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Everything posted by bretton88

  1. I've had it happen. When I get kicked to the 3g GMOs my phone (nexus 5) will often not connect to data. It will show the 3g icon but not throughput any data.
  2. While the relationship between Pioneer and Sprint did end ugly (if I read things right), the new Sprint management has shown a much greater willingness to accommodate partners, so I wouldn't think that it would be too hard to get pioneer back on board, their legacy networks are already compatible with the Sprint network.
  3. I know that it is entirely possible to make a great network setup over 2.5ghz. Sprint has proven such. Clear just made such a poor example of it. Reading that white paper on the issue, the propagation decrease to 3.5ghz wasn't as much as I initially thought (I am an engineer, I took an educated guess). It just won't be cheap to deploy it, especially for a company that has tower spacing based on low bandwidth networks (ahem, VZW). That's probably why they're only looking at it for hotspot type capabilities.
  4. And people think the 2.5 spectrum is expensive and difficult to deploy because of poor propagation. This would be even worse.
  5. That's good for what? 3.5G? Hard to call it 4G if they deployed that little bandwidth.
  6. Worse, the article says that Swiftel has been profitable so they have even less incentive to give into Sprint's requests.
  7. Denver had B41 practically vanish overnight. And they where an original market.
  8. I don't see how us cellular (USCC) would fit here. They overlap with sprint in several places and compete. If they went full native for sprint, why would one even bother getting a USCC plan? I would think that would be one of the major obstacles in their negotiations with sprint.
  9. That makes sense. It will be nice to see Next-Tec back as native coverage. I was pretty impressed with their network when I was roaming on them earlier this year.
  10. Does the rrpp include the 3G networks as fully native too?
  11. I feel bad for iWireless if this deal goes through. They're a T-Mobile affiliate and would be left in the cold if this deal went through. Unless the death Star gobbles them up
  12. I see it all the time, especially when I have a good data connection. It's annoying to have the data dropouts.
  13. I'm just going to say this, be happy with those percentages. In the eastern Iowa market, it's more like 60% GMOs.
  14. I wouldn't have any problems with Sprint's GMO setups if they also had ordered backhaul and LTE for them too. In eastern Iowa, GMOs mean crappy 3g for a long time still.
  15. I agree, that felt like a farewell and thank you to the team for all they've done. I'd be curious to see how much of the T-Mobile network team stays in place after a merger.
  16. Please be US Cellular as one of them. I wonder what the holdup is.
  17. I would say a lot of people are coming around to liking this modem, especially since Sprint seems to be fixing the network issues that are affecting it.
  18. This is probable. And since .15 users ignore eCSFB they know where the coverage should be so it's an annoyance when the modem works as it should. A lot of other tri-band phones just kick to 3g and the user doesn't know there should be LTE there. This is one case where the extra knowledge hurts us, lol. The only question is, why kick to 3g and not another LTE band?
  19. Would a Nexus 5 be able to access all that coverage if it was LTE? It has the radios to handle them.
  20. Yes, but T-Mobile is upgrading those sites to LTE quickly, which would make it so sprint customers could access it with a compatible phone. Now it would take more work to make it voice compatible.
  21. Ironically, sprint customers stand to gain a lot more coverage than T-Mobile people do. Especially in the west.
  22. Interesting, that map shows more increase in coverage than I think most people assumed. I know it's mostly edge coverage but T-Mobile is working on bringing that up to LTE.
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