature available right now?
    Can you link to the thread? To my knowledge the only way to do it is indirectly via Fi. I don't believe Sprint will directly allow the use of the eSIM.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  2. That's what the new roaming agreements are supposed to cover to my understanding. [mention=25488]dkyeager[/mention] said it will be VoLTE roaming in areas where LTE roaming is available. 
    I'd be curious how they implement VoLTE roaming. Presumably they'd be able to get the roaming partner to properly prioritize the EUTRA session for it, otherwise it would basically be Calling+ while roaming.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  3. So, I guess not using it would be better and probably wait for new version. 
    It depends on what phone you have and what you need it for. Do you have an SRLTE capable phone (does Signal Check Pro show both LTE and CDMA info at the same time? If so, then you have an SRLTE phone. If it's just LTE, then you do not)? It so, then it will work fine for LTE and voice as long as you don't turn on VoLTE.

    If you do not have an SRLTE capable phone, then skip it and wait for the 4. It will cause more problems unless you want to setup advanced firewall rules, and won't be any good unless your phone can't pickup an LTE signal at all from the closest tower.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  4. It has been refurbs only for a long time.
    And the current software build has fairly serious bugs for older devices (Galaxy S6 or 7 era and Pixel 1) and VoLTE devices, that has been there for 9 months or so now. It basically prevents texts and phone calls from working when the Airave is in range (the phone can not be connected, it just has to be in range). It seems to mess up the IMS APN/EUTRA session. So texts and calls fail on eCSFB dependent devices and devices actively using VoLTE. As to why it affects devices if it's just in range.... I don't know.

    My solution to this was to disable just LTE on it, but leave CDMA active, via a firewall rule. It's an ugly hack, but it works. I assume a fix is never coming. It's a shame that they broke this on the last firmware build for it, since it worked on earlier builds.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  5. Is it the newest one? Last one I got doesn't have the option to disable wifi even after login.
    You can, I did it on mine. It's just buried in the settings.

    Also an option is to put it on a channel that you don't use, and turn the transmit power down all the way. So you can only see/connect to it when you're in the same room basically. Easier to access the config interface again if you need to.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  6. Does anyone know what the strand-mount equipment looks like?  I ask because I've got a bunch of weird GCIs in my log west of George Mason University, and I didn't spot any apparent small cells or similar.  I do see boxes on poles that do not have antennas on them, and the cables seem to go up to the lines, like this one on Google Street View.
    Any thoughts/pictures?
    - Trip
    These are the ones that are deployed in the NY/NJ area via Altice. Also attached an old SCP screenshot while connected to one.IMG_20180903_092744.jpg16b7b6d25c45f4cb28bc0e38937f91ef.jpg

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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  7. when viewing the IMS status from the Phone Info menu, and it shows IMS Registration: Registered and then Voice Over LTE: Available, will it show available even for just calling plus?
    I'm not sure, but maybe. Calling+ is sort of like a hack because Sprint didn't have the LTE layer ready yet. Calling+ is essentially wifi calling over LTE.

    What you're seeing is probably an artifact of them repurposing the existing VoLTE interface in Android. They essentially removed the part that sets up a dedicated LTE interface for it. I can say with certainty though that as of the March update, the Essential phone is using Calling+ and not VoLTE.

    Whenever Robert approves my write up it should help clear things up.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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  8. Isn't calling plus essientially the same thing as VoLTE though? You are sending voice through LTE by checking the beta box.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

    It is the exact same protocol (SIP VoIP call with the same codecs), however the LTE layer is different. I wrote a wall post on this that is being revised now and should hopefully be up this week. It will illustrate exactly how they're the same and different (along with wifi calling).

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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  9. Those are not able to be toggled but it is working. Just tested again.40e52d522e655b6252732cdc84d20c35.jpg

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

    Interesting. I'm not sure how else to verify what it's using other than with root. It is odd that they're actually disabled there. I wonder if there was just some kind of fluke and it accidentally got toggled, and if it would persist after a reboot.

    You didn't do anything special trying to enable it? It just happened out of the blue?

