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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. Well, you don't live too far from Wichita so maybe you should switch to The Shocker.
  2. So basically he's saying that he knows more than the average consumer but pretends to be an average consumer when presenting anecdotal evidence to the average consumer? I'm calling bullshit, either he didn't know or he shouldn't write for a popular tech site.
  3. Why would you need to reboot? wouldn't toggling airplane mode do the trick?
  4. Are you new to Tech media? because it's been like this for a while. Tech media is basically:
  5. You should probably thank SturgeonGeneral, he's the one who tracked down each of those engineering screens.
  6. Thanks guy, I figured it'd be a good choice and wanted to make sure.
  7. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5273-samsung-galaxy-s4t-l720t-tri-band-user-discussion-thread/page-14&do=findComment&comment=323656 That's thanks to SturgeonGeneral. I'm thinking about getting an S4T this week, good idea? bad idea? how do you all like yours?
  8. I didn't read it all the way through but it sounds like their just protecting themselves from people using them as ISPs.
  9. Isn't battery drain a concern with CA or do you think that will be solved by the time it's implemented?
  10. Ok thanks. It's crazy to think that Sprint had only 10 MHz in some of the top 100 markets at anytime at all. Although I do understand that was during a time when 10 MHz actually meant something rather than a trivial piece.
  11. Wait a minute, that means that according to your map, there are areas that only have 5 MHz FDD of PCS (excluding the G block)?
  12. Sorry, my mind just usually works the other way. For instance I would say the G block is 5 MHz while you would say it's 10. Anyway, does T-Mobile still have 60 MHz in Atlanta?
  13. Oh so when you say 30 MHz you mean total spectrum and not "one way".
  14. But according to your map, they already have 30 MHz of contiguous spectrum. Is Sprint using all of that for CDMA?
  15. Great minds think alike? http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4109-funding-ideas/?p=165633
  16. 20 MHz of download, 20 MHz of upload. The more, the better. Although for LTE I believe it maxes out at 20 MHz.
  17. That dude should be thankful that she lit that pole instead of the one he was referring to.
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