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Everything posted by jonathanlc2005

  1. Yeah I read the posts but I also saw about CA on Sprint and saw B25^2. That was new to me to see that and haven't been on this page for a while. Sometimes people are wrong and was sharing my experience. But you didn't need to be a dick about it and write FFS. Just say Sprint doesn't have CA on B25 and a link. That's all.
  2. I am glad I saw this post... I was looking at my moto x through signal check and I saw B41^2 and B25^2 here in Miami. If I see it again I'll post it but I do believe Sprint has CA on B25
  3. Are you saying there is a considerable difference in clear vs sprint B41 towers?
  4. Dumb question I know... But with 800 on now... It only connects to that one band, not 800 and 2.5 right? Its been a while since i last focused on sprint stuff instead of school
  5. but this is something im using till the xperia comes to sprint because i didnt have another backup phone
  6. i actually have it... the screen is amazing, battery lasts with screen on, data is fast, and camera is better at night than the day (as seen below). the screen comparison is a galaxy nexus vs a sharp aquos both of which are 720p screens. the color on the sharp is much more vibrant and rich than the nexus
  7. the evo was actually a phone that i got amazing photos from (this is not me on the photo) but yeah i got your point.... i would also get a nexus 5 again but i feel theres a second release we dont know yet
  8. well i find it terrible that the phone i wanted to upgrade to isnt available but i guess ill buy a phone to hold me over. how do you like the crystal
  9. I actually agree with the OP and glad he posted it. heres my statment from another site about it... its really a smack in the face that motorola decided to stick with giving the moto x play, the moto x 2nd edition, and the droid turbo to verizon. i mean... look... its great that they are giving sprint the nexus 6 but its really annoying that the nexus 5 was very defective for me to the point that google refunded me, and i dont have a backup phone besides a treo pro and a blackberry tour in miami. even there was an article that sprint was bring the xperia z3, but i have yet to see it and its already on verizon. i am really hoping that this is one of those moments where verizon bought a 90 day exclusive or something but still this shouldnt be allowed. the nexus 6 is way to big for my taste... and i wont rebuy a nexus 5. then sprint is upcharging insanely for upgrades while giving for example the M8 H/K edition for free but upgrades is 230 dollars. the point for me is that Sprint ugrades are an embarrassment to recommend a company that considers new customers elite over existing customers (especially myself a customer for 10 years). the phone selection are abysmal compared to verizon. they have the phone i want to buy, the droid turbo or the Z3. but i have a sero plan and wont leave that plan
  10. Thanks So 2 nexi I believe are coming but you know what.... I like the name x and if they did a series like X^2 and X^3.... That would be awesome
  11. heres why i feel that way, look at the serial number This is 5.9 inch quad this is the 5.2
  12. heres what i believe... there are two nexuses (Nexis?) Nexus 6 is the phablet Nexus X is the 5.2 inch
  13. Did you update the radio? The newest radio is 2.15 I believe
  14. The tower we are located next wasn't giving us service under 1900mhz. The towers are either located up the hill and can't get good service or too far. That's why we have the airave. It wasn't till recently where B26 LTE was taking over more than the airave
  15. Just one thing I noticed. My phone jumps between 800LTE and my airrave. I'm guessing that is good.
  16. Too bad my nexus doesn't tell me HD calling but damn this phone is amazing
  17. i forgot to screenshot it, but lebanon has 800 lte according to signal check
  18. Mount Greta, PA This was along route 72 exit off turnpike
  19. Not a lot of people know this but I used to work for shentel and during conversation... 800 is coming now and are in talks about expanding b41. I was told as well if the T-Mobile merger went through its as easy as adding it via computer. Shentel is VERY dedicated to its network, but that's why they are very successful
  20. obviously... you didnt read my post either.... i said i tried not to complain and if you see my history. i barely or ever do. this is my first... and im not ranting about the update in any particular way except to say that the people here saying the 14th, then the 21st and now we dont know when. there are people here saying the update is coming this date or this date and really i find it a bunch of bull that people who claim to be with google or sprint say these things and mislead people who need this update because the phone is unusable. in my particular situation... i am in miami, the first sprint spark area... and i dont get either sprint spark or decent LTE because the radio on the phone. i want to root and fix it but then people are saying its coming the 21st and originally the 14th. so if i fix it... and it launches... then i have to wipe my phone all over again because im trying to fix an issue i shouldnt have to deal with. the wifi constantly locks up, i live in a cement building and an area with poor coverage... i can even PM you to prove the address... and for me... i was hoping the update was coming because google isnt saying anything and i rely on these people and feel misled by these people. thats all i was saying
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