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  10. Wonder if its VOLTE or calling plus like the Essential phone that also started working recently.
    My guess is VoLTE, since the Pixel has the correct profile for it. I'm finishing up a write-up on VoLTE vs Calling+ and the differences, including NSG screenshots to explain. But there's no way to really know for sure without NSG or connecting it to a computer running diagnostic software that can read modem engineering info.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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  11. It doesn't show up. I tried it multiple times though and it worked. Ran a few speed tests, watched a YouTube video.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

    Open SCP and in the overflow menu go to Radio Info. Does it show VoLTE provisioned? Can you post a screenshot?fa10b13d4954f8e4a07e839e97a7202b.jpg

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  12. i thought CA was on Samsung devices, as well as some others (LG?)
    Samsung markets meaning they're the tower equipment vendor. Newer Samsung phones have UL CA working. But B25-41, B26-41, and B25-26 CA is not supported by Samsung eNBs (towers) yet, even though phones support it. I'm pretty sure it's not on Nokia equipment either.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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  13. They wouldn't even need to drop 800's LTE. Remember that post-merger they'll have B12 and B71 available for 5G. Carving out an extra 5 MHz won't buy much, compared to the 20 MHz FD in 600.
    I'm going to guess Sprint will cut PCS CDMA 12/31/21, with an extra year for 800. Could be EOY 2021 for everything depending on when the merger happens. The issue right now is that they still haven't launched VoLTE so who knows even how much traffic they can shunt away from CDMA with the phones that are in the field right now.
    VoLTE works surprisingly well on an unsupported device at the moment. I've forced it on the Pixel 3 XL, which Sprint insists is not possible, and it works great. It ignores all the per eNB enable/disable settings that Sprint broadcasts, so it's working on magic boxes and in theory unlaunched markets. I tested the QoS on it today in a rush hour subway station where Hangouts messages were taking 30-60+ seconds to send due to congestion, and it worked flawlessly.

    Honestly, I think whatever weird/non-standard(?) thing Sprint is doing to enable/disable it on a per eNB level is causing a lot of stability problems with supported devices, where it turns off and won't go back on, etc. Once that is overridden, it works really well, at least if you're in an area without 3G drops

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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  14. Speaking of which.  I used to be able to use data for SMS, but that ability has been removed recently.  Anyone else observe that?
    Data has not been used for SMS since the Pixel 1, which uses IMS. The 2 and 3 both have constant SRLTE and use 1x for SMS instead.

    If wifi calling is enabled and set to preferred on the 3, it will use that for SMS over 1x (though MMS still needs LTE or CDMA). Likewise, if you force VoLTE on the 3, I THINK it uses IMS for SMS instead of 1x (it should), but I haven't been able to confirm that yet.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  15. Ah so able to use B26 for upload/download, but the b26 download being shared with b25 thus effectively offloading b26 as mentioned by RAvirani above or for the HPUE like aspects I mentioned (so long as there is 3G present, a band can not have HPUE, which boosts the handset transmit power).
    Yeah. Even though B26 would be the PCC, I wonder if the network can basically just not use it for download (even if there is capacity) and instead almost exclusively use the SCC. Thus keeping B26 free for people who need it.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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  16. Longtime listener, first time caller (poster) situation here.
    Been paying attention to this thread for VOLTE information regarding the Pixel 3. I'm in Indianapolis, IN and I believe we are one of the roll out markets for Sprint VOLTE. I haven't gotten yet but I see some above have in other areas. Just wondering if anyone has any additional insight? Rooting isn't my thing so doing some of the above steps aren't for me.
    Side note and somewhat unrelated but since I have a captive audience here. Sprint's visual voicemail app sucks with the Pixel 3. Literally can't get it to work. What do ya'll use? I'm sure Google Voice is the preferred method but I thought I'd check.

    If you don't want to root, you can't get VoLTE for now. The phone supports it, but we're just waiting on Sprint/Google to flip the switch. No idea when that might be. Could be next month, could be 6+ months from now.

    I used to use Google Voice, but wifi calling on the Pixel 3 breaks conditional call forwarding. This forced me back to Sprint voicemail. So far I haven't had any issues with the Sprint Visual Voicemail app, but then again I rarely get voicemails.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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  17. this should work on the essential phone to then, i would imagine (or maybe really any rooted phone?).
    Do you have an Essential that's rooted? If so, I'd be really curious to see the results and what NSG shows. On the Pixel we've confirmed that it's true VoLTE. Note the EUTRA session with QCI 1. That's the VoLTE call. The session with QCI 5 is the IMS session, and QCI 9 is the normal data session.a6d9f8350327581d4604d133a7d96612.jpg

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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  18. this should work on the essential phone to then, i would imagine (or maybe really any rooted phone?).

    Very likely. I'm guessing that any phone that uses the new wifi calling infrastructure will be able to use it. The config is already there, it just needs forced on. 



    Edit: what's interesting is that it allows VoLTE to be used on Airaves and Magic Boxes, which disables it on "supported" devices. I'm guessing that it also works outside of VoLTE enabled markets too. Albeit it probably doesn't have QOS in those cases, so quality may be an issue.


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk






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