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Posts posted by jamesinclair

  1. I don't understand why AT&T always gets such a bad rep. I was an AT&T iPhone/BlackBerry customer in SW Florida for 2 years- never had a dropped call, fast, consistent data, and more than adequate customer service.


    The only reason I left was because I was tired of paying $100 every month for capped data.


    Im a Sprint customer because AT&T was crap every day.

    • Like 1
  2. Well that's exactly what I'm saying. This is a $300-ish phone, not a $550 phone. Perhaps we're seeing the "made in America" price, as opposed to cheap overseas labor?


    Yup, if youre going to sell us last years phone, then use last years price.

  3. Tell me how you really feel :P


    The only thing I'm disappointed in is the price. $199 + 2yr. So ~$550.


    Only thing? Thats sort of important though?


    You can get better phones for cheaper. With removable batteries, wireless charging and expandable memory. Higher res screens, and faster processors. For cheaper.


    This phone offers absolutly nothing.


    Is it even tri-band at Sprint? Im going to guess not.

    • Like 1
  4. I wouldn't quite characterize them as agreements.  Sprint owns those brands.  But it's better to refer to them as Sprint's Virgin and Boost customers who still utilize the WiMax network.  However, Clearwire does have other third party WiMax contracts.  FreedomPop comes to mind first.




    Right, should have added "customers" at the end there :)


    Plenty of people are still using wimax, so much that any discussion of shutting down shouldnt be relevant for another year.

  5. I wouldn't think so either, James; unless our new masters in Japan are in a rush to catch up with the Evil Axis; they might

    gamble with a few po'd wimax consumers like myself if they thought it would shave a year off the true potential of NV;

    I would consider myself collateral damage in this as I use wimax every day


    Its not just sprint customers, they also have agreements with virgin and boost.

  6. It'd be nice to have triband. But then I dont feel like waiting and it ending up be just a rumor and missing out on a great deal since I dont got Money to pay for 2 phones at upgrade retail price. Then theres the chance of the phone having problems being an early adapter of the new technology. Then not bash on sprint or anything but with how long it took them to just put LTE in parts of Little Rock, I highly doubt LTE on 800mhz rollout will be anything but fast.  


    Im waiting for the LG announcement to see if I want their stuff or just do as you and jump into a cheap GS4

    • Like 2
  7. Yeah. I missed that. The west side of the financial district has no covergae and there are several small pockets through out Manhattan. What is puzziling though is that there are several pockets in both the Bronx and Brooklyn with brooklyn having some sizable gaps in coverage but they are still launching those two boroughs but not Manhattan.


    It would make no sense to launch Manhattan with no coverage in the financial district

    • Like 1
  8. So they're going to launch Philly with 23% LTE? makes no sense LTE coverage for the most part is scarce and I have been having issues with them turning off LTE for a few days then turning it back on...


    I think itll do more harm then good.


    "LTE LAUNCHED AND IT NEVER EVEN WORKS!!!! Ive been waiting twelve years and now that LTE is here you can barely get it anywhere!!11"

  9. Yeah, that was a major bummer not to be to Sensorly map. And since Clearwire LTE has a different network ID, it would probably not appear even if it was on a smartphone until Sensorly adds it as a Sprint LTE network in their database.


    Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


    If theres a different netowkr ID, it WOULD be easy for sensorly to have it be mapped into a new color, yes?

  10. Unless you are the type that buys phones out of contract (not me, I only upgrade every 2 years) I would suck it up and wait until oct/nov phones to come out to upgrade.  While you might have those 2 months of pleasure of 1900 MHz LTE, you are going to regret not waiting 2 more months for deep building penetration 800 LTE and blazing fast 2500 LTE (although in Fresno that is going to be awhile.  I am fairly shocked that given the GS2 got the Jelly Bean upgrade I would be able to hang on for another 2 months.  Besides doesn't Fresno not have that much LTE coverage so how much LTE are you going to really experience?  Hopefully by the Fall there should be more LTE in the Lower Central Valley area.


    I have the Photon and I am stuck on Gingerbread. That is such a struggle to wait to upgrade my phone especially when my tablet is running Jelly Bean.  I have been able to upgrade since June and trust me I know its hard to wait until the Fall to upgrade.  The current GS4 being only single band LTE didn't help or else I might have considered upgrading already.  However because of this additional wait I have had a change of heart  and am now gunning for the Note 3 as my phone of choice.


    Im not in Fresno right now, Im in the central jersey market.


    LTE is 2 miles away, but expanding without rhyme or reason (it's been within 5 miles for a year), wimax is strong and reliable here.


    I probably wont be back to Fresno until December, which offers neither.


    My GS2 has bad battery and enjoys turning itself off randomly at least once a week. Not so good when its my alarm and decides to so at at night - even when plugged in.


    My dad has the photon. The lack of android update has been enough to ensure this family won't be purchasing any Motorolla product in the future.

  11. We are you looking for in a phone?  Screen size, LTE capability, brand?


    My ideal phone is the GS4 Active, but it looks like Sprint wont be getting it.


    So I want the GS4 with triband.


    Upgrade date is August 1.


    Con of upgrading on that day:

    -No triband

    -Lose my 4G coverage



    -Get to throw GS2 in front of a truck*

    - Start the 20 month upgrade clock




    *will keep it in drawer as backup, but you know what I mean.

